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Dreams are full of symbolic language and it is up to dreamer to

understand their own personal dream symbols.Usually we all
interpret our dreams in our own language.

Dreams are thoughts, emotions and the images shaped by them,

which are encountered when asleep.One has dreams during rapid
eye movement sleep.Various theories on dream interpretation exit
but the real purpose of dreams is still unknown.Research shows
that during an average life span, a human being spends about six
years in dreaming which is around two hours every night.
Dreams do not necessarily assume a logical chronological order
according to Jung.Dreams cluster around a “nucleus of meaning.”

We can do much on our own to determine what our dreaming is

all about , since the dreamer ultimately has the last word about
the meaning of a dream(Pascal,pg.223)
Curious Feature Of Dreaming

One curious feature of dreaming is the way that close friends or

members of the same family, particularly husband and wife or
parents and children will dream the same dream without
previously having told to each other.
Some theories say that dreams involve one’s repressed emotions
that are fantasized during the sleep while other theories suggest
dreams to be an outcome of the cleaning up operations of the

Each symbol represents a feeling, a mood, a memory , hidden

feelings or something from unconscious.
Dreams and Meanings.

Dreams often mean the opposite of what they seem to mean.

Dreams are always true….its just that what they mean is not
always what we think they mean.
Remember to listen to your dreams as they speak to you in the
language of symbols.

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