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(417 007)
Octavianus ROBY
(417 008)

disruption obsessive-compulsive disorder is disruption

worry in what person Have mind that no desirable and
recur , feeling , idea , sensation ( obsessive ) or behavior
that make they feel pushed for To do something
( compulsive ).

1. Factor genetic: relatives level first from patient OCD

have possibility more big suffer OCD.
2. Factor biological: Research show OCD related with
level serotonin low, and abnormality on cortices
orbito-frontal and ganglia basic in brain,
3. Factor psychological: People who easy anxious,
perfectionist or more like keep something clean and
neat tend troubled struck OCD.
Criteria diagnostic disruption obsessive
compulsive by DSM IV (in
Davidson et al., 2006)

How do I know if I have OCD? If you have 1 or more obsession or compulsions following
this in what you feel oppressed, and spend more from 1 hour per day on mind and
behavior this, which in seriously disturb life you daily (for example profession, school,
life social) you maybe suffer OCD. You should search help from expert care health,
1. Obsession: Obsession is mind, insistence, or picture that continously come to in
mind someone (example, afraid contracting germ from other people, afraid Act
on encouragement will hurt other people, afraid responsible answer to accident
that occur) so that cause worry and pressure/stress,
2. compulsions: compulsions is action over and over (for example wash hand, put
something in order certain, check) or activity mental (for example pray, calculate,
repeat words or sentence) in what person that feel pushed for do as response
from something obsession, behavior aims decrease pressure or prevent situation
that feared,
What Treatment for OCD?
Treatment for OCD including therapy drugs
(pharmacotherapy) and psychotherapy
1. pharmacotherapy:
 Drug Anti- obsessive compulsive tricyclic Example :
 clomipramine 25-50mg before sleep could upgraded with
enhancement 25 mg a day every two to three day , to dose
maximum 250 mg a day or appear effect side that limit dose
 Drug Anti- obsessive compulsive SSRIs (Serotonin Reuptake
Inhibitors) Example : Sertraline, Paroxetine, Fluvoxamine,
Fluoxetine, Citalopram.
 SSRIs 80 mg every day for reach benefit therapeutic,
 Drug other, If treatment with clomipramine or SSRI no succeed,
Lots expert therapy add lithium (Eskalith), Drug other could be
used is inhibitors monoamine oxidase (MAOI = monoamine
oxidase inhibitors), especially phenelzine (Nardil).
2. psychotherapy : Therapy behavior cognitive is treatment that effective
for OCD. Therapy this designed for help individual change thought they
that no rational that spark worry, and face objects or situation that
feared in gradually (for example objects that considered very polluted).
Through change thought and experience, worry and compulsions
someone can reduced, On initially, individual will feel no comfortable
when face objects or situation that feared in therapy, but with exposure
over and over worry will diminish in gradually,
3. Therapy other: Therapy family useful in support family, help lower
dispute marriage that caused disruption, and build bond therapy with
member family for kind patient , Pengawasan and Support member
family is urgent for treatment that effective,

 Conclusion disruption obsessive-compulsive constitute

something condition that be marked with presence repetition
mind obsessive or compulsive , Where need Lots time ( more
from one hour per day ) and could cause suffering (Distress).
 For uphold diagnosis certainly , symptom-symptom obsessive
or action compulsive or second-both of them should there is
almost every day During at least 2 Sunday row-take part ,
 prognosis patient otherwise no can recover perfect , With
treatment can give subtraction symptom ,

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