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Past Perfect Simple & Past Perfect Continuous

(Trecutul perfect simplu)
(Trecutul perfect continuu)
Trecutul perfect (Past perfect)
Exprimă o acţiune care a avut loc şi s-a terminat în
trecut, înaintea altei acţiuni tot din trecut. Acesta se
formează cu had + participiu trecut al verbului.
În limba engleză past perfect nu se foloseşte foarte
des, însă este folositor, şi sună foarte bine atunci când
este utilizat corect. Pe deasupra, este foarte uşor de
realizat – trecutul simplu al verbului ‘to have’ în faţa
participiului trecut.
1. O acţiune terminată înaintea a ceva din trecut: 
When we arrived, the film had started. (= first the film started, then later we
2. Pentru a explica sau a a oferi un argument în legătură cu ceva din
I‘d eaten dinner so I wasn’t hungry.
It had snowed in the night, so the bus didn’t arrive.
3. Doar cu verbe statice – când este vorba de ceva început în trecut şi
continuat până la o altă acţiune tot din trecut:
When he graduated, he had been in London for six years.(= he arrived in
London six years before he graduated and lived there continuously until he
graduated, or even longer)
4. Ca parte din propoziţia condiţională de tipul III: 
If I had known you were ill, I would have visited you.
Forma pozitivă 
Se formează cu ‘had’ + the past participle (se adaugă de obicei -ed la
sfârşit, însă câteva verbe au participiu trecut neregulat):
I had been (I’d been)
You had gone (you’d gone)
She had met (she’d met)
He had played (he’d played)
It had rained (it’d rained)
We had bought (we’d bought)
They had studied (they’d studied)
Forma prescurtată pentru ‘had’ este ‘d.
(Fii atent să nu îl confunzi cu ‘would’. Would este urmat de infintitv –
“I’d go”, în timp ce had este urmat de participiul trecut – “I’d gone”).
Forma Negativă 
La forma negativă se adaugă ‘not’:
I had not been (I hadn’t been)
You had not gone (you hadn’t gone)
She had not met (she hadn’t met)
He had not played (he hadn’t played)
It had not rained (it hadn’t rained)
We had not bought (we hadn’t bought)
They had not studied (they hadn’t studied)
Forma Interogativa
Pentru forma interogativă, adăugăm “had” înaintea subiectului.
Had I come?
Had you eaten?
Had she gone?
Had it rained?
Had he studied?
Had we met?
Had they left?
‘wh’ questions
When had I come?
Why had you eaten?
Where had she gone?
When had it rained?
Why had he studied?
How had we met?
When had they left?
Trecutul perfect continuu
Trecutul perfect continuu (Past perfect
continuous /progressive) se foloseşte pentru a accentua
faptul că o acţiune a fost în curs de desfăşurare pe o
anumită perioadă de timp înaintea altei acţiuni din
trecut. Trecutul perfect continuu se formează cu: Had
+ been + participiu prezent (-ing).
1. Ceva ce a început în trecut şi continuat până la o
altă acţiune sau eveniment (ne spune cât de mult
a ţinut)
She had been working at that company for a year when
she met James. (This tells us how long something had
continued before another event in the past.)
2. Cauza a ceva din trecut. 
The pavement was wet, it had been raining. (It was
raining before the time I’m describing in the past.)
Forma pozitivă 
se formează cu –  ‘had’ + been + participiul trecut (de obicei adăugând
‘ed’ la infinitiv, dar unele verbe au participiu trecut neregulat):
I had been living
You had been going
She had been sleeping
He had been working
It had been raining
We had been studying
They had been cooking
Forma scurtă a lui ‘had’ este ‘d.
(Fii atent să nu îl confunzi cu ‘would’. Would este urmat de infintitv –
“I’d go”, în timp ce had este urmat de participiul trecut – “I’d gone).
Forma Negativă 
Pentru forma negativă se adaugă ‘not’:
I had not been trying (I hadn’t been..)
You had not been working (you hadn’t been..)
She had not been crying (she hadn’t been..)
He had not been shopping (he hadn’t been..)
It had not been snowing (it hadn’t been..)
We had not been reading (we hadn’t been..)
They had not been running (they hadn’t been..)
Forma Interogativă 
Pentru forma interogativă punem ‘had’ înaintea
Had I been working?
Had you been sleeping?
Had she been reading?
Had he been watching TV?
Had it been raining?
Had we been drinking?
Had they been eating?

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