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SILENT READING for 10 minutes

TITLE: Lesson 8: Planning and

preparing for the Writing assessment
Tuesday 7th May
Describe this man in three different
types and lengths of sentences.

Describe this man in three different
types and lengths of sentences.

Now listen to your

partner’s description,
What do you think?
Homework due tomorrow
Complete your draft (handwritten, in your
exercise book) for our next lesson
What have you learnt so far this unit
about Writing?
• Individually, how many things can you list?
You have three minutes for this task.
• Now share your ideas with the rest of your
group. Can you reach agreement on the top
two most useful things?

Extension: Write down an example of the best thing that

you have learnt.
Things to remember in your
description assessment
1. Use a range of powerful adjectives, verbs and nouns
2. Use character information such as likes, dislikes, phobias,
traumas, background to describe a character
3. Start your sentences in various ways, e.g. with –ing verbs or
4. Use different sentence types: long, short, minor sentences
and complex ones
5. Use different lengths of paragraphs

Remember, you aren’t going to narrate an action: you will

purely describe the picture imaginatively.
Preparing for the assessment minutes
• Before you start writing a draft, you will need to put
together a plan. Use the strategies below to plan now.

Exciting Vocabulary

Nouns Adjectives Verbs Adverbs

Ideas for opening/closing sentences

Drafting the assessment
Start writing your first draft now.

You can’t have your draft in the assessment but you are allowed
to have planning notes and your task sheet.
Super sentences
• Choose your favourite sentence from
what you have written this lesson.
• Find someone allocated the same
number as you and read it to them!

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