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How much?

¼ Note Crotchet
How much?

½ Note Minim
How much?

Whole Note Semi-

How much?

1/8 Note

Clapping Cards 1
Gamelan Music
Gamelan Music
• Originates from Indonesia in South East Asia
• Most Gamelan music is heard in Java or Bali

Styles of Gamelan Music
• There are two different styles of Gamelan

• Javanese Gamelan tends to be softer,

quiet and dreamy.

• Balinese Gamelan is often loud and

Gamelan - Musical Instruments

Javanese drum (Keep tempo) Javanese gongs (Mark rhythm)

(Kendhang) (Kempul)

Metalaphones (melody and Harmony) Gong chime (decoration)

(Saron and Penrus) (Bonag and Kenog
Layout of a Gamelan group
Gamelan - Musical Instruments
The two types of Scale
• Slendro - a 5 note Gamelan Scale.

– Gamelan notes don’t match the notes we use.

– The 5 notes are spread out evenly.
The two types of Scale
• Pelog - a 7 note Gamelan scale.

– Gamelan music only uses 5 notes of the pelog

– Different Gamelans are tuned to different scales.
– So the music sounds different depending on
which Gamelan is used.
Layout of a Gamelan group
Performing Gamelan Music

It is not traditionally written down in

the same way we write music.
Letters or numbers are used and are
put inside boxes that represent the
Performing Gamelan Music
Let’s play!

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

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