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Jean-Christophe HONNORAT (Alcatel Space)

Unesco, 12 May 2005

½ Many regions in the world suffer from a 

 à isolation of population, low growth, no communication
means, no commercial or cultural exchange«.
½ Those concerned regions, on the other hand, have a   

which needs to be educated, cured, informed and trained to better participate in
their country¶s development
½ mnfrastructures and skills ( teachers, universities, hospitals, administrations«) are

    for most of people, as territories are very
large, with sometimes quite a low density, and a weak financial investment power

½ mCT and satellite solutions provide a unique answer to this problematic, as it offers
performing and reliable communication means that can 


½ A strong effort shall be put on the setting up of pilots and demonstration


brought by
mCT¶s advanced applications, combined with satellite technologies
Applications Solutions ² 2 All rights reserved © 2005, Alcatel Space

This problematic shall be addressed considering various aspects as followsà

½ The á 

 à Most of the
activities at local, regional , national and international scales can be efficiently
enhanced and supported by advanced applications offered by mCTà

º mncludes  "
 m  " à as it meets the same categories of
concerns à to inform, communicate, educate, train, sensibly citizens, at any skill level, all along the people's
life and according to their specific needs or situation

º mncludes ˜   ˜  á 
 [Tele-Staff (between radiologist,
anesthetist, ...), #$   (Tele-expertise)], #  and 
à as it allows medical
expertise being shared and accessible from anywhere at anytime, allows saving redundant costs and
ensures a better quality of care
£  % 
º mncludes  
à warning/alert, response, Mitigationà offering
new working tools, optimised efficiency for the organisation of the rescue and its follow-up
½ The # á 
 which are the real targets to be studied for a
long-term development and useà definition of needed functions and interface
½ The á

 from requirements up to daily usage
½ The   including Telecom Satellites
½ [  


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½ Satellite main characteristics à
£ [  ... with 1 or more satellites«up to worldwide connectivity
 r high volumes and best quality of the content, better interaction r
optimised Usage
# #

£ Satellite eases the ³

& ' à Small pilots, once successfully connected
and active, can easily be extended to a significant number of additional sites
½ Satellite homogenises 

à mt offers a unique
answer to communicate from anywhere with anyone, as it allows combining satellite
systems with heterogeneous existing facilities and networksà
£ mn the same working session, users with different technologies may interact the one with
the othersà
º 2-ways satellite + 1-way satellite with terrestrial return link + only 1-way satellite + only
Terrestrialr one unique live session ,˜

½ Satellite can provide a  á 
, -.˜


£ [ !  /,,0!
 () %*

£ +  
£ + 
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£ User Reqts
£ Custom Reqts
£ Design
£ Provision
£ Deliver
£ mntegrate
£ Validate
£ Train
£ Tele-Maintenance
£ Support

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½ Characteristics à
4à Users do not have technical skills or awareness but need to use mCT for their
£ Need for  5, m

à Users rely on these solutions to benefit from a
concrete knowledge and training to be used in real cases (firemen, doctors, ...)
£ The solution must offer 6  
because people have a professional activity that cannot always
match with the constraints imposed by the existing face-to-face training system. Many workers
cannot exclusively go to dedicated learning centres at fixed time, but prefer accessing the courses
from home or office, at the most convenient time
£ Vocational Training all along the life can be mandatory for some activities, to maintain and up-date
professional expertise
£ Vocational Training mainly addresses specific communities of users with specific usage and needs,
but which can be spread in many regions interesting other users
½ Required basic Featuresà
£ 4 7
àDistribution of contents which can be accessed at anytime from anywhere
£ á
 à The learner shall enter in the live session when he wants, when he can, ... without
disturbing the others
&5à As a lot of practical training teachers/students are filmed in real
conditions, it is essential to see and hear in a very high quality what is done and said by the
expert/teacher for practical training (surgery, car-repair, how to make a bend for firemen«.)
£ m

à The teacher and the learners sometimes have a crucial need to dialogue or to get an
immediate feedback or evaluation

Applications Solutions ² 6 All rights reserved © 2005, Alcatel Space

"6 /!8

"   #   3The organisation, management and related

responsibilities for e-Training rely on many complementary actorsà

£ key actors on user side (deciders, actors, technicians, mnformation Systems managers ...) «.and
£ key actors on the global solution provider side (skills and experience in line with the actors¶needs, constraints ...)
½ m

£ Teacher º expert
£ Learner º being a student or a professional
£ Moderator or tutor
£ Technical team on the premises
½ Actors have to be aware that e-activities can bring a huge added-value but requires to adopt 
  , supports and methods and new organisation¶s schemesà
£ Requires a  
 of the actors to raise awareness on its added-value and proposed adapted
models to be followed
£ Requires a  
 and a 

 to implement such a change in the activity¶s
global organisation
£ Ñach user¶s type has to be 
 to be brought to full 

£ Ñach actor needs a    


according to its role and its profile
½ The solution 
 'to ensure a long-term acceptation by users and
 to deploy, to use, to manage, to administrate and to maintain«

Applications Solutions ² 7 All rights reserved © 2005, Alcatel Space

"6 9!8
"   #  %7 

½ Contents which will be used have to be   
£ `
 à still pictures, databases, documents, videos«.
 Ñxisting quality of the contents and evaluation of the quality necessary to support
the activity

£ +
½ Contents labelling can be interesting to maintain an  7

£ Contents can be problematic in terms of 


pedagogical differences and need to be adapted
£ Contents often need  

 within a short time-limit
£ Some contents can be a way to spread wrong information à shall be labelled to  



£ Label ensures that the content¶s nature is 
 with deployed facilities and
harmless for the networkà 





Õ Õ   Õ     


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"6 8!8
½ Ñ-Training addresses 

£ Large and uneven geographical spread of users over territories
£ Disparity of technical means and skills on end-users sides ( PC, network, technical support ...)
£ Variety of cultures, knowledge, acceptance levels, requirements«
£ Different kind of profiles (actors), protocols (medical protocols) and different related contents ...

½ For example, various types of m

£ Doctors, nurses, medical staff, administration, have to be trained to acquire new skills and up-
to-date information
£ A medical Practitioner has to be trained to master a wide range of skills to run its activity and
manage its officeà Accounting, project management, law, etc ...
£ A young student need to access databases and resources to be trained in Health , to get a job,
and required skills in Medicine
£ Citizens has to be informed in Health , for a better prevention, information, follow-up of care, to
better understand the diseases , to better react in case of troubles, etc..
£ Citizens suffering from a specific disease need to be to be informed, to better understand the
disease, for a better comfort, follow-up, care and quality of life.
£ Long-term hospitalised children cannot be incorporated in the regular educational system, but
still need to be educated



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½ "` 4#"%#
£ want to use the applications solution, the network, with their satellite reception means
+ PCs ... At their individual level

½ m4#"%#
£ ready to take in charge a community à co-ordination, deployment (potentially world-
wide), level 1 support, contact of the Applications Solution Provider, ...

½ á4#"%#
£ ready to operate the applications solution, with their own satellite emission means +
Applications Platform, level1-2 support for end-user sites ...

½ mt is essential to help the Local and mnternational Communities to be more than

just ÑND-USÑRS!!!

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½ m

½ +


½ "   

½ "   
½ "   % 
½ " 

½ `



£ 5 &˜ 4%)

£ + 
 " ! 


£ +   

£ 5

£ " 

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  Ñ Ñ 





%7  <  % 

`m "
" °    #  

£ Faculty of Medicine r Medical training
£ Ste Marie mnstitute r Mental diseases care
£ Nice University Hospital r Ñlderly people, palliative care in end stage
£ Pasteur Hospital

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"6 "

(    )   










Applications à 

½ mnteractive Distance Learning for firemen
½ Access to pedagogic content on risk
Ñxtension to Ñastern Ñurope, Asia and m


Mediterranean countries

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Ñurope Africa
½ "69=

S-N America 
(Rome) Focolare (P/F
+ Hub)
NL CH Hisp (KU) +Sesat/ÑAS (KU) à
£ prazil, S.Paoloà 300
£ Hollandà 50
£ mtaly, Florenceà 300
£ Switzerland, Montetà

US IT x2 200
£ USA, New Yorkà 50
£ Venezuela, Caracasà
NSS (C) (off-line streaming just
after event) à
£ Cameroon, Fontem
VE £ Cameroon, Douala

CM x2

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USA - New York

prasil - San Paolo

Uplink & Applications platform

Focolare - Rome Kenya - Nairobi
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½ m

m &á 

£ on a wide area, covering a country, a region, a continent, several continents
£ Meeting various categories of needs and activities
½ m 3 


à Socio-economic,
cultural, affordability, existing infrastructures, regulation, climatic constraints«.
½ Need for m

£ People are not aware of the added-value solutions brought by Telecom Satellites
£ People are not sure to make the right technological choice in the panel of offered
½ %


½ 15 

£ Convinces mnternational Communities of the added value of e-activities thanks to a real-
scale implementation in concrete conditions
£ Allows to better understand real end-users needs thanks to a mutual-benefiting dialogue
and collaborations with user¶s representatives
£ Helps finding the ³good for all´ solution
£ Allows to involve the user in building its solution and consequently makes him become a
real actor

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