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A career comprises of a series of work related activities, that offer
continuity, order and meaning to a person¶s life. The underlying idea
behind a career is that a person can shape his destiny through a
number of well planned and well timed, positive steps. The success
of one¶s career, therefore, depends on the individual more than
anything else.



èeople can do better; they can do wonders.

Involve them, trust them and empower them: treat them as resources, as
Focus on the strengths of people and help them overcome their weaknesses.
HRD a humanistic concept
Integrate the needs and aspirations of individuals into the strategic goals and
the mission of an organisation²for better results.
Encourage individual initiative and response by providing a fostering culture
(openness, trust, collaboration, mutuality etc.)



· Human resources are the most important assets in the organisation.

· Human resources can be developed to an unlimited extent. Two plus two could be
five, six or ten.
· A healthy organisational climate (openness, trust, collaboration) is essential for
developing human resources.
· HRD can be planned and implemented to benefit both individuals and organisations.
· If the organisation is able to inculcate a spirit of µbelongingness¶ in its employees,
they will be more loyal and committed.
· To ensure this healthy feeling, the organisation has to provide for their basic as well
as higher order needs through appropriate management styles and systems.
· The commitment of employee increases when he/she is able to find opportunities to
use his/her potential while at work.
· The managers must clear the paths, create a developmental climate and help
employees realise their full potential.
· The higher the level of the manager the more attention should be paid to the HRD
function in order to ensure its effectiveness.
· The maintenance of a healthy working climate and the development of its human
resources are the responsibilities of every organisation.




HRD is a process by which the employees of an organisation are

helped to help themselves and develop the organisation. It has the
following features
· HRD is a system
· HRD is a planned process
· HRD involves the development of competencies at the
Individual level
Interpersonal level
Group level
Organisational level
· HRD is an inter disciplinary concept
· HRD is a way of improving the quality of working life



. HRD improves the capabilities of people. They become innovative and

enterprising ± ever eager to take risk and get ahead. It improves the all
round growth of an employee. Feedback and guidance from superiors
help employees grow continually and show superior performance.
2. HRD improves team work. Employees become more open and trust each
other. The organisational climate, too, improves a lot.
3. HRD leads to greater organisational effectiveness. Appropriate employee-
centred policies help the organisation achieve its goals more efficiently.
4. èerformance related rewords help employees realise the importance of
utilising their skills fully in the service of organisational goals. The
organisation¶s overall health and self-renewing capabilities, too, improve
quite significantly.




The early part of the century saw a concern for improved efficiency
through careful design of work. Improving employee productivity
and efficiency was the next big thing to hit the business world.
Recent years have witnessed an increasing tilt towards improving
the quality of working life, product and service quality, and speedy
and efficient delivery of work.






The Commodity Concept Labour was regarded as a commodity to be bought and sold. Wages were based on demand and
supply. Government did very little to protect workers.

The Factor of èroduction Concept Labour is like any other factor of production,   money, materials, land etc. Workers are like machine

The Goodwill Concept Welfare measures like safety, first aid, lunch room, rest room will have a positive impact on workers¶

The èaternalistic Concept/ Management must assume a fatherly and protective attitude towards employers. èaternalism does not
èaternalism mean merely providing benefits but it means satisfying various needs of the employees just as parents
meet the requirements of the children.

Humanitarian Concept To improve' productivity, physical social and psychological needs of workers must be met. As Mayo
and others stated, money is less a factor in determining output, than group standards, group
incentives and security. The organisation is a social system that has both economic and social
The Human Resource Concept Employees are the most valuable assets of an organisation. There should be a conscious effort to
realise organisational goals by satisfying needs and aspirations of employees.

The Emerging Concept: HRD Employees should be accepted as partners in the progress of a company. They should have a
feeling that the organisation is their own. To this end, managers must offer better quality of working
life and provide opportunities to people to exploit their potential fully. There should be opportunities
for self-fulfilment in one's work. The focus should be on Human Resource Development.



At the macro level, HRD is concerned with the development of

people for the nation¶s well being HRD at the micro level deals with
an organisation¶s human resource planning, selection, training,
performance appraisal, compensation issues.



The differences between the personnel function and HRD may be

listed thus

èersonnel Function èoints of HRD
Maintenance oriented Orientation Development oriented.
An independent function with Structure Consists of inter-dependent parts.
independent sub-functions
Reactive function, responding to èhilosophy èroactive function, trying to anticipate and get ready
events as and when they take place with appropriate responses.
Exclusive responsibility of Responsibility Responsibility of all managers in the organisation.
personnel department
Emphasis is put on monetary rewards Motivators Emphasis is on higher-order needs such as ± how to
design jobs with stretch, pull and challenge; how to
improve creativity and problem solving skills, how to
empower people in all respects, etc.
Improved performance is the result of Outcomes Better use of human resources leads to improved
improved satisfaction and morale satisfaction and morale.
Tries to improve the efficiency of AIMS It tries to develop the organisation
people and administration. as a whole and its culture.


The HRD matrix shows the interrelationships between HRD instruments,

processes, outcomes and organisational effectiveness .
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 c is 

-s st s
c     c  tc s r isti l

 r I str  ts c  lit
rils ffctiss

· c  rtt · l lrit
 ·  r  tt
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isi s

· Prf r c · Pli f · ttr l 

· ci r
risl l t 

r l 

· ci r rk-
· r t 

i ,
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isc ssi , 
 tcis J  I lt
·  r Pr fits
ssi s ir
f r J - ·  r r l

l l sis
Prf rc li
· ttr I 

· Pr cti · ttr Utilisti 
ritti  f c
· P ttil s rcs
·  r Trst
l t

· ci r J -
T rk

·  ll rti  &


· t ticit
 rk  titi 
· ttr
P licis
· ss
· isk-tki
rti  f
J  tti s Itrl

· l rti  s rcs
· lrificti  f · ttr
·  r
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N rs 

r isti l
Pr rs clt
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  icti  r  

c iss
·  r cti sct f r c
s tr
rti  f
cti, t

 l s, tc.

tr ct rs tr ct rs

Prs l P licis, T  ir t,

           Tc l ,
   c  s rc

  ililit, cist r,
  Ntr f siss
c   tc.


c   (T..  , T c  issi r, f r

Ic, N li, 1990)

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The following HRD mechanisms are currently in use in order to

development competencies of people and improve the overall
organisational climate

· èerformance appraisal
· èotential appraisal
· Career planning
· Training and employee development
· Organisation development
· Rewards
· External equity
· Internal equity
· Individual equity
· Employee welfare and quality of working life
· Employee involvement



· ´uality circles
· Socio technical system
· Codetermination
· Self managed work teams
· Suggestion programmes
· Open door policies
· Human resource information system


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Each subsystem, listed above, is interlinked to other subsystems
and offer rich benefits to an organisation when they are properly


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 c    &  

Individual Training Career èlanning èotential Appraisal and


Feedback and coaching Rewards


Individual in the èerformance appraisal Training Feedback and

present role performance coaching


Individual in regard to èotential appraisal and Training èerformance appraisal

likely future roles development
Feedback and
performance coaching

Dyadic relationships Feedback and èerformance Training

performance coaching appraisal

Teams Teamwork Organisation Training Team rewards


Collaboration among Organisation Training

different units/teams development

Self-renewing èerformance appraisal Organisation Training

capability and health of development


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· Management support
· Focus of the HRD system
· Structure of the HRD system
· Functioning of the system




Many Indian companies, now a days, talk about the new people
management with the following objectives in mind

· Corporate goals linked to individual career goals

· Company profits linked to personal rewards
· Organisational learning must involve employee training
· Job responsibilities must facilitate personal development
· Business strategies must consider human resource issues



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Pil s  P licis Pr rs

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l t  t

r isti l it

lti  f NP rctics

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stril  r
cics Psc l   s

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