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Marutisinh RAJ
Evening MBA(IVth Sem)


= In Industrial products selling, unlike

consumer products only technical product
features are in focus and newer, more
sophisticated concepts are not that important

= Very little or no explicit application of

behavioral approach in selling process,
though effective salesmen may employ it

= Many industrial marketers think that they

know their customers and treat them as if
they were completely rational and not
susceptible to selling techniques beyond the
presentation of product features

= This leads to failure of most industrial

marketers to realize their full sales potential

= ^ull-fledged effort to adopt behavioral

science concepts for the purpose of creating
excellence in its industrial selling

= Mix of behavioral science concepts used to

accomplish several other closely related
company objectives

= To strengthen company¶s total marketing

communication network

= To utilize company¶s human resources more


= To develop an organization with marketing


= º rganization flexibility is best achieved

when individuals themselves are flexible and
have the capacity to deal with change´
= Carborundum :-
A producer & marketer of specialized
industrial materials & material systems
= Market :- Multinational & multi-industry

= Integrated production from raw material to

final form
= Decentralized organization with each profit
centre interrelated with many others
= perating with divisional profit centres that
include complete sales forces, the company
markets its goods through various types of
distributors, and, in many case, directly to
ultimate industrial customer

= In addition to divisional profit centres, the

company has a central marketing organization
that provides complete staff assistance to all
divisions on a worldwide basis
= This covers development of marketing plans,
advertising and sales promotion programs
including the actual production of these
programs, complete PR & product publicity
programs, sales training & marketing research.


= rong advocator of selling of systems rather than

individual products
= Systems frequently cut across divisional & company
= To sell system effectively- e.g to sell a cut off
machine produced by one profit centre (a division of
company) in combination with abrasives produced
by another profit centre ± the groups & individuals
need a common understanding of company
objectives and policy concerning the marketing of
the products

= In addition, each group must have a common bond

of knowledge and skills to penetrate markets through
customer oriented, team selling efforts
= We sought this bond of knowledge and skills through
a behavioral science program based on the key
premise- itself drawn from the behavioral sciences-
that personal motivation & growth can be generated
by the physical & mental involvement of individuals
in small group situations

= Involvement is crucial if a program is to cut

across company & divisional lines, if attitudes
are to be changed, if knowledge is to be
absorbed, and if people to people interaction
skill is to be developed
= Research shows this may be best
accomplished through small group
participation techniques

= Each individual must get involved, must

expose his thoughts, his feelings and his
behavior pattern in people-to-people
= He must also get reactions to these factors
from other participants
= ^inally, he must have an opportunity to enact
and practice alternative behaviour patterns

= Program methodology was a variation of the

pure case approach in which a case dialogue
provided the material for discussion at
conference table setups


= Three closely related behavioral science

concepts- readiness, empathy, source
credibility are discribed in related to selling
= Readiness :- it denotes an educational
psychology concept that focuses attention on
the individual¶s ability & desire to interact or
communicate with another individual

= A term ºdouble readiness´ could be used

meaning that two individuals, say a salesman
& a customer are equally involved in
= Readiness refers to the respondent in the
communication situation, and not to the
source of the message; yet it fixes the
responsibility for the learning process on the

= Empathy :- totally concerned with feelings

= Empathy is an intellectual or imaginative
understanding of another¶s situation or as taking the
role of another
= By & large it is an learned quality
= Being empathetic means exhibiting a mix of behavior
activities (words & actions) that develops a feeling
on the part of the respondent in the communication
process that the sales man understands the situation

= An empathetic salesman is one who will not

recommend his product line unless it offers solutions
designed to improve the respondents situation; and
the result may be that the respondent views the
salesman as one who does indeed understand his
= ^inally, since the way a decision maker feels about a
salesman determines to some degree whether he
views the salesman¶s idea positively, negatively, or
neutrally, the concept of empathy overlaps into that
of source credibility

= Source credibility :- The third set, source credibility,

is the trust, confidence, and faith that the respondent
has in salesman¶s words and actions
= In short, is the salesman believed ???
= This is crucial factor in selling
= The salesman represents a company selling ideas,
products and/or services.
= His selling success many times depends on his
credibility as source

= The level of credibility that the respondent

assigns to the sales person in turn directly
affects how he views sales man¶s ideas,
products or services
= Source credibility involves the entire world of
verbal & non verbal communication; yet for a
brief analysis, the factors of trustworthiness,
competence, and dynamism can be useful

= Research shows that in addition to the cues the

viewer gets from the appearance of an individual,
certain traits, such as logic, honesty, fairness,
reliability, dependability and open mindedness are
are associated with trustworthiness
= Competence is demonstrated through the sales
mans technical knowledge plus application of that
knowledge to the user¶s situation
= Dynamism is not forcefulness; it is not so called

= In selling, it is better associated with positiveness

and purposefulness in words & actions
= It is associated with energy in the sense of positive
handshake & positive posture in contrast to a weak
handshake & timid shuffle
= These three factors ± Trustworthiness, competence,
and dynamism ± must be in balance.
= Too much trustworthiness or an overemphasis of
competence or dynamism could reduce an
individual¶s credibility

Happy Selling..

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