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Rizti Khairinnisa
"Tell me, how does the other sex of your race differ from yours?"
He looked startled and in fact my question rather startled me; kemmer
brings out these spontaneities in one. We were both self-conscious.
"I never throught of that," he said. "You've never seen a woman." He
used his Terran-language word, which I knew.
"I saw your pictures of them. The women looked like pregnant Gethenians,
but with larger breasts. Do they differ much from your sex in
mind behavior? Are they like a different species?"
"No. Yes. No, of course not, not really. But the difference is very important.
I suppose the most important thing, the heaviest single factor
in one's life, is whether one's born male or female. In most societies,
it determines one's expectations, activities, outlook, ethics, manners—
almost everything. Vocabulary. Semiotic usages. Clothing. Even food.
Women... women tend to eat less It's extremely hard to separate
the innate differences from the learned ones. Even where women participate
equally with men in the society, they still after all do all the
childbearing, and so most of the child-rearing — "
"Equality is not the general rule then?... "
—The Left Hand of Darkness
Ursula K. LeGuin (1969)
(Gender Nature and Nurture, p. 1, 2005)
Pengertian Gender
• Key Concepts in Communication And Cultural
The cultural differentiation of male from female
• A First Look at Communication Theory 5th
sex is a fact and gender is an idea
• Queer Theory
Gender, like other aspects of identity, is a performance
(though not necessarily a consciously chosen one).
Representasi Gender pada Media

Sumber :
Representasi Perempuan
Hampir semua media menyorot perempuan dari kecantikan, ukuran/bentuk
fisik tubuh, seksualitas, emosi, dan hubungan. Perempuan sering kali dikaitkan
menjadi bagian suatu konteks seperti keluarga, teman, atau kelompok. Selain
itu dalam pemberitaan, perempuan sering dijadikan sebagai objek yang pasif.
Berikut ini adalah lima citra perempuan yang dikemukakan Tamrin Tamagola
dalam iklan media masa:
• Citra pigura : perempuan sebagai sosok yang sempurna dengan bentuk
tubuh ideal
• Citra pilar: perempuan sebagai penyangga keutuhan dan penata rumah
• Citra peraduan: perempuan sebagai objek seksual
• Citra pinggan: perempuan sebagai sosok yang identik dengan dunia dapur
• Citra pergaulan : perempuan sebagai sosok yang kurang pede dalam bergaul
(dikutip dari
Representasi Laki-laki
Representasi laki-laki pada media fokus pada
kekuatan (fisik dan intelektual), kebebasan
(berpikir dan bertindak), daya tarik fisik.
Karakter laki-laki digambarkan sebagai makhluk
yang tidak bergantung pada orang lain, dapat
menjadi pahlawan sendirian.

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