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Ancient Egypt


Egyptian Religious Philosophy

Egyptians believed in life after death To achieve this life, the Ka (life force) had to recognize the deceased persons body.


Ka (life force) invisible twin or soul-reassembled body in soulthe afterlife Ba (bird) hawk body with head of person; fly between tomb and family


Evolution of Mummification

Early Egyptians buried their dead in the desert The dry desert acted as a natural mummifying agent From this the Egyptians developed a process of mummification

During the Wrapping

A priest reads spells from the BOOK OF THE DEAD. The spells ward off evil spirits so the body can find its way to the afterlife.

Process of Mummification

1. Washed body with wine and then removed inner organs through an incision in the lower left abdomen.

Brain - removed through the nose and discarded Intestines, lungs, liver, stomach preserved in natron (salt)


2. Body is packed in natron to remove all moisture. This process takes about 40 days.


3. After 40 days, the body is brushed clean and wiped with wine to cleanse. 4. Body is covered with oils, ointments, spices, and resin.


5. Eye sockets stuffed with linen and closed 6. Nostrils stuffed with beeswax 7. Jewelry, makeup, capped fingers and toes with gold


8. Organs placed in canopic jars 9. Heart put back in body to reassemble the person in the tomb for the afterlife. 10. Body packed with linen

Hey, dont throw my body parts away!!!

Relax!!! The organs are washed, dried, wrapped in linen and each one was placed in a jar!
Canopic Jars


11. Sew up the incision. Cover with the Eye of Horus for protection. 12. Body wrapped, amulets placed between layers

The Afterlife

Preserving the body after death was very important to the ancient Egyptians. It was believed that in the next life they would need their earthly body. Not only would they need their bodies, they would need their earthly possessions.


The head and the neck are wrapped with strips of linen and then the fingers and toes are wrapped separately. The arms & legs are wound with strips of linens, placing amulets between the layers for protection through the underworld.

The Mummy of Ramses II

One of the most well preserved mummies ever found in ancient Egypt.

Ramses II


The heart was thought to be the center of intelligence and feelings so it was left in the body for the after life! The brain was considered useless. It was removed by inserting a hook through the nose and pulling it out YUCK! YUCK! YUCK!

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