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Lecture 9


Components of forces in space
+Y d

Fx +Z

Fy Fz

x z

To determine the rectangular components of a space force consider a force F whose direction is specified by two points along its line of action. The rectangular components of the force are directly + X proportional to the rectangular components of the distance d separating the two points.
It is expressed by: Fx/x = Fy/y = Fz/z = F/d = Fm

By repeated applications of the Pythagoras theorem: F = Fx2 + Fy 2 + Fz2 and d = x 2 + y 2 + z 2

Where Fm is the value of the equal ratios and is known as the force multiplier expressed in units of force per unit of length.

Force components in terms of angles

+Y Fy F y Fz z Fz +Z Fx Fy x Fx +X Cosx , cosy and cosz are called direction cosines of the force F Fx = F cosx ; cosx = Fx/F= l Fy = F cosy ; cosy = Fy/F = m Fz = F cosz ; cosz = Fz/F = n

These relation may be rewritten as: Fx/cosx = F/1;Fy /cosy = F/1;Fz / cosz = F/1 Fx/cosx = Fy /cosy = Fz / cosz = F/1

Direction cosines, Rx/cosx = Ry /cosy = Rz / cosz = R/1

In vector analysis, a vector is denoted by a boldface letter (F) or by putting an arrow as F . The magnitude of a vector is represented by a capital letter as F. Unit Vector:- It is defined as a vector of unit magnitude in a specified direction. Unit vector = vector/ magnitude of vector n=F/F

Representation of a vector

j k +Z n

A(x,y,z) +X

Let i, j and k represent vectors of unit length directed along the positive X,Y and Z axes respectively. The vector component may be written as Fxi (meaning that the vector Fx has the scalar magnitude Fx in the + X direction.

F = Fxi + Fyj + Fzk

This is known as the standard Cartesian form of representing a vector.


Position vector
d i A(x,y,z) +X The position of any point in space w.r.t. origin is called position vector. Position vector OA = d = coordinates of A coordinates of O = (x-0) i + (y-0) j + (z-0) k OA = d = x i + y j + z k

j k +Z o

Magnitude of position vector, d = x 2 + y 2 + z 2 Unit vector from O to A, n = d / d

n = (x i + y j + z k)/ d F = F . n = ( F /d) . (x i + y j + z k) F = Fm (x i + y j + z k) Where Fm = force multiplier

Sample problem
+Y A

Lecture 10

Find the resultant of the force system shown in fig. in which P = 280 N, T = 260 N and F= 210 N. O (0,0,0); A(0,12,0); B(-4,0,-3) ; C(-4,0,6) ; D(6,0,4)
Force Distance components Dist (m) Force multip lier (N/m) Force components (N)


F 12m O

C +Z

Y -12

Z 6

d 14 20

+X D

X comp -80

Y comp -240

Z comp 120









90 -70

-180 -660

60 120

Rx = X = -70; Ry = Y = -660; Rz = Z = 120 The resultant pointing to the left, down and Direction angles, (70/cosx)=(660/cosy)=( 120/cosz) forward since X is ve ; Y is ve and Z =+ve x= 84.04; y= 11.89; z= 79.75

Magnitude of resultant, R = Rx2 + Ry2+ Rz2 R= 674.46 N


Sample problem
Determine the resultant of the system of concurrent forces having the following magnitudes and passing through the origin and the indicated points; P= 280 N (12,6,-4); T = 520 N (-3,-4,12); F = 270 N (6,-3,-6)
Force Distance components Dist (m) Force multip lier (N/m) Force components (N)

x P=280 T=520 12 -3

Y 6 -4

Z -4 12

d 14 13 20 40

X comp 240 -120

Y comp 120 -160

Z comp -80 480








Rx = X = 300; Ry = Y = -130; Rz = Z = 220 The resultant pointing to the right, down and forward since X is +ve ; Y is ve and Z =+ve


Magnitude of resultant, R = Rx2 + Ry2+ Rz2 R= 394.08 N

Direction angles, (300/cosx)=(130/cosy)=( 220/cosz) x= 40.42; y= 70.74; z= 56.06

Dot product

Lecture 11

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