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Objective: To demonstrate features of Quality Center and to understand how to use it to manage application testing process.



What is Quality Center (QC)? QC User Interface QC Testing Process QC Specifying Requirements Defining Requirements Viewing Requirements Modifying Requirements Converting Requirements QC Planning Tests Developing Test Plan Tree Designing Test Steps Calling Tests with Parameters Creating & Viewing Requirement Coverage Generating Automation Script



QC Running Tests Defining Test Sets Scheduling Test Runs Running Tests Manually QC Defects Adding New Defect Matching Defects Updating Defects Mailing Defects Linking Defects to Tests Favorite View Q&A


What is Quality Center (QC)?

Test Management Tool. Offers an organized framework for testing applications before they are deployed. Helps in organizing and managing all phases of application testing process, including specifying testing requirements, planning tests, executing tests and tracking defects. Helps in customizing the project as per requirements.



QC User Interface


QC Testing Process
QC testing process includes four phases:
Specifying Requirements: Identify and validate the functional and performance requirements that need to be tested. Planning Tests: Plan and confirm which tests need to be performed and how these tests must be run. Specifying Requirements

Planning Tests

Running Tests: Organize test sets, schedule their execution, perform test runs, and analyze the results of these runs. Tracking Defects: Add defects that were detected in the application and track how repairs are progressing

Running Tests

Tracking Defects


QC Testing Process
QC also includes one of the following phases depending on the license: Business Components: The Business Process Testing module enables subject matter experts to drive the quality optimization process. Dashboard: This enables IT teams to track application readiness in real-time and manage project risk.


QC Specifying Requirements

Requirements describe what needs to be tested in an application. Requirements are defined in QC by creating requirements tree (graphical representation of requirements specification). Requirement Specification Module helps in
grouping and sorting requirements in tree

monitoring task allocation monitoring progress in meeting requirements generating detailed reports and graphs

Major tasks under Requirement Specification Module are

Defining Requirements

Viewing Requirements Modifying Requirements Converting Requirements



QC Specifying Requirements

Defining Requirements

Login to QC -> Requirements -> View -> Requirements Tree -> New Requirement Child requirement can also be added for a particular requirement. Unique Requirement ID (ReqID) is generated every time a requirement is added.




QC Specifying Requirements

Viewing Requirements

Login to QC -> Requirements -> View -> Requirements Tree Choose View -> Numeration, to assign hierarchical numbers to each requirement. Numeration is not related to ReqID assigned to each requirement. Choose View -> Requirements Grid, to display requirements in non-hierarchical view. Use Set Filter/Sort button to filter the requirements grid.


QC Specifying Requirements

Modifying Requirements

Login to QC -> Requirements -> View -> Requirements Tree Copy, Rename, Move and Delete operations can be done on existing/added requirements


QC Specifying Requirements

Converting Requirements

Login to QC -> Requirements -> View -> Requirements Tree.


Select any existing requirement, then choose Requirements -> Convert to Tests -> Convert Selected Requirement.

3 Steps dialog box opens up and go through 3 steps to convert requirements into tests.

Use test plan tree to view tests.

REQ 10


QC Planning Tests

Developing Test Plan Tree: After defining requirements, one needs to determine testing goals which done by building test plan tree and adding subjects. Designing Test Steps: For each subject in the test plan tree, define tests that contain steps. For each test step, specify actions to be performed and expected result. Calling Tests with Parameters: Increasing flexibility of test step by adding parameters. Creating and Viewing Requirements Coverage: Linking tests with requirements to ensure compliance throughout testing process. Generating automated test script with help of QTP and Winrunner.


QC Planning Tests

Developing Test Plan Tree

Test Plan Tree enables tester to divide application into units or subjects according to functionality. Test Plan Tree is graphical representation of test plan, displaying tests according to hierarchical relationship of their functionality. Login to QC -> Test Plan -> Add subject folder to test plan tree. Add test to subject folder, Create New Test dialog box opens. Select Test Type as MANUAL. (Select QUICKTEST_TEST to create QTP test or WR-AUTOMATED to create WinRunner Test). Add Test Name and click OK. Required Fields dialog box opens. Select values for Level, Reviewed and Priority. Click OK. Add Test Description in the Description box under Details tab.
Plan 1

Plan 2

Plan 3


QC Planning Tests

Designing Test Steps

Test Steps are detailed, step-by-step instructions that specify how to execute a test. Test Step includes actions to be performed and expected results. Login to QC -> Test Plan -> Subject -> Test Add test step by clicking on Design Steps tab, Click New Step. Design Step Editor box opens. Define test step in Design Step Editor, add Step Name, Description and Expected Result. Click OK. (Add as many test steps as required for that subject). Design Steps tab displays all design steps added for selected subject.
Plan 4

Plan 5

Plan 6


QC Planning Tests

Calling Tests with Parameters

Template Test: Reusable test that can be called by other tests. Template test can include parameters Parameter is a variable that replaces a fixed value. Example, login test during start of an application. Login to QC -> Test Plan -> Subject -> Test -> Design Steps. Click on Call to Test button. Select test that you want to call. Click OK. Parameters of Test dialog box opens and displays the parameters contained in called test.


QC Planning Tests

Creating and Viewing Requirements Coverage

Linking between tests and requirements is essential to ensure compliance throughout testing process. In Test Plan module, one can create requirements coverage by selecting requirements to link to a test. Login to QC -> Test Plan -> Subject -> Test -> Req Coverage In Requirements Module, one can create tests coverage by selecting tests to link to a requirement. Login to QC -> Requirements. Click on View -> Requirements Coverage. Select Test Coverage tab on right pane. After creating test coverage, one can use Coverage Analysis view in Requirements module for analysis. Login to QC -> Requirements. Click on View -> Coverage Analysis.


QC Planning Tests

Generating Automated Test Scripts

Automation scripts can be generated with the help of QTP or Winrunner. Login to QC -> Test Plan -> Subject -> Test -> Design Steps. Click on Generate Script button. Choose QUICKTEST_TEST to generate QTP test. You must have QTP add-in installed from Add-Ins page in order to have QUICKTEST_TEST option. Choose WR-AUTOMATED to generate Winrunner test. You must have Winrunner add-in installed from Add-Ins page in order to have WR-AUTOMATED option.


QC Running Tests

Test Lab module helps in creating test sets and choosing which tests to include in each set. Test set is a group of tests designed to achieve specific goals. Control execution of tests in test set by setting conditions and scheduling date & time for executing tests. Test can be run Manually as well as Automatically.


QC Running Tests

Defining Test Sets

After designing test steps in Test Plan module, Create Test Set Tree under Test Lab. Test Set Tree enables to organize testing process by grouping Test Sets in folders and organizing them in different hierarchical levels. Login to QC -> Test Lab. Choose View -> Test Set Tree. Add New Folder and then add new test set. Click Execution Grid tab on right. Click Select Tests, Test plan tree is displayed. Select tests to add to Test Set.

Lab 1

Lab 2


QC Running Tests

Scheduling Test Runs

Login to QC -> Test Lab ->Test Set. Click Execution Flow tab on right pane. Execution flow helps to specify date and time to execute a test and set conditions for it. Dashed Line arrow indicates test with no conditions. Solid Line arrow indicates test with condition. Blue Solid Line indicates condition set as Finished. Green Solid Line indicates condition set as Passed. Time Dependency icon indicates time dependent tests.

Lab 3


QC Running Tests

Scheduling Test Runs

Adding Execution Conditions. Adding Time Dependency.

Lab 4

Lab 5

Lab 6

Lab 7

Execution Flow.
Lab 8


QC Running Tests

Running Tests Manually

When running tests manually, follow test steps and perform operation on application. Then compare expected result with actual outcome and record the results. Login to QC -> Test Lab ->Test Set -> Execution Grid. Click Run button. Manual Runner dialog box opens. Click on Begin Run. Parameter Values dialog box opens if your step require parameters for execution. Give values to parameters and click OK. Manual Runner Step Details dialog box opens. Display Manual Runner in Compact form and perform each step. Record actual outcome and then Pass or Fail the test. Defect can also be logged at the time of test run.
Lab 13

Lab 9

Lab 10

Lab 12

Lab 11


QC Defects

Defect is deviation from requirements. QC helps in tracking defects through following stages

Reject New

New -> When defect is detected Rejected -> When defect is not considered for repair Open -> When defect is considered for repair Fixed -> When defect is repaired Reopened -> When retest of defect fails Closed -> When retest of defect pass

Open Reopen Fixed

More stages can also be added using customization.


Defects can also be linked to Tests.


QC Defects

Adding New Defect

Login to QC -> Defects. Click New Defect. New Defect dialog box opens. Give details for Defect. Click Submit. Unique Defect ID will be generated and defect will be added to Defect Grid.

Defect 1


QC Defects

Matching Defects

Enables to eliminate duplicate or similar defects. Keywords in fields Summary and Description are matched. Login to QC -> Defects -> Defect Grid. Select any Defect and click on Find Similar Defects button. Similar Defects dialog box opens. Similar Defects are sorted by the percentage of detected similarity.

Defect 2


QC Defects

Updating Defects

Defects should be updated as and when action is done on that defect.

Defect 3

Login to QC -> Defects -> Defect Grid. Click on any Defect. Defect Details dialog box opens.

Mailing Defects

Defects can be mailed to another user. This helps in updating others with defect repair activity.
Defect 4

Login to QC -> Defects -> Defect Grid. Click on Send by E-mail button. Send E-mail dialog box opens.


QC Defects

Linking Defect to Tests

Defect can be linked to a test in Test Plan. Defects can also be linked to requirements.
Defect 5

Login to QC -> Test Plan -> Subject -> Test. Choose Linked Defects tab. Click on Link Existing Defect. Defect to Link dialog box opens.

Favorite Views

Favorite view is view of QC window with settings user applied. User might be interested to see defects raised by him/her and have status as Open and Fixed. Then user can set Filter for this and can add it to favorites.
Defect 6

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