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Blood Pressure

By Sid Ahmed Hussain (IV) Click to edit Master subtitle style


What is it?

Blood pressure is the force or pressure exerted by the discharge of blood into the blood vessels. This is caused by the heart, which is responsible for pumping blood around the heart, & blood vessels.


More about blood pressure

The ideal blood pressure is 120/70mmHg Its measured using a Sphygmomanometer. It can vary in different conditions.


Blood Pressure
The top number (Systolic) This is a result of the left ventricles contracting & pushing blood into the aorta .

The bottom number (Diastole) This is the pressure within the arteries when complete cardiac diastole occurs & the heart is resting following the ejection 4/21/12 of blood.

Blood Pressure Determination

BP is determined by the cardiac output & peripheral resistance

Blood Cardia Peripher = X Pressur c al e Outpu Resistan t ce


Control Of Blood Pressure

There are 2 ways to control blood pressure:

Short-term control: This is done on a moment-to-moment basis & is achieved by baroreceptors, chemoreceptors, & hormones Long-term control: This involves the regulation of blood by the kidneys & the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system.


Short-Term Control


Nerve endings Sensitive to pressure change Found in the arch of the aorta & in the carotid sinuses Bodys principle moment-to-moment regulatory mechanisms


Short-Term Control


Nerve endings Sensitive to change in levels of CO2, O2, & pH aortic bodies Stroke
Volume Heart Rate Vasoconstrict ion B P

[H+ Found in carotid & ] PCO 2 Chemorecept CV PO2 ors C [H+ ] PCO 2 4/21/12 PO2

Stroke Volume Heart Rate Vasoconstrict ion


Short-Term Control


Examples include ADH & Catecholamine's Travel in the blood (Endocrine) VIP:

Vasodialator, decrease BP


Vasodilators, decrease BP


Long-Term Control

Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System

This can cause Vasoconstriction & Plasma Angiotensin 1 increased blood pressure protein Blood Flow Renin converted into
Sodium Levels Secreted By kidney cells converted from Angiotensino gen to Angiotensin 1 Vasoconstrictio n & Increased blood pressure

angiotensin 2 by ACE Stimulates Aldosteron e secretion


Long-Term Control


Acts on V2 receptors on the collecting duct Aids in reabsorption of water Increase blood volume therefore pressure too


Thank you
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