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What is stress? When is stress harmful? Effects of chronic stress Warning signs of stress Causes of stress Stress Tolerance Stress management

Mental distress vs mental illness depression
Symptoms not recognized Long term stress can be harmful

Lead to serious diseases eg. Heart disease, high blood

pressure, severe depression, stroke

What is Stress?
A normal physical response to a perceived threat
flight-or-fight Stress response in built protection Yerks Dodson law Some intermediate level of arousal is optimal for performance Over arousal/stress is counterproductive

Yerks Dodson Law

Body Stress Response

Body releases stress hormones, including adrenaline

and cortisol Heart beats faster, muscles tighten, BP rises, senses sharper, breath quickens Increases stamina and strength, reaction time Preparing to fight or flight

Functions of cortisol
Glucose metabolism
Regulation of blood pressure Insulin release for blood sugar maintenance Immune function Inflammatory response

When stress is harmful?

Stress creeps up
Dont know when stress is out of control Get use to it, live with it Chronic high levels of cortisol Can affect: Cognition Emotion Physical Behaviour

Chronic high levels of cortisol

Impaired cognitive performance
Suppressed thyroid function Blood sugar imbalances (hyperglycemia) Decreased bone density Decrease in muscle tissue Higher blood pressure

Effects of Chronic Stress

Heart disease Stroke

Generalised Anxiety

Autoimmune disease Gastrointestinal disease ie

disorder Depression

IBS (Inflammatory bowel disease) Sleep disorders Eczema

Stress Warning Signs & Symptoms

Forgetful Inability to concentrate Poor judgement Negative thoughts Anxious or racing thoughts Constant worrying

Moody Irritability Agitation Cannot relax Feel overwhelmed Apathy

Low self-esteem
Sense of loneliness and

isolation General unhappiness

Stress Warning Signs & Symptoms

Aches and pains Diarrhoea/constipation Nausea, dizziness Chest pain, rapid heartbeat Frequent clods

Eating more/less Sleeping too much/too little Isolating self from others Procrastinating Neglecting responsibilities Using substances to relax

(alcohol, cigarettes, drugs) Nervouse habits (eg nail biting, pacing)

Causes of Stress
Major life changes Positive: getting married, having a new baby Negative: bereavement, losing job. Work Relationship

Inability to accept

Too busy Children and family

uncertainty Pessimism Negative self talk Unrealistic expectations Perfectionism Lack of assertiveness

What is your reserve? Who are prone to stress?

What influence your stress tolerance level?

Sense of control Self confidence Attitude and outlook Optimistic Pessimistic
Support network Family and friends

Ability to deal with

know how to calm self,

diffuse own anger, frustrations, etc

Knowledge and

Of stressful events,



Who are more prone to stress?

Type A
Must get things finished Never late Competitive

Type B
Dont mind leaving things

Always in a hurry
Dont like waiting Very busy Perfectionist

Unsatisfied in work/life
Few social interests

unfinished Calm and unhurried Not competitive Never in a hurry Can wait calmly Easy going Take one thing at a time Dont mind if things not perfect

Stress Management
Learn how to manage own


stress Learn how to relax Learn quick stress relief

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