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Nana Nurwanda Hilmy Sugoi Imad M.

Rijal Shafiudin
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The Meaning of Passive Voice

Passive Voice Function

Terms of Passive Voice


The Meaning of Passive Voice

Passive Voice is a sentence that the subject is subjected to a job or who suffer from something.

In other words the subject of the sentence is a target activity expressed by the verb

often we find the passive voice in the newspapers, articles in magazines and scholarly writings. Passive voice is used because the object of the active voice is more important information than the subject of his

Passive Voice Function

The passive voice is used to show interest in the person or object that experiences an action rather than the person or object that performs the action, e.g.

The passive is used ...: We are interested in the passive, not who uses it. The house was built in 1654: We are interested in the house, not the builder. The road is being repaired:
We are interested in the road, not the people repairing it.

In other words, the most important thing or person becomes the subject of the sentence

1. Simple Present Tense

If active sentence form the Simple Present Tense passive sentence has a sentence patterns

S + (is,am,are) + V3 (Past Participle)

Example : - He bites the dog.

Dia memukul anjing itu

- The dog is bitten by him

Anjing itu di pukul olehnya

Terms of Passive Voice

2. Present Continuous
If active sentence form the Present Continuous passive sentence has a sentence patterns :

S + (is,am,are) + being + V3 (Past Participle)

Example : - She is driving a car

Dia sedang mengemudikan sebuah mobil

- A car is being driven by her

Sebuah mobil sedang di kemudikan olehnya

3. Present Perfect Tense

If active sentence form the Present Perfect Tense passive sentence has a sentence patterns:

S + has/have + been +V3 (Past Participle)

Example : - l have closed the door

Saya sudah menutup pintu itu

- The door have been closed by me

Pintu itu telah di tutup olehku

4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense

If active sentence form the Present Perfect Continuous Tense passive sentence has a sentence :

S + has/have + been +being +V3 (Past Participle)

Example : - George has been writing the lesson

George sudah menulis pelajaran itu

- The lesson has been being written by George.

Pelajaran itu telah ditulis oleh goerge

5. Simple Past Tense

If active sentence form the Simple Past Tense passive sentence has a sentence patterns

S + (was,were) + V3 (Past Participle)

Example : - He painted the wall yesterday

Dia mengecat dinding itu kemarin

- The wall was painted by him yesterday

Dinding itu telah dicat olehnya kemarin

6. Past Continuous
If active sentence form the Past Continuous passive sentence has a sentence patterns :

S + (was,were) + being + V3 (Past Participle)

Dia sedang meminum banyak air

- Some water was being drunk by him

Example : - He was drinking some water

Banyak air sedang diminum oleh dia

7. Past Perfect Tense

If active sentence form the Past Perfect Tense passive sentence has a sentence patterns:

S + had +been +V3 (Past Participle)

Example : -She has taken her bag

Dia telah mengambil tas miliknya

- Her bag had been taken by her

Tas miliknya telah diambil olehnya

8. Past Perfect Continuous Tense

If active sentence form the Past Perfect Continuous Tense passive sentence has a sentence patterns :

S + had + been +being +V3 (Past Participle)

Dia telah sedang mengendarai sebuah sepeda motor

- A motorcycle had been being ridden by him.

Example : - He had been riding a motorcycle

Sebuah sepeda motor telah dikendarai

9. Future Tense

If active sentence form the Future Tense passive sentence has a sentence patterns :

S + will + be +V3 (Past Participle)

Example : - The will buy some books

Mereka akan membeli beberapa buah buku

- Some books will be thought by them Beberapa buah buku akan dibeli oleh mereka.

10. Future Continuous Tense

If active sentence form the Future Continuous Tense passive sentence has a sentence patterns :

S + will + be +been +being +V3 (Past Participle)

Dia akan sedang bermain piano

Example : - She will be playing the piano

- The piano will be being played by her

Piano itu akan dimainkan olehnya

11. Future Perfect Tense

If active sentence form the Future Perfect Tense passive sentence has a sentence patterns :

S + will +have +been + V3 (Past Participle)

Mereka akan sudah menyelesaikan pekerjaan itu

Example : - They will have finished that work

Pekerjaan itu akan sudah diselesaikan oleh mereka

- That work will have been finished by them

12 Future Perfect Continuous Tense

If active sentence form the Future Perfect Continuous Tense passive sentence has a sentence patterns :

S + will + have +been +being +V3 (Past Participle)

Dia akan sudah sendang bermain tenis Tenis sudah akan sedang dimainkan olehnya
- tennis will have been being played by him

Example : - he will have finished that work

13. future past tense

If active sentence form the future past tense passive sentence has a sentence patterns

S + Would + be + V3 (Past Participle)

Dia akan membuka pintu itu

- the door would be opened by him

Example : - He would open the door

Pintu itu akan di buka olehnya

14. Future Pas continuous

If active sentence form the Future Pas continuous passive sentence has a sentence patterns

S + Would + be + being + V3

Mereka seharusnya bermain tenis

Example : - They Would be playing tennis

Tenis seharusnya dimainkan oleh mereka

- Tennis would be being played by them

15. Future Past Perfect Tense

If active sentence form the Future Past Perfect Tense passive sentence has a sentence patterns

S + would + have been + V3

Exammple : - She would have finished that work Dia akan sudah menyelesaikan pekerjaan itu - That work would heve been finished by her Pekerjaan itu akan sudah diselesaikan olehnya

16. Future Past Perfect Continuous Tense

If active sentence form the Future Past Perfect Continuous Tense passive sentence has a sentence patterns

S + would + have been + being + V3 Pas participle

Example : - He would have been painting the house

Dia akan sudah sedang mengecat rumah itu

- The house would have been being painting by him

Rumah itu akan sudah sedang dicat olehnya

17. Auxiliary Verb

If active sentence form the Auxiliary Verb passive sentence has a sentence patterns

S + Auxiliary + be + Past Participle

Example : - He can paint the house

Dia dapat mengecet rumah itu

- The house can be paintied by him

Rumah itu dapat di cat olehnya

Sentences are passive when the subject does not perform the action. The subject receives an action or is the result of an action. The passive voice is formed with a form of be and the past participle of the main verb. Passive sentences focus on the noun that is the receiver or result of an action rather than the noun that is performing the action (the agent). Passive sentences are used to make sentence sound more impersonal e.g. It was said that there is no excuse for not coming to class on Monday.

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