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• Factor the expression completely

x2 – 2x –15

• answer on next slide

• x2 –2x –15

• First we need to find the factors of –15

• -1, 15 1, -15
• -3, 5 3, -5

• Which of these pairs add to –2? 3 and –5

• So put down your parentheses with the x’s in them.

• (x )(x ) now put in you factors

• (x + 3)(x - 5) this is our factored expression
Solving Quadratics
• x2 + 7x + 10 = 0
• We want to solve this quadratic equation. The first thing you
have to do is factor the left side of the equation.
• You need two numbers that multiply to positive 10 that add to
positive 7.
• Factors of 10. 1,10 -1,-10 2,5 -2,-5
• 2,5 is your pair. 2 times 5 equals 10 2 plus 5 equals 7

• (x + 2)(x + 5) = 0 Now that we have factored the left side we

need to finish solving the equation. What you have to do is split
each of the binomials apart and set them both equal to zero.
• (x + 2) = 0 and (x + 5) = 0 Next you have to solve for x

• next slide….. (solve for x means get x by itself on one side)

• (x + 2) = 0 and (x + 5) = 0
• subtract 2 from both sides subtract 5 from both sides
• x+2–2=0–2 x+5–5=0-5
• x = -2 x = -5

• Our two solutions are –2 and –5.

• Next we want to check our solutions. Take each of your solutions and
check them separately by substituting them for x in the ORIGINAL
equation. If your solutions are correct you will make a true statement.

• next slide…..
Solving – Checking Solutions
• x2 + 7x + 10 = 0
• we found two solutions to be –2 and –5
• Substitute –2 for x. Substitute –5 for x
• (-2)2 + 7(-2) + 10 = 0 (-5)2 + 7(-5) + 10 = 0
• 4 – 14 + 10 = 0 25 - 35 + 10 = 0
• 14 – 14 = 0 35 – 35 = 0
• 0 = 0 (true statement) 0 = 0 (true statement)
• -2 works -5 works
• Our two solutions are –2 and –5
Try this
• Solve:

• x2 + 7x – 18 = 0

• Next slide for solution

x2 + 7x – 18 = 0
• Find the factors of –18
-1, 18 1, -18 -2, 9 2, -9 -3, 6 3, -6
Which of these pairs multiply to –18 and add to +7 ? -2 and 9
-2 times 9 equals –18 and –2 plus 9 equals 7
(x – 2)(x + 9) break apart the binomials
x–2=0 x+9=0
x–2+2=0+2 x+9–9=0–9
x=2 x = -9

Check your solutions next slide…

x2 + 7x – 18 = 0
• Check your solutions 2 and –9
• (2)2 + 7(2) – 18 = 0 (-9)2 + 7(-9) – 18 = 0
• 4 + 14 – 18 = 0 81 – 56 – 18 = 0
• 18 – 18 = 0 81 – 81 = 0
• 0 = 0 2 works! 0 = 0 -9 works

• Our two solutions are 2 and –9

“Factor the trinomial: 2x2 -13x + 15”
This problem the coefficient of x2 is greater than one. We now have to use a
new method to factor.
The first term is 2x2. The only way to multiply with x’s and get that is 2x
times 1x, or -2x times -1x.
The last term is +15. The only way to multiply and get 15 is to use 3 and 5
or -3 and -5.

Let’s try 2x and 1x for the 2x2. And let’s try 3 and 5 for the +15.
2x 1x = 2x2

3 5 = 15
Now we need to check and see if the middle term equals -13x.
“Factor the trinomial: 2x2 -13x + 15” To check the middle
term we need to cross multiply and see if our two answers
add up to -13x.

2x 1x = 2x2

3 5 = 15

3x 10x

Unfortunately they do not, 3x and 10x make positive 13x and

not negative 13 x. So, we can try using another one of our
possibilities, like -3 and -5 for +15.
2x 1x = 2x2

-3 -5 = 15

-3x -10x
This works, -3x and -10x make -13 x. We can now check our
answer just to make sure it is correct--see the next slide.
2x 1x = 2x2

-3 -5 = 15
Since 2x and -3 are vertical together we write (2x -3)
Since 1x and -5 are vertical together we write (x - 5)
Answer: (2x - 3) (x - 5)
Check: 2x (x -5) -3 (x - 5)
2x2 - 10x - 3x + 15
2x2 - 13x + 15
Since this matches the given trinomial exactly, our answer
of (2x-3)(x-5) is correct.
Example 1: Factor 3y2 + 7y - 20.
A) (3y-5)(y - 4)
B) (3y-2)(y+10)
C) (3y-4)(y+5)
D) (3y-5)(y+4)

Question: What should we use for factors of 3y2.

What are the possibilities of factors for -20?
Write them down and then advance to the next slide to see
the rest of the solution.
Hopefully you said to use 3y and y for 3y2.
The possibilities for -20 are:
-10,2 5, -4
10,-2 -5,4
So, that gives us four possibilities to try out: You perform the
cross-multiplication and then advance to check.
3y y = 3y2 3y y = 3y2

-10 2 = -20 10 -2 = -20

3y y = 3y2 3y y = 3y2
3y y = 3y2 3y y = 3y2

-10 2 = -20 10 -2 = -20

-10y 6y 10y -6y

3y y = 3y2 3y y = 3y2

5y -12y -5y 12y

5 -4 = -20 -5 4 = -20
Which possibility works?????????????????????????????????????
3y y = 3y2 Yes, this is the only one in which
the two cross terms add up to +7y,
the middle term of the
-5 4 = -20 polynomial.

-5y 12y

Thus, the answer is the vertical binomial (3y - 5)

times the other vertical binomial (y + 4)
The best choice is D.
Note: If none of the possibilities work out, try switching the
bottom terms, for example if the one at the top of this slide
didn’t work, try switching around the -5 and 4 and working
them again.
Try These:

1) Factor x2 - 7x + 12

2) Factor 3x2 -14x + 8

3) Factor 2x2 -x -10

Try This Solutions:
1) x2 -7x + 12 Use x and x for x2
Possibilities for +12 are:
6,2 -6, -2
3,4 -3,-4
This is the one that works
x x = x2 So the answer is
-3 -4 = +12

-3x -4x
add to -7x
Try This Solutions:
2) 3x2 -14x + 8 Use 3x and x for3 x2
Possibilities for +8 are:
8,1 -8, -1
2,4 -2,-4
This is the one that works
3x x = x2 So the answer is
-2 -4 = +12

-2x -12x
add to -14x
Try This Solutions:
3) 2x2 -x -10 Use 2x and x for 2x2
Possibilities for -10 are:
-5,2 5, -2
-10,1 10,-1
This is the one that works
2x x = x2 So the answer is
-5 2 = +12

-5x 4x
add to -1x

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