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M. Naci KAYAOLU Raide DA AKBA Zeynep ZTRK Karadeniz Technical University, English Language and Literature, Trabzon, TURKEY

ABSTRACT This study attempts to investigate whether a difference exists between learning vocabulary via animation and via traditional paper-based method.

INTRODUCTION Computers are almost everywhere. It is not wrong to say that the world has totally digitalized. Education has definitely been effected by the digital world. The fast moving technology provides people in the area of education with limitless opportunities. Vocabulary learning constitutes a basic and an important part of foreign language learning. Without vocabulary building, it is difficult to study grammar, speaking, listening, writing etc. In this respect, this study aims to find out whether CALL-based vocabulary learning better facilitates vocabulary learning when compared to the traditional method. This does not intend to find a favored medium for vocabulary learning but just to see if there any difference exists between two different environments in our case.

METHODOLOGY Participants The participants in this study were the English preparatory class students at preintermediate level attendingSchool of Foreign Languages in Karadeniz Technical University in the academic year 2009-2010. Two preintermediate classes were randomly selected as the experimental group (n=17), and control group (n=22) as each class accommodated that number. Research Design This small scale experimental study aims to find whether any difference exists between the students having atraditional text-based method and those having computer-based method. Material and Target Words For this research, the water cycle was chosen as the content for the class. For the control group, a text telling the process of the water cycle was given on a paper. This text included all the target words that were asked in the achievement test. Instruments The instrument for this current study included an achievement test with four different parts. It was prepared byobtaining expert opinions. The same test was used in the pre-tests and immediate post-tests.

Data Analysis Each correct answer in the tests was counted one point while the wrong was zero. The maximum score of the test was 40. After the results were obtained, they were analyzed by t-tests in SPSS 16.00. The expected result of this study was that students in the animation group would outperform those in text-based group in the post-tests as compared to the pre-tests. Observations of the Teacher and Students Opinions During the applications in both classes, neither group was given any extra instruction or any information on the content. The teacher has no role as a tutor but a guide to direct students to complete the tasks. When the teacher was asked his observations about both groups he stated that there was considerably more enthusiasm for the activity presented in animation-based method as compared to the one presented in traditionally paper-based method.

CONCLUSION The findings showed that there is no statistically significant difference in scores of achievement tests betweenthe control group students who worked on vocabulary on paper and the experimental group on animation form.However, it is clear from the tests scores that experimental group outperformed control group indicating that animation-based technique contributed to students vocabulary learning. It is concluded that animations may assist students in learning vocabulary but it is important to know how and where to decide using them. Animation should not be allowed to monopolize the whole session. On the contrary, it should be considered as a motivator and powerful tool that aids learning process. It should not be regarded as an alternative way replacing with traditional method totally, but as an additional technique to use for the class.

Emrah Baki BAOLU mr AKDEMR Zonguldak Karaelmas University, Turkey

ABSTRACT Knowing a foreign language has become crucial to reach information. Learning vocabulary is the fundamental step to learn a foreign language. New devices are invented everyday to fulfill the needs of citizens of the twentyfirst century. Increased use of mobile phones has made them popular for not only communication, but also entertainment and learning purposes. Mobile phones have provided remarkable advantages in learning process. INTRODUCTION As technology is developing at a great speed today, the importance of knowing a foreign language turned out to be important in an environment where information is so crucial. Learning vocabulary is the fundamental step to learn a foreign language. Hence, many studies are carried out in order to increase efficiency in vocabulary learning. With the importance given to foreign language, the development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) has evoked innovations in educational activities. Additionally, mobile technology is getting more and more popular and mobile tools; such as Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), tablet computers, and mobile phones have begun to gain more importance.

METHOD Context Students were required to attend speaking, writing, video and grammar lessons and acquire the skills necessary for learning English as a second language. At the end of the academic year students were aimed to reach B1 level in European Language Portfolio Global Scale and attend English courses covering 30 percent of the total education period in their departments.
Participants The participants were 60 students studying in the Undergraduate Compulsory Preparatory Program of a public university in the Black Sea region of Turkey. Among the student groups, 30 students whose mobile phones were compatible with the vocabulary learning program were assigned to the experimental group and the other 30 students who would use the traditional vocabulary acquisition techniques to learn vocabulary were assigned to the control group.

Research Design In order to conduct the study, the effects of using vocabulary learning programs in mobile phones on students vocabulary learning were investigated using the mixed method research design. Mixed-method research design was used to collect quantitative and qualitative data. Therefore, weak points of quantitative and qualitative methods were minimized. Quantitative data were collected using the pre-test post-test with control group experimental research design. Data Collection Instrument Students English vocabulary learning was measured through a multiplechoice test. Initially an 80-item multiple-choice test containing frequently used vocabularies in the mobile phone program was constructed. The test was administered to 50 students taking the same course to find the measure of internal consistency. Data Analysis Students in the study received four points for each of their correct answer in the pre-test and post-test. Scores of the students ranged from 0 to 100 in the multiple-choice test. In order to answer research questions, descriptivestatistics, independent and dependent t-tests were used for the analysis of quantitative data.

Conclusion This study has four findings. The first result indicated that the use of vocabulary learning program in the mobile phone improved the acquisition of students vocabulary learning and students attitudes towards the use of mobile phones for English vocabulary learning. The second finding indicated that students vocabulary learning was also improved when flashcards on paper were used. The third finding of the study indicated that using vocabulary learning programs on mobile phones is more effective to improve students vocabulary learning than using flashcards on paper. The last finding indicated that participants found learning English vocabulary on mobile phones effective and entertaining. These findings are discussed with the results of the studies found in literature.


Saovapa Wichadee, Bangkok University, Thailand

ABSTRACT The research studied and compared students ' English summary writing ability before and afterthey were taught through wiki, a powerful tool, promoting collaborative learning environmentsamong students. The research design is a kind of one group pre-test posttest. INTRODUCTION Good technological skill is one desirable characteristic Thai graduates are to possess due to Thailand Qualifications Framework for higher education. They need to be able to make effective use of information and communications technology in analyzing issues and obtaining information, and in making presentations. Therefore, many types of on-line leaming such as discussion forums, synchronous CMC, and emails are more introduced to foreign language teaching. There is an obvious support from most educational institutions on the use of computer technology as a medium and tool for language leaming.

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Participants This study employed one group pre-test post-test design. The population was 5,223 first-year students enrolled in Fundamental English course in the first semester of 2010 academic year. There were 135 sections altogether. Since students were already assigned to their sections, the cluster sampling was employed to get one section. So, there were 35 students from one section participating in this study. Instruments The impact on students' learning was evidenced by three instruments including two summary writing tests, a questionnaire surveying their attitudes towards the instruction and a reflection on obstacles while learning throughwikis. First, the English summary writing tests designed in parallel form were administered as pre-test and posttest. Second, to leam how well the instruction through wikis was accepted by the students and how it made an impact on their knowledge as well as their belief in their capabilities, a questionnaire containing 10 items with a choice of five rating scale responses for each was distributed to them after the posttest.

The third instrument was a reflection on cooperative learning through wikis. All students were encotiraged to post their experience of working with their peers on their wiki page at the end of the course T Teaching and Learning Procedure On the first two weeks, students were taught how to summarize the story in the classroom through "Mind Mapping" technique in order to find out the topic and important details. Next, students were asked to fonn a team of 4-5 members and constructed wikis pages within a safe passwordprotected envirotmient for students to work together. Data Analysis Two teachers checked the summary writing tests using the same criteria. The writing scores werecalculated for mean. The inter-rater reliability coefficients of the two teacher raters in pre-and post-test using Pearson Correlation were 0.92 and 0.95 respectively. Two scores from both raters were combined and divided bytwo to fmd out the mean score of each participant. The data obtained from the tests and the questiormaire stirveyingstudents' attitudes were analyzed quantitatively through descriptive statistics and dependent t-test.

CONCLUSION The research finding indicates that wikis are effective leaming tools that may contribute to the improvement of students' writing skill. It goes along with many previous studies and substantiates the principle of wikis leaming that collaboration is necessity as they have to leam from each other. Obviously, this leaming process encouraged the students to take for their own learning, improving motivation. Most students agreed that seeing their peers' writing could improve their own work. They gained knowledge through discussion on-line. So, the more students worked together, the more they could improve themselves in writing.

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