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Comm. Basics 10 Point


Listen to This 10 Point

Body Language 10 Point

People Skills 10 Point

10 Point

20 Points

20 Points

20 Points

20 Points

20 Points

30 Points

30 Points

30 Points

30 Points

30 Points

40 Points

40 Points

40 Points

40 Points

40 Points

50 Points

50 Points

50 Points

50 Points

50 Points

The interaction of sender, receiver, message, and feedback.

What is the communication process?

Any obstacle that gets in the way of effective communication

What is a communication barrier?

Spoken communication is called this

What is verbal or oral communication?

Gestures, facial expressions and body movements

What is nonverbal communication?

A persons sense of right and wrong & the obligation to act responsibly with


What is ethical or ethics?

The biological process by which we secure the energy to act

What is fear?

Upset stomach, fast heartbeat, sweating, wobbly legs are symptoms of this condition.

What is stage fright?

Another word for the positive selftalk that helps to reduce stage fright is known as this.

What is intrapersonal communication?

How you see things is known as your _________.

What is perception?

Biases, attitude, age, emotions, family, religion are some of the ________ that can influence your perception.

What are filters?

The receiving part of the communication process.

What is listening?

The difference between the speed we hear and the speed we speak.

What is rate gap or listening spare time?

Listening in which the listener leaves all communication responsibility to the speaker or lazy listening.

What is passive listening?

Listening for one sound Among many.

What is discriminative listening?

Be on guard for this at the end of a speech.

What is emotional appeals or propaganda?

This type of communication is most powerful.

What is body language or nonverbal communication?

Negative body language includes these 2 examples

What is poor eye contact, arms folded, yawning, frowning, or fidgeting?

Decreased hand activity, increased face touching, stiff posture or increased shifting may indicate this.

What is lying?

The distance where people barely acknowledge each other like in a mall

What is public distance?

The face is capable of this many expressions.

What is 250,000?

Social appropriateness is known as this.

What is etiquette?

A direct, yet tactful communication approach is called this.

What is an assertive tone or assertive?

When making introductions it is polite to start with these 2 groups.

What is the elderly and ladies?

In an interview or conversation listen for this and use it at least once.

What is the persons name?

When conducting an interview, use mostly this type of question.

What is openended?

Make your wager

Dont EVER do this in a job interview.

What is criticize a former employer?

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