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Confidential | Extreme/FV | April 2008 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2007.

2007. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction,
editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
Security Systems Security Systems
Serie MIC
SeIeccione eI modeIo de cmara MIC
Megafona (PA)
Trmico DuaI Anti-ExpIosin
Confidential | Extreme/FV | April 2008 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2007. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction,
editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
Security Systems Security Systems
Cmo seIeccionar un MIC ? ("u necesito?)
Seleccionar el modelo de cmara MC (color, protocolo,
configuracin, limpiador, calentador, privacidad, tipo de
cmara, sistema de video)
Seleccionar la Fuente de Alimentacin
Seleccionar la longitud del cable compuesto (2, 10, 20 o 25m)
Seleccionar el Soporte o Adaptador para montaje
Seleccionar los accesorios opcionales
Serie MIC
Confidential | Extreme/FV | April 2008 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2007. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction,
editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
Security Systems Security Systems
SeIeccione eI modeIo de cmara MIC que requiere
Serie MIC
Ejemplo MC412TWUP13636N
Fam Mod Versin Color Configuracin Protocolo
MIC 400 AL B U P
400 AL = Aluminio B = Negro U = Vertical P = Bosch
400 PA = Megafona (PA) G = Gris C = nclinado (45) D = Pelco
400 IR = nfrarrojo ntegrado W = Blanco F = Forward Vision
400 ST = Acero noxidable S = Acero noxidable
440 AX = Ambientes Explosivos
412 TI = Trmico
Limpiaparabrisas Calefactor Zonas de Privacidad
Formato de
1 3 5 36 N
1 = Limpiarabrisas 3 = Calefactor 5 = Zona de Privacidad 18 = 18x N = NTSC
2 = Sin limpiarabrisas 4 = Sin Calefactor 6 = Sin Zonas de Priv. 36 = 36x P = PAL
Confidential | Extreme/FV | April 2008 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2007. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction,
editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
Security Systems Security Systems
SeIeccione Ia Fuente de AIimentacin
Serie MIC
Para modeIos MIC400/MIC440/MIC412:
MC-115PSU-UL (Entrada de 115VCA y salida de 18VCA)
MC-24PSU (Entrada de 24VCA) para equipos SIN
calentador integrado.
MDPS-024-01 (Entrada de 24VCA) para equipos CON
CALENTADOR integrado.
Para modeIos MIC400-IR:
MC-R-115PSU-UL (Entrada de 115VCA y salida de 18VCA)
MC-24PSU (Entrada de 24VCA)
Confidential | Extreme/FV | April 2008 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2007. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction,
editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
Security Systems Security Systems
SeIeccione Ia Iongitud deI cabIe compuesto
Serie MIC
MC-2M (Cable compuesto con longitud de 2 metros)
MC-10M (Cable compuesto con longitud de 10 metros)
MC-20M (Cable compuesto con longitud de 20 metros)
MC-25M (Cable compuesto con longitud de 25 metros)
Cable compuesto lleva Energa, Datos y Video, y se conecta de la cmara
MC a la Fuente de Alimentacin.
La distancia mxima entre la cmara y la fuente de alimentacin es de 25
Max. 25mts
Confidential | Extreme/FV | April 2008 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2007. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction,
editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
Security Systems Security Systems
SeIeccione eI Soporte o Adaptador para montaje
Serie MIC
MC-DCA (Soporte para montaje en superficie plana o punta de poste)
MC-WMB (Soporte para montaje en pared)
MC-CMB (Soporte para montaje en esquina)
MC-PMB (Adaptador para montaje colgante en poste)
MC-SCA (Soporte bajo para montaje en superficie
plana o punta de poste)
Confidential | Extreme/FV | April 2008 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2007. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction,
editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
Security Systems Security Systems
SeIeccione eI Soporte o Adaptador para montaje
Serie MIC
En el caso de montar el MC
sobre una superficie plana y el
cable pueda pasar a travs de
esta superficie justo debajo del
MC, entonces NO ser
necesario ningn soporte de
montaje adicional.
Superficie PIana
Confidential | Extreme/FV | April 2008 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2007. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction,
editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
Security Systems Security Systems
SeIeccione eI Soporte o Adaptador para montaje
Serie MIC
NOTA: El MC-440 (Anti-Explosin) es el nico que ya viene con el MC-DCA
integrado, es decir, NO requiere ordenar este soporte por separado.
Poste o
SaIida para
CabIe Compuesto
MC-DCA (Soporte para montaje en superficie plana o punta de poste)
MC-DCA = Color negro
MC-DCA-W = Color blanco
MC-DCA-G = Color gris
MC-DCA-S = De Acero noxidable
Confidential | Extreme/FV | April 2008 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2007. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction,
editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
Security Systems Security Systems
SeIeccione eI Soporte o Adaptador para montaje
Serie MIC
MC-PMB (Soporte para montaje colgante en poste)
El MC-PMB se utiliza junto con
el MC-SCA y el MC-WMB
Confidential | Extreme/FV | April 2008 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2007. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction,
editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
Security Systems Security Systems
SeIeccione eI Soporte o Adaptador para montaje
Serie MIC
MC-WMB (Soporte para montaje en pared)
MC-WMB = Color negro
MC-WMB-W = Color blanco
MC-WMB-G = Color gris
MC-WMB-S = De Acero noxidable
El MC-WMB se puede utilizar junto con el
MC-SCA dependiendo del tipo
de instalacin. El MC-SCA se ajusta directa-
mente a cajas elctricas en forma circular.
SaIida para
Confidential | Extreme/FV | April 2008 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2007. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction,
editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
Security Systems Security Systems
SeIeccione eI Soporte o Adaptador para montaje
Serie MIC
MC-CMB (Soporte para montaje en esquina)
MC-CMB = Color negro
MC-CMB-W = Color blanco
MC-CMB-G = Color gris
MC-CMB-S = De Acero noxidable
El El MC-CMB se utiliza junto
con el MC-WMB
Confidential | Extreme/FV | April 2008 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2007. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction,
editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
Security Systems Security Systems
SeIeccione eI Soporte o Adaptador para montaje
Serie MIC
MC-SCA (Soporte bajo para montaje en superficie plana o punta de poste)
MC-SCA = Color negro
MC-SCA-W = Color blanco
MC-SCA-G = Color gris
MC-SCA-S = De Acero noxidable
El MC-SCA se puede utilizar junto con otros soportes:
Confidential | Extreme/FV | April 2008 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2007. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction,
editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
Security Systems Security Systems
SeIeccione Ios Accesorios OpcionaIes
Serie MIC
MC-USB485CVTR (Convertidor de USB a RS485)
MC-BP3 y MC-BP4 (Tarjeta Convertidora Bi-Phase)
MC-ALM (Tarjeta para 8 entradas de alarma)
MC-WKT y MC-WKT-R(Kit Rociador para Limpieza de Visor)
Confidential | Extreme/FV | April 2008 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2007. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction,
editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
Security Systems
ST-VS/PRM4 | 2/27/2008 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2008. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing,
distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
Security Systems
Serie MIC
Interfaz de USB a RS485 para MIC400
Permite que una PC estndar se conecte con cualquier cmara de la
serie MC400, va el punto de conexin de telemetra ubicado en la
fuente de alimentacin del MC.
CabIe Compuesto
Fuente de
AIimentacin deI MIC
Laptop o PC corriendo
eI software Camset
SaIida de Video
Conecta a
entrada de
teIemetra de
Fuente de Poder
Diagrama de Conexin
SeIeccione Ios Accesorios OpcionaIes
Confidential | Extreme/FV | April 2008 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2007. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction,
editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
Security Systems
ST-VS/PRM4 | 2/27/2008 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2008. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing,
distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
Security Systems
Interfaz de USB a RS485 para MIC400
Para qu sirve..?
Demostrar el MC desde su computadora porttil o PC
Controlar el MC mediante el software
Diagnosticar y cambiar los parmetros en el MC
Programar el MC para trabajar con diversos protocolos de comunicacin de
acuerdo a los requerimientos de la aplicacin.
Ordenar cualquier configuracin del MC disponible en el inventario y
reprogramar en sitio el cambio al protocolo de comunicacin deseado.
Todo lo anterior va el software Universal Camset.
Serie MIC
SeIeccione Ios Accesorios OpcionaIes
NOTA: MC440 Anti-Explosin no puede ser reprogramado via el MC-
Confidential | Extreme/FV | April 2008 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2007. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction,
editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
Security Systems
ST-VS/PRM4 | 2/27/2008 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2008. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing,
distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
Security Systems
MIC-BP3 y MIC-BP4 (Tarjeta Convertidora a ProtocoIo Bi-Phase)
MIC-BP3 Tarjeta Convertidora Bi-phase
Permite la comunicacin entre las cmaras MC-400
y los sistemas de control Bosch con protocolo
Biphase. Normalmente utilizado con el MIC-400-IR
Serie MIC
SeIeccione Ios Accesorios OpcionaIes
MIC-BP4 Tarjeta Convertidora Bi-phase
Se instala en una baha opcional de la fuente de
poder MC. Permite a los sistemas de control
Bosch con salida Bi-phase controlar hasta 8
cmaras de la serie MC-400 (que NO sean R) a
travs de sus fuentes de alimentacin.
NOTA: Si la ranura opcional se encuentra ocupada o una fuente de poder de una cmara R est siendo
utilizada, el convertidor MC-BP3 debe ser utilizado en lugar del MC-BP4
Confidential | Extreme/FV | April 2008 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2007. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction,
editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
Security Systems
ST-VS/PRM4 | 2/27/2008 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2008. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing,
distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
Security Systems
MIC-ALM (Tarjeta con 8 Entradas de AIarma)
Serie MIC
SeIeccione Ios Accesorios OpcionaIes
Permite a las cmaras MC400 soportar hasta
8 alarmas externas tales como sensores de
R pasivo, interruptores de sabotaje, etc.
Diseada para conectarse directamente en
las fuentes de alimentacin del MC-400
ncluye el control para la bomba o motor del
Kit de Rociador para Limpieza del Visor
Confidential | Extreme/FV | April 2008 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2007. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction,
editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
Security Systems
Serie MIC
Confidential | SM1 | 05/11/2008 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2008. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction,
editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
Para modelos estndar: MIC-WKT contiene:
Boquilla o inyector
Soporte de montaje
Tarjeta controladora para Fuente de Alimentacin
Para modelos R/Megafona (PA): MIC-WKT-IR
Boquilla o inyector
Soporte de montaje
SN Tarjeta controladora (ya est includa en la
fuente MC-R)
SeIeccione Ios Accesorios OpcionaIes
NOTA: : Sonda/tubo, tanque y bomba/motor no estn incIudos
MIC-WKT y MIC-WKT-IR (Kit Limpiador para Visor)

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