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1eam SuSLnSlCn

SALlnulA Su8A 2012

8ules for lSAL 2011
W wheel Lravel 2 lnches
1 lnch ln [ounce
1 lnch ln rebound
W All suspenslon mounLlng polnLs should be vlslble
W WlLh drlver seaLed ln Lhe car we musL geL aLleasL 1 lnch
ground clearance
W 1here ls a mln of 3 lnch clearance of Lhe boLLom of Lhe [acklng
polnL Lube
uurlng Lhe course of an lSAL compeLlLlon a compeLlng racecar
wlll be sub[ecLed Lo a varleLy of performance challenges ln
whlch Lhe suspenslon of Lhe car wlll be a key facLor ln Lhe
success of Lhe sald vehlcle 1hese challenges lnclude a drag
race LllL Lable compeLlLlon and hlgh performance road course
1hese LesLs quanLlfy a racecar's sLaLlc and dynamlc ablllLy Lo
keep Lhe vehlcle's Llres planLed Lo Lhe ground for maxlmum
lrom Lhe LesLs LhaL Lhe vehlcle wlll go Lhrough Lhe suspenslon
ls one of Lhe mosL vlLal facLors of Lhe vehlcle deslgn 1he deslgn
for Lhe fronL and rear suspenslon Lhe selecLed shocks and Lhe
maLerlals LhaL been chosen wlll deLermlne how well Lhe vehlcle
wlll perform ln Lhe aforemenLloned Lasks
ueslgn Coal And Cb[ecLlve
1he purpose of Lhe lormula SAL suspenslon ls Lo deslgn and lmplemenL a
usable suspenslon Lo excel ln Lhe LesLs aL Lhe lormula SAL compeLlLlon
1hese LesLs lnclude a drag race a LllL Lable LesL skld pad LesL and a hlgh
performance road course
ln order Lo achleve success ln Lhe deslgn pro[ecL Lhe Leam needs Lo
research posslble soluLlons Lo deslgnlng an effecLlve suspenslon apply
Lhe knowledge galned from Lhls research Lo deslgn Lhe suspenslon LesL
Lhe loadlngs and ablllLles of Lhe suspenslon and lmprove on Lhe deslgn
based on Lhese LesLs ComponenLs of Lhe fronL and rear suspenslon
needed lnclude upper and lower conLrol arms shock absorbers sprlngs
sway bars lf necessary appllcaLlon of Lhe brakes and sLeerlng seLups Lo
Lhe suspenslon deslgn as well oLher componenLs speclflc Lo Lhe vehlcles
lndlvldual needs
W Camber ls Lhe angle LhaL Lhe
verLlcal axls of Lhe wheel
makes wlLh Lhe road surface
Can be
W Zero lf Lhe wheels are
perfecLly verLlcal
W oslLlve lf Lhe Lop of Lhe
wheel leans away from Lhe
W negaLlve lf Lop of Lhe wheel
leans Lowards Lhe chasls
Zero camber
W Max LracLlon avallable
W Cn lowerlng of Lhe car
camber becomes
negaLlve puLLlng all Lhe
load on Llre lnner edges
W So Lhe poslLlve camber ls
used ln mosL of Lhe
saloon cars
negaLlve camber
W Whlle golng round a
corner camber
becomes poslLlve
puLLlng all Lhe load on
Llre ouLer edges
W So negaLlve camber ls
generally used ln lSAL
cars(3 Lo 3 degrees)
uouble wlshbone arm lengLhs
W uouble wlshbone wlLh
unequal arm lengLhs no
camber galn occurs over
a bump
W More poslLlve camber
galn occurs over a Lurn as
compared Lo wlshbone
wlLh unequal arms
W So double wlshbone wlLh
unequal arms ls generally
Camber LhrusL
W Camber LhrusL ls generaLed
when a polnL on Lhe ouLer
surface of a leaned and
roLaLlng Llre normally
followlng a elllpLlcal paLh
when pro[ecLed onLo Lhe
ground ls forced Lo follow a
sLralghL paLh due
Lo frlcLlon wlLh Lhe ground
1hls devlaLlon causes a
deformaLlon ln Lhe Llre Lread
and generaLes a force ln Lhe
dlrecLlon of Lhe lean
Camber sLlffness and camber Lorque
W Camber st|ffness ls a parameLer used Lo descrlbe
Lhe camber LhrusL generaLed by a Llre and lL ls
lnfluenced by lnflaLlon pressure and normal
load 1he neL camber LhrusL ls usually ln fronL of
Lhe cenLer of Lhe wheel and so generaLes
a camber torque or tw|st|ng torque 1he
orlenLaLlon of Lhls Lorque ls such LhaL lL Lends Lo
sLeer a Llre Lowards Lhe dlrecLlon LhaL lL ls leaned
W normally camber LhrusL from Lhe Llres on each
slde balances ouL 8uL on a surface rough enough
for one fronL Llre Lo momenLarlly lose LracLlon
camber LhrusL from Lhe oLher fronL Llre can cause
Lhe vehlcle Lo wander
W Angle formed beLween Lhe axls of Lhe klngpln and Lhe perpendlcular Lo
Lhe ground looklng aL Lhe vehlcle from Lhe slde Can be
W Zero Lhe klngpln exLenslon falls on polnL of conLacL wlLh Lhe ground
W oslLlve Lhe klngpln exLenslon falls before Lhe polnL of conLacL wlLh
Lhe ground
W negaLlve Lhe klngpln exLenslon falls afLer Lhe polnL of conLacL wlLh Lhe
oslLlve casLer
W ln Lhe case of Lhe poslLlve casLor angle Lhe wheel
ls pulled as lL ls Lhe llne of appllcaLlon of Lhe force
applled Lo Lhe axls LhaL passes ln fronL of Lhe
wheels mldpolnL each aLLempL made by Lhe
wheel Lo devlaLe from sLralghL llne Lravel wlll be
counLeracLed by Lhe sLralghLenlng couple
generaLed by Lhe force
W oslLlve casLer help Lhe sLeerlng reLurn Lo lLs
cenLer poslLlon
W So poslLlve casLer ls generally used(3 Lo7 degrees)
Zero casLer
W 1he wheel's behavlor ls neuLral and lL ls
senslLlve Lo all Lhe perLurbaLlon forces whlch
aLLempL Lo modlfy Lhe sLralghL llne Lravel
W no sLeerlng reLurn acLlon presenL
negaLlve casLer
W ln Lhe case of negaLlve casLor angle Lhe wheel
ls pushed as lL ls Lhe llne of appllcaLlon of Lhe
force applled Lo Lhe axls passes behlnd Lhe
mldpolnL of Lhe wheel each aLLempL made
by Lhe wheel Lo devlaLe from sLralghL llne
Lravel wlll be helped and lncreased by Lhe
couple generaLed by Lhe force
W negaLlve casLer lncrease Lhe sLeerlng effecL
on Lhe wheel and lmpede Lhe sLeerlng reLurn
Camber effecLs produced by casLer
W Slnce Lhe wheel roLaLes abouL a LllLed axls Lhe
wheel galns camber as lL ls Lurned 1hls effecL
causes Lhe ouLslde wheel ln a Lurn Lo galn
negaLlve camber whlle Lhe lnslde wheel galns
poslLlve camber
W 1hese camber changes are generally favorable
for cornerlng
Mechanlcal 1rall
W ulsLance beLween where
Lhe sLeerlng axls hlLs Lhe
ground ln slde vlew and
Lhe polnL dlrecLly below
Lhe axle
W 8oLh casLer and Lrall ald
sLeerlng casLer Lends Lo
add damplng whlle Lrall
adds reLurnablllLy
W Angle formed by Lhe cenLre
llne of Lhe wheel and
longlLudlnal axls of vehlcle
looklng aL Lhe vehlcle from
above Can be
W 1oe ln When Lhe exLenslons
of Lhe wheel cenLre llnes
meeL ln fronL of Lhe dlrecLlon
of Lravel of Lhe vehlcle
W 1oe ouL When Lhe
exLenslons of Lhe wheel
cenLre llnes meeL behlnd Lhe
dlrecLlon of Lravel of Lhe
W Zero Loe mlnlmum Llre wear
and power loss are achleved
Ackermann geomeLry
W Ackermann geomeLry
helps lnner Llre Lo Lurn aL
greaLer angle as
compared Lo Lhe ouLer
one whlch ls Lhe
deslrable condlLlon
durlng Lurnlng
LffecL of Loe on sLeerlng
W 1oe ln ln Lhls case durlng Lurnlng Lurnlng angle
made by lnner Llre ls less Lhan LhaL of Lhe ouLer
one( noL deslrable for proper sLeerlng) So Loe ln
helps ln malnLalnlng sLralghL llne sLablllLy and
causes under sLeerlng
W 1oe ouL ln Lhls case durlng Lurnlng Lurnlng
angle made by lnner Llre ls greaLer Lhan LhaL of
Lhe ouLer one So Loe ouL causes over sLeerlng
W Cenerally Loe ouL ls used ln fronL Llres(1 Lo 3 d)
W 1oe ln ls used ln rear Llres(1 Lo 2 degrees)
lng pln lncllnaLlon
W 1he klngpln lncllnaLlon
angle LhaL forms beLween
Lhe llne passlng Lhrough Lhe
klngpln and Lhe
perpendlcular Lo Lhe ground
looklng aL Lhe vehlcle from
Lhe fronL
W Cenerally 3 Lo 11 degrees of
klngpln angle ls glven
W 1hls also help sLeerlng reLurn
Lo lLs cenLer poslLlon
Scrub radlus
W 1he scrub rad|us ls Lhe dlsLance
ln fronL vlew beLween Lhe klng
pln axls and Lhe cenLer of Lhe
conLacL paLch of Lhe wheel
where boLh would LheoreLlcally
Louch Lhe road Can be
W oslLlve lf Lhey lnLersecL
below Lhe road surface
W negaLlve lf Lhey lnLersecL
above Lhe road surface
W Scrub radlus provlde a Lurnlng
momenL whlch aLLempLs Lo
Lurn Lhe wheel away from Lhe
cenLral poslLlon when Lhe
vehlcle ls ln moLlon
1oe effecLs produced by scrub radlus
Cn a rearwheeldrlve vehlcle wlLh poslLlve scrub
radlus Lhe vehlcle's forward moLlon and Lhe
frlcLlon beLween Lhe Llre and Lhe road causes a
force whlch Lends Lo move Lhe fronL wheels back
1hls would cause Lhe wheels Lo LoeouL
lf lL has negaLlve scrub radlus Lhe force would
cause Lhe wheels Lo Loeln
Cn fronLwheeldrlve vehlcles Lhe opposlLe
occurs (oslLlve scrub radlus causes Loeln and
negaLlve causes LoeouL)
?aw lLch and 8oll
W 1hese represenL roll of
Lhe chassls abouL x?Z
W x ls Lhe longlLudlnal axls

W ?aw refers Lo normal
change of dlrecLlon and
ls used ln power
W lLch occurs durlng
heavy acceleraLlon or
8oll cenLer
W vlrLual plvoL polnL ln space LhaL a car roLaLes around
when sub[ecLed Lo cornerlng forces
W 1o flnd a cars roll cenLer
1 LocaLe Lhe lnsLanL cenLers of lLs fronL and rear
2 uraw a llne from Lhe cenLer of Lhe Llres conLacL paLch
Lo Lhe lnsLanL cenLer on boLh sldes of Lhe car 1he polnL
where Lhese Lwo llnes lnLersecL ls Lhe roll cenLer
CC and roll cenLre
W 1he dlsLance beLween Lhe roll
cenLer and Lhe cenLer of
gravlLy ls called Lhe roll couple
1he roll couple make a car lean
over ln a Lurn around Lhe roll
W So roll cenLer and CC musL be
as close as posslble Lo avold
undeslrable rolllng aL corners
W 8oll couple may vary from
fronL Lo rear suspenslon
dependlng upon roll cenLer
and CC whlch ls dlfferenL for
fronL and rear of car
W 8oll axls axls formed by
[olnlng boLh Lhe roll cenLers
W 1he car sLeers less Lhan LhaL deslred
W usually occurs when fronL Llres loose LracLlon
W 1he car sLeers more Lhan LhaL deslred
W usually occurs when rear Llres loose LracLlon
resulLlng ln Lhe rear klcklng ouL ln Lhe corner
Mlke axls and 8oll axls
W 1he mass axls ls a llne drawn beLween a cars fronL and
rear cenLers of gravlLy
W 1he dlsLance and slope beLween roll axls and Mlke axls
are useful ln deLermlnlng a cars naLural handllng
W lf Lhe space beLween Lhe Lwo llnes ls greaLer ln Lhe fronL
of Lhe car wlLh an upward sloplng Mlke Axls Lhe car wlll
Lend Lo undersLeer
W lf space ls greaLer ln Lhe rear of Lhe car wlLh a
downwardsloplng Mlke axls Lhe car wlll Lend Lo
W 1haL ls why fronL wheel drlve cars usually Lend Lo
undersLeer whereas rear wheel drlve cars usually Lend Lo
AnLl dlve
W When braklng welghL
ls Lransferred Lo fronL
of Lhe car looslng
LracLlon on rear
wheel LhaL may also
resulL ln undersLeer
durlng cornerlng
W 1o reduce plLch
movemenL under
braklng anLl dlve ls
AnLl squaL
W When acceleraLlng
welghL ls Lransferred Lo
Lhe rear of car
W 1o reduce Lhls plLch
movemenL anLl squaL ls
W Sprung mass 1he porLlon of Lhe vehlcles LoLal
mass LhaL ls supporLed above Lhe suspenslon
lncludlng approxlmaLely half of Lhe welghL of Lhe
suspenslon lLself
W unsprung mass 1he mass of Lhe
suspenslon wheels and oLher componenLs(wheel
hubs breaks eLc) dlrecLly connecLed Lo Lhem
raLher Lhan supporLed by Lhe suspenslon
W Wheel Lravel dlsLance from Lhe boLLom of Lhe
suspenslon sLroke Lo Lhe Lop of Lhe suspenslon
,acherson strut 1ors|on bar Doub|e w|shbone ,ono Suspens|on
W A collover sprlng over a Lop mounL 1he Lop
mounL should be sLrong
W lL ls a very slmple ueslgn
W lL ls low ln cosL
W lL has large assembly
W Plgh ground clearance
W Camber changes wlLh Lhe movemenL
W nolse and vlbraLlons Lransferred dlrecLly Lo
As Lhe dlsadvanLages are more promlnenL Lhan Lhe advanLages lL cannoL be
used ln Lhe race cars due Lo lLs hlgh ground clearance and Lhus Lhe cg lL ls noL
advlsable Lo use Lhls klnd of a suspenslon ln a race car"
W A Lorslon bar acLs a sprlng when a Lorque ls applled on lL resLrlcLlng lLs moLlon
due Lo Lhls Lorque
W lL ls durable
W lL Lakes up less space as compared Lo Lhe sprlngs
W rovldes a more aerodynamlc shape
W lL lnc welghL Lremendously
W CosL ls very hlgh
1he aerodynamlc shape and
uurablllLy do noL conLrlbuLe
much as compared Lo Lhe
WelghL added LhaL affecLs lLs
erformance 1he cosL facLor ls
also a blg llmlLlng facLor
WCompllcaLed sLrucLure
WSprlngs and dampers colled parallel and noL
W1hls provldes fasLer acLlon
W2 dampers connecLed Lo Lhe pushrods from
Lhe wheels aLLach Lo a slngle coll sprlng
WSeparaLes bump and roll forces
WConLrols roll forces beLLer
WCosL ls very hlgh as we need 2 dampers and
1 sprlng
WCompllcaLed sLrucLure dlfflculL Lo
W1wo sldes of suspenslon becomes
dependenL vlbraLlons lncrease
WlL ls an lndependenL suspenslon deslgn
W2 wlshbone shaped pleces aLLach Lhe chassls Lo
Lhe knuckle
W1he pleces could be P or L shaped Loo
W 1he collover sprlng and dampers are lnsLalled
on Lhe wlshbone aL one end and Lo Lhe chassls
aL Lhe oLher end
WCC can be kepL low
Wlncrease of negaLlve camber as a resulL of Lhe
verLlcal suspenslon movemenL of Lhe upper and
lower arms
WMore sLable and beLLer handllng
WCheaper Lhan Lorslon bar and mono suspenslon
Wrovldes flexlblllLy ln values of camber angle
Loe casLer and oLher parameLers as Lhe
wlshbones can be deslgned accordlng Lo our
J|shbone eometry
,ot|on transfer systems
ushrod ullrod
W Shaped An Lshaped arm ls generally preferred on passenger vehlcles because lL
allows a beLLer compromlse of handllng and comforL Lo be Luned ln 1he bushlng
lnllne wlLh Lhe wheel can be kepL relaLlvely sLlff Lo effecLlvely handle cornerlng
loads whlle Lhe offllne [olnL can be sofLer Lo allow Lhe wheel Lo recess under fore
afL lmpacL loads
W Shaped lor a rear suspenslon a palr of [olnLs can be used aL boLh ends of Lhe
arm maklng Lhem more Pshaped ln plan vlew lL provldes greaLer sLablllLy and
beLLer handllng WelghL ls equally dlsLrlbuLed ln Lhe Lwo arms
W Shaped 1he early deslgn of wlshbone suspenslon conslsLed of A geomeLry and
furLher evolved Lo oLher shapes 1hls shaped provldes easy movemenL Lo Lhe Llres
ln Lhe fronL and provldes greaL flexlblllLy lL ls generally preferred as lL ls less
W Jhy do we need |t?
W LocaLlng Lhe sprlng and damper lnboard lncreases Lhe LoLal mass of Lhe
suspenslon buL reduces Lhe unsprung mass and also allows Lhe deslgner Lo make
Lhe suspenslon more aerodynamlc
W ushrod 1he rod from Lhe wlshbone ls known as a push rod lf bump Lravel
pushes on Lhe rod (and subsequenLly Lhe rod musL be [olned Lo Lhe boLLom of
Lhe uprlghL and angled upward) As Lhe wheel rlses Lhe push rod vla a plvoL or
plvoLlng sysLem compresses Lhe lnLernal sprlng usually used wlLh fronL
W u||rod 1he opposlLe arrangemenL a pull rod wlll pull on Lhe rod durlng bump
Lravel and Lhe rod musL be aLLached Lo Lhe Lop of Lhe uprlghL angled downward
1hls decreases Lhe helghL of cenLre of gravlLy of Lhe car and Lhus lncreases Lhe
sLablllLy lf used ln Lhe rear suspenslon Lhe roll axls comes near Lo CC and Lhus we
do noL need sway bars
1he pullrod layouL allows for cleaner aero packaglng for rear suspenslon area
1he pullrod verslon has allowed Lhe deslgners Lo puL more componenLs close Lo
Lhe cars floor lowerlng lLs cenLre of gravlLy 1he pullrod suspenslon ls llghLer and
helps Lo lmprove handllng
Sway 8ars (ant|ro|| bars)
W1eam musL also deLermlne ls Lhe vehlcle could beneflL from
Lhe appllcaLlon of a fronL and/or rear sway bar
WAnLlroll bars help conLrol body roll of Lhe car durlng
Wlf Lhe shock/sprlng comblnaLlon can effecLlvely conLrol Lhese
aspecLs of Lhe vehlcles performance LhaL Lhe ldea of a sway
bars can be dlsmlssed because Lhey wlll only add welghL
Cu8 8CCSLu uLSlCn
1he fronL suspenslon wlll conslsL of
W lnboard dampers and sprlngs
W1hey are furLher aLLached Lo Lhe bell
cranks (rockers)
W 1he rockers are llnked Lo Lhe pushrods
aLLached Lo Lhe double wlshbone
WlL conslsL of unequal lengLh double A
1hls sysLem ls an lnboard suspenslon sysLem
wlLh pushrods LhaL alLhough lncreases Lhe
welghL of Lhe suspenslon sllghLly buL
decreases Lhe LoLal unsprung welghL of Lhe
vehlcle 1he pushrods provlde easy access Lo
Lhe suspenslon for cars of hlgher nose
1he rear suspenslon wlll conslsL of
W lnboard dampers and sprlngs
W 1hey are furLher aLLached Lo Lhe bell cranks
W 1he rockers are llnked Lo Lhe pullrods
(pushrods) aLLached Lo Lhe double wlshbone
W lL conslsLs of unequal lengLh double Aarm
1he onboard suspenslon sysLem as dlscussed
earller decrease Lhe unsprung welghL of Lhe
vehlcle 1he pull rods are connecLed Lo Lhe
wlshbone aL one end and Lhe bell crank (rocker)
aL Lhe oLher 1he pull rod sysLem brlngs down
Lhe CC of Lhe car and Lhus sLablllzes lL 1hls
removes our consLralnL of lnsLalllng sway or roll
ConLrol Arms MaLerlals SelecLlon
1here are several maLerlals whlch can be used for Lhe consLrucLlon of
Lhe suspenslon conLrol arms 1he maLerlals belng consldered for Lhls
parLlcular appllcaLlon are chromoly Lublng carbon flbre and alumlnlum
alloy( 606116 eLc) 1he maLerlal chosen for Lhe deslgn musL be besL
flLLed for a vehlcle suspenslon sysLem
,ater|a| Je|ght Strength ase of
Carbon flber 3 2 1
Al Alloy 2 2 2
Chromoly 2 2 3
Where 1 average 2 good 3 very good
lrom Lhe Lable we can see LhaL chromoly ls Lhe besL sulLed maLerlal for our
purpose Carbon flbre ls Lhe llghLesL maLerlal of all buL lL ls very cosLly and dlfflcullL
Lo assemble Al alloy on Lhe oLher hand ls a good opLlon buL lL ls sllghLly heavler
Lhan chromoly and cannoL be welded So we wlll be uslng chromoly as lL ls llghL
have good Lenslle sLrengLh and lLs flller ls also avllable
Shock bsorbers
W8esearch and selecLlon of Lhe shock absorbers ln Lhe vehlcles suspenslon
wlll be based prlmary on Lhe aspecLs of ad[usLablllLy and Lhe shocks ablllLy
Lo conLrol Lhe movemenL of Lhe vehlcle durlng boLh compresslon and
WMusL deLermlne how Lhe shocks wlll affecL boLh Lhe sprung and unsprung
welghL of Lhe vehlcle Lo allow for opLlmal clearance of boLh Lhe vehlcle and
Lhe drlver and well as opLlmal suspenslon performance
W1esLlng of Lhe vehlcles suspenslon for Lhe glven loads Lhe vehlcle wlll
endure ln performance slLuaLlons wlll help Lhe Leam deLermlne Lhe proper
dampenlng raLe Lhe selecLed shock absorber musL have as well as Lhe
opLlmal ranges of ad[usLablllLy Lhe Leam deslres
WSprlng research and selecLlon musL be done ln collaboraLlon wlLh Lhe
shock absorber research and selecLlon as Lhese Lwo aspecLs of Lhe
suspenslon work hand ln hand
WSprlngs musL be able Lo supporL Lhe vehlcle ln aL a sLand sLlll as well as
durlng sLralghLllne acceleraLlon braklng and corners ln order Lo work
wlLh Lhe shock absorber Lo allow for maxlmum LracLlon and opLlmal
ground clearance and reduce body roll dlve and squaL
WMounLlng of Lhe selecLed sprlngs musL also be deLermlned as Lhere are
many opLlons avallable such as collover" Lype seLups Lo allow for
compacLness and ad[usLablllLy or mounLlng Lhe shocks and sprlngs
1he suspenslon deslgn ls Lo be such Lo
provlde a negaLlve camber lor Lhls Lhe upper
wlshbone ls smaller Lhan Lhe lower one 1he
dlmenslons are seL accordlng Lo Lhe deslgn
1hls flexlblllLy provlded only by Lhe double
wlsh bone suspenslon 1hus lL ls by far Lhe
besL cholce for us Lo use ln our car

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