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Recently the health care sensors are playing a vital role in hospitality.

The patient monitoring systems is one of the major improvement in the hospitality because of its advanced technology. A wireless patient monitoring system to measure heartbeat and body temperature by using embedded technology.

Introduction Existing System Drawbacks Main Objectives Proposed Methods Modules Block Diagram Working of system Advantages Conclusion Future Scope

In general, a compact sensor, is used to monitor the heartbeat in analog form and to check the condition of the patient we required some more components such as thermometer. So we are here, just connected the temperature sensor and heart beat sensor so that simultaneously we can monitor the patients condition. An embedded technology is used instead of dsp technology to develop this system so that it is easy to operate and available at an affordable cost.

There are some systems present in the market but all are having some difficulties

Compact sensor
Digital Heartbeat monitor

The systems are not atomized

The patient cant able to understand the analog signals. Complex system and difficult to operate.

To overcome the disadvantages of previous systems

The specialist staying at a distance can monitor the patient condition so that he can save the life of the patient. This system is to be available at reasonable prices.

Embedded technology is to be use so that we can monitor the patient condition easily.

An advanced technique WIRELESS HUMAN HEALTH MONITOR is used.

There are mainly two parts of the system one is transmitter and the other one is receiver. The transmitter is placed near the patient and the receiver is with the specialist doctor. So when there is any abnormality in the patients condition then he can monitor the situation.

An Embedded technology is used here.

Atmel (AT89S52) is used in this system. GSM technology is used to transmit and receive the data. To operate more easily we are using this type of microcontroller instead of dsp technology. To reduce the complexity

Fig: transmission side



Fig: Communication Channel

Communication Channel

Fig: Receiving side


There are mainly two parts of the system one is transmitter and the other one is the receiver In the transmitter, We have Heartbeat sensor and the temperature sensor. All the sensors are connected to the patient The microcontroller monitors the all the system in the transmitter if any abnormality in the patient condition then it sends the signal so that the receiver will capture the signal and will work according to that.

The staying of specialist is eliminated. It is a multipurpose so that overall conditions are easily measured. Easy to operate. Compare with compact sensor it gives better performance.

Modern technologies have developed that promotes comfortable and better life which is disease free. PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE

Multiple parameters like Blood pressure, retinal size, age and weight can be included as controlling parameters in the future. This system also developed by using advanced GSM technology in future.



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