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A word LhaL modlfles a verb an

ad[ecLlve or anoLher adverb
W sL as an ad[ecLlve makes Lhe meanlng of a
non or a pronon more deflnlLe an adverb
makes Lhe meanlng of a verb and ad[ecLlve
or anoLher adverb more deflnlLe
Adverbs ofLen answer Lhe followlng
W Where?
W When?
W Pow?
W Pow ofLen? Cr Pow long?
W 1o whaL exLenL? Cr Pow Mch?
Words Cften Used as Adverbs
Answer|ng Adverbs
Where? Away here lnslde Lhere p
When? LaLer now soon Lhen Lomorrow
Pow? Clearly easlly qleLly slowly
Pow ofLen? Cr Pow long? Always sally conLlnosly never
1o whaL exLenL? Cr Pow mch? AlmosL so Loo more leasL
exLremely qlLe very noL
W 1he sprlnLer ran swlfLly
W l read Lhe fnny pages early on Snday
W olene was comforLlng a very small chlld
W 1he flre blazed Loo wlldly for anyone Lo enLer
W uad wlll someLlmes qoLe from movles
W L Lhe apples Lhere and we wlll eaL Lhem laLer
Adverb or Ad[ecLlve?
Ad[ect|ve + |y

clear + ly

qleL + ly

Convlnclng + ly

oslLlon of Adverbs
W Adverbs may appear aL varlos places ln a
May come before afLer or beLween Lhe words
Lhey modlfy
W xamples
We ofLen sLdy LogeLher
We sLdy LogeLher ofLen
CfLen we sLdy LogeLher
clrcle adverbs and nderllne Lhe word lL modlfles
W Cklahoma ls noL Lhe Cherokee's orlglnal home
W 1he Cherokees once llved ln Ceorgla norLh
Carollna Alabama and 1ennessee
W LaLer Lhe Cherokees were forced by Lhe unlLed
SLaLes governmenL Lo leave Lhelr land
W Many Cherokees wlll never forgeL Lhe 1rall of
1ears whlch led Lhelr ancesLors Lo Cklahoma
racLlce Answers
(adverbs are ble and word lL modlfles ls nderllned)
W Cklahoma ls noL Lhe Cherokee's orlglnal
W 1he Cherokees once llved ln Ceorgla norLh
Carollna Alabama and 1ennessee
W LaLer Lhe Cherokees were forced by Lhe
unlLed SLaLes governmenL Lo leave Lhelr land
W Many Cherokees wlll never forgeL Lhe 1rall of
1ears whlch led Lhelr ancesLors Lo Cklahoma
clrcle adverbs and nderllne Lhe word lL modlfles
W ln Lhls sLory a nameless characLer goes
oLdoors on a Lerrlbly cold day ln Lhe ?kon
W Soon boLh Lhe dog's mzzle and Lhe man's
beard are frosLed wlLh lce
W Along Lhe way Lhe man accldenLally falls lnLo
a sLream
W unforLnaLely he has bllL hls flre ln Lhe
wrong place
racLlce Answers
(adverbs are ble and word lL modlfles ls nderllned)
W ln Lhls sLory a nameless characLer goes
oLdoors on a Lerrlbly cold day ln Lhe ?kon
W Soon boLh Lhe dog's mzzle and Lhe man's
beard are frosLed wlLh lce
W Along Lhe way Lhe man accldenLally falls lnLo
a sLream
W unforLnaLely he has bllL hls flre ln Lhe
wrong place
A word LhaL shows Lhe relaLlonshlp of
a non or pronon Lo anoLher word
ommon|y Used repos|t|ons
Aboard 8efore lor Cff 1oward
AboL 8ehlnd lrom Cn under
Above 8ehlnd lrom Cn under
Above 8elow ln CL underneaLh
Across 8eneaLh ln fronL of CL of unllke
AfLer 8eslde lnslde Cver unLll
AgalnsL 8eLween lnsLead asL up
Along 8eyond lnLo Slnce up Lo
Among 8y Llke 1hrogh upon
Arond uown near 1hroghoL wlLh
As urlng nexL Lo 1lll WlLhln
AL xcepL Cf 1o wlLhoL
W noLlce how changlng Lhe preposlLlon ln Lhese
senLences changes Lhe relaLlonshlp of wolkeJ
Lo Joot and klte Lo ttee
1he caL walked Lhrogh Lhe door
1he caL walked Loward Lhe door
1he caL walked pasL Lhe door
1he klLe ln Lhe Lree ls mlne
1he klLe beslde Lhe Lree ls mlne
1he klLe ln fronL of Lhe Lree ls mlne
racLlce nderllne Lhe preposlLlon
W We pracLlced karaLe afLer dlnner
W She [mped p and ran Lhrogh Lhe park
W A boaL wlLh red salls salled along Lhe rlver
W 1he hngry dog crawled nder Lhe fence
W 1he maraLhon rnner [ogged easlly arond Lhe
Lrack aL Lhe sLadlm
W We pracLlced karaLe afLer dlnner
W She [mped p and ran Lhrogh Lhe park
W A boaL wlLh red salls salled along Lhe rlver
W 1he hngry dog crawled nder Lhe fence
W 1he maraLhon rnner [ogged easlly arond Lhe
Lrack aL Lhe sLadlm
racLlce WrlLe 2 reposlLlons for each blank
W L Lhe speakers __________ Lhe sLage
W Why does she always slL ________Lhe door?
W arroLs ________ Lhe SoLh Amerlcan [ngle
sqawked all Lhrogh Lhe hoL afLernoon
W lred sLood _________ Lhe car
reposlLlon or Adverb?
W 1he same words may be sed as preposlLlons
or as adverbs8MM88 a preposlLlon
always has an ob[ecL and an adverb never
Adverb l haven'L seen hlm slnce
reposlLlon l haven'L seen hlm slnce 1hrsday
racLlce declde lf nderllned word ls a preposlLlon or an adverb
W 1he bear walked arond Lhe yard and Lhen wenL
W Pe waLches neaslly as Lhe hnLer slowly brlngs Lhe
plsLol p
W Cn Lhe lasL Lhree mlles Carrle dld noL go wlLh erry
W 1he caged dog wlshes he cold geL oL
W 8efore we wenL oLslde l look arond for my shoes
Answers reposLlons are ble and
adverbs are orange
W 1he bear walked arond Lhe yard and Lhen
wenL lnslde
W Pe waLches neaslly as Lhe hnLer slowly
brlngs Lhe plsLol p
W Cn Lhe lasL Lhree mlles Carrle dld noL go wlLh
W 1he caged dog wlshes he cold geL oL
W 8efore we wenL oLslde l look arond for my
A con[ncLlon ls a word LhaL [olns words
or word grops
2 Lypes
CoordlnaLlng and CorrelaLlve
CoordlnaLlng Con[ncLlons
W oln words or word grops LhaL are sed ln Lhe same
way lAn8C?S"
W xamples
lll or Anna
SLrlcL bL falr
Cver Lhe rlver and Lhrogh Lhe woods
Allce walker wroLe Lhe book yeL she dld noL wrlLe Lhe
oord|nat|ng on[unct|ons
lor And nor 8L Cr ?eL So
CoordlnaLlon Con[ncLlons
W When con[ncLlon ls comblnlng Lwo
lndependenL clases (2 compleLe LhoghLs)
Lhere ls almosL always a comma before Lhe
W She has read Lhe book bL she has noL seen
Lhe movle
W We asked lm Lo be on Llme yeL he lsn'L here
CorrelaLlve Con[ncLlons
W alrs of con[ncLlons LhaL [oln words or word
grops LhaL are sed ln Lhe same way
W xamples
8oLh 8lll 8ssell and Larry 8lrd played for Lhe Leam
She looked nelLher Lo Lhe lefL nor Lhe rlghL
noL only dld Wllma overcome her lllness bL she
also became an Clymplc aLhleLe
orre|at|ve on[unct|ons
8oLhand noL onlybL also
lLheror WheLheror
W WrlLe 2 senLences slng correlaLlve con[ncLlons
W ln Lhe followlng senLences nderllne Lhe
con[ncLlons and declde wheLher Lhey are
coordlnaLlng or correlaLlve
1 Cr class ls recycllng noL only newspapers bL
also glass boLLles and almlnm cans
2 Pave yo seen elLher LeAnn 8lmes or aneL
ackson ln person?
3 l wanLed Lo see Lhem ln concerL bL l dldn'L
have Lhe money
1 Cr class ls recycllng noL only newspapers bL
also glass boLLles and almlnm cans
1 noL onlybL also correlaLlve
2 And coordlnaLlng
2 Pave yo seen elLher LeAnn 8lmes or aneL
ackson ln person?
1 lLheror correlaLlve
3 l wanLed Lo see Lhem ln concerL bL l dldn'L
have Lhe money
1 8L coordlnaLlng
A word LhaL expresses emoLlon
ommon|y Used Inter[ect|ons
Aha My Cch Wow
Pey Ch 8aLs ?lkes
Prray Cops Well ylppee
W usally an lnLer[ecLlon ls followed by an
exclamaLlon polnL
Cch! 1haL hrLs!
Coodness! WhaL a halrcL!
Aha! l know Lhe answer
W SomeLlmes an lnLer[ecLlon ls seL off by a
Ch l wlsh lL were lrlday
Well whaL have yo been dolng?
W WrlLe 2 senLences slng lnLer[ecLlons

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