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uemonlallLy bodlly
lnLercourse wlLh
splrlLs ls Lhe
ulLlmaLe sln
Jas 1PlS Lhe lACL LhaL LAunCPLu a 1PCusand SPlS
And 8u8n1 Lhe 1Cless 1CJers Cl llluM
SweeL PLLen MAkL me lMMorLal Jl1P a klSS
W klsses her
Per LlS suck lC81P my SCuL see JPL8L lL lLlLS!
Come PLLen CCML glve ML my SCuL agaln
Pere JlLL l uJLLL for PLAvLn ls ln Lhese LlS
And ALL ls u8CSS LhaL lS noL PLLenA
l JlLL be A8ls Anu for LCvL of 1PLL
lnS1LAu of 18C? shall Jl11en8L8Cbe SACkLu
And l wlll CCMbaL Jl1P weak MLneLAuS
And JLA8 Lhy CCLours Cn my Lumed C8LS1
?ea l wlll JCunu AcPlLLes ln Lhe PLLL
And 1PLn re1u8n Lo PLLen lC8 a klSS
C 1PCu arL lAl8er 1PAn Lhe LvLnlng Al8
Clad ln Lhe 8LAuLy Cl a 1PCusand S1A8S
8rlgh1L8 arL 1PCu Lhan lLAmlng !ul1L8
Jhen PL apLAred 1C hapLLSS semLLL
More LCvLly 1PAn Lhe MCnarch Cl Lhe Sk?
ln JAnLon Are1Pusa's AZured A8MS
And nCnL buL 1PCu shalL 8L my A8aMCu8!
Jas 1PlS Lhe lACL LhaL LAunCPLu a 1PCusand SPlS
And 8u8n1 Lhe 1Cless 1CJers Cl llluM
SweeL PLLen MAkL me lMMorLal Jl1P a klSS
W klsses her
Per LlS suck lC81P my SCuL see JPL8L lL lLlLS!
Come PLLen CCML glve ML my SCuL agaln
Pere JlLL l uJLLL for PLAvLn ls ln Lhese LlS
And ALL ls u8CSS LhaL lS noL PLLenA
l JlLL be A8ls Anu for LCvL of 1PLL
lnS1LAu of 18C? shall Jl11en8L8Cbe SACkLu
And l wlll CCMbaL Jl1P weak MLneLAuS
And JLA8 Lhy CCLours Cn my Lumed C8LS1
?ea l wlll JCunu AcPlLLes ln Lhe PLLL
And 1PLn re1u8n Lo PLLen lC8 a klSS
C 1PCu arL lAl8er 1PAn Lhe LvLnlng Al8
Clad ln Lhe 8LAuLy Cl a 1PCusand S1A8S
8rlgh1L8 arL 1PCu Lhan lLAmlng !ul1L8
Jhen PL apLAred 1C hapLLSS semLLL
More LCvLly 1PAn Lhe MCnarch Cl Lhe Sk?
ln JAnLon Are1Pusa's AZured A8MS
And nCnL buL 1PCu shalL 8L my A8aMCu8!
W Cn one level she ls a dlsLracLlon from LhoughLs
of repenLance
W Llke Alexander she ls a splrlL
W lausLus warned Lhe scholars Lo '8e sllenL Lhen
for danger ls ln words' (3124) buL he falls Lo
follow hls own advlce uLLerlng Lhe famous
speech of admlraLlon klsslng her and Lhen
leavlng Lhe sLage wlLh her
W Cn one level she ls a dlsLracLlon from LhoughLs
of repenLance
W Llke Alexander she ls a splrlL
W lausLus warned Lhe scholars Lo '8e sllenL Lhen
for danger ls ln words' (3124) buL he falls Lo
follow hls own advlce uLLerlng Lhe famous
speech of admlraLlon klsslng her and Lhen
leavlng Lhe sLage wlLh her
W 8epresenLaLlon of beauLy
W 8eauLy carrles desLrucLlon wlLh lL
W JheLher volunLarlly or noL she seL ln moLlon a
horrlflc war LhaL lasLed for 10 years
W lausLus would have known LhaL bodlly
lnLercourse wlLh a splrlL was an unpardonable
offence perhaps Lhls ls hls moLlvaLlon for asklng
for Pelen as hls paramour Lo puL hlmself ouL of
reach of Lhe LempLaLlon Lo repenL
W 8epresenLaLlon of beauLy
W 8eauLy carrles desLrucLlon wlLh lL
W JheLher volunLarlly or noL she seL ln moLlon a
horrlflc war LhaL lasLed for 10 years
W lausLus would have known LhaL bodlly
lnLercourse wlLh a splrlL was an unpardonable
offence perhaps Lhls ls hls moLlvaLlon for asklng
for Pelen as hls paramour Lo puL hlmself ouL of
reach of Lhe LempLaLlon Lo repenL
uesLrucLlon uesLrucLlon
W All of Lhe lmages ln Lhe speech are lmages of desLrucLlon
W 1housand shlpsCreek warshlps launched Lo defend 1roy
W '1he Lopless Lowers of lllum'burned
W lausLus speaks of sacklng JlLLenburg as Lhe Creeks sacked
W Pe refers Lo Archllles belng kllled when wounded ln hls heel
W Semele was desLroyed when she looked on !uplLer hls
dlvlne splendour was Loo much for her morLal eyes
(anoLher overreacher or 'forward wlL' who lnslsLed on
looklng on her dlvlne lover)
W 1he nymph AreLhusa exclLed Lhe rlver god's passlon whllsL
baLhlng she was dlssolved lnLo waLer Lo proLecL her from
W All of Lhe lmages ln Lhe speech are lmages of desLrucLlon
W 1housand shlpsCreek warshlps launched Lo defend 1roy
W '1he Lopless Lowers of lllum'burned
W lausLus speaks of sacklng JlLLenburg as Lhe Creeks sacked
W Pe refers Lo Archllles belng kllled when wounded ln hls heel
W Semele was desLroyed when she looked on !uplLer hls
dlvlne splendour was Loo much for her morLal eyes
(anoLher overreacher or 'forward wlL' who lnslsLed on
looklng on her dlvlne lover)
W 1he nymph AreLhusa exclLed Lhe rlver god's passlon whllsL
baLhlng she was dlssolved lnLo waLer Lo proLecL her from
W lausLus does noL [usL wanL a vlslon he wanLs
a 'woman' Lo whom he can make love
W She ls sLlll merely an llluslon prepared by Lhe forces of Pell
W Pls longlng ls noL eLhereal buL physlcal
W 1o possess her wlll 'gluL Lhe longlngs' of hls hearLs deslre LhaL her
'sweeL embraclngs' wlll exLlngulsh Lhe LhoughLs of repenLance LhaL
keep haunLlng hlm
W SLop Lhe psychomachla and Lhe LormenL of Lhe baLLle beLween
good and evll for hls soul
W Sulclde would have Lhe same resulLbuL Lhls scene provldes a
haunLlng evocaLlon of hls damnaLlon and her beauLy
W Pls language remlnds us of Lhe hls requesL for Luclfer Lo leL hlm 'llve
ln all volupLuousness' klss brlefly deludes hlm LhaL he wlll have a
fuLure ln whlch he wlll rellve Lhe pasL
W lausLus does noL [usL wanL a vlslon he wanLs
a 'woman' Lo whom he can make love
W She ls sLlll merely an llluslon prepared by Lhe forces of Pell
W Pls longlng ls noL eLhereal buL physlcal
W 1o possess her wlll 'gluL Lhe longlngs' of hls hearLs deslre LhaL her
'sweeL embraclngs' wlll exLlngulsh Lhe LhoughLs of repenLance LhaL
keep haunLlng hlm
W SLop Lhe psychomachla and Lhe LormenL of Lhe baLLle beLween
good and evll for hls soul
W Sulclde would have Lhe same resulLbuL Lhls scene provldes a
haunLlng evocaLlon of hls damnaLlon and her beauLy
W Pls language remlnds us of Lhe hls requesL for Luclfer Lo leL hlm 'llve
ln all volupLuousness' klss brlefly deludes hlm LhaL he wlll have a
fuLure ln whlch he wlll rellve Lhe pasL
W Language ls soarlng awe sLruck and lyrlcal
W Pls polgnanL ode Lo her beauLy ls far more
memorable Lhan Lhe dldacLlc and sLald warnlngs
of Lhe chorus ( and anyLhlng else ln Lhe play)
W Je are glven no physlcal descrlpLlon of her
beauLy raLher we are provlded wlLh lmages of
deaLh and sacrlflce made ln Lhe name of Lhls
W lausLus lmaglnes hlmself as arls valnly baLLllng
for Lhe woman he loves remlndlng Lhe audlence
LhaL he ls puLLlng hlmself beyond salvaLlon
W Language ls soarlng awe sLruck and lyrlcal
W Pls polgnanL ode Lo her beauLy ls far more
memorable Lhan Lhe dldacLlc and sLald warnlngs
of Lhe chorus ( and anyLhlng else ln Lhe play)
W Je are glven no physlcal descrlpLlon of her
beauLy raLher we are provlded wlLh lmages of
deaLh and sacrlflce made ln Lhe name of Lhls
W lausLus lmaglnes hlmself as arls valnly baLLllng
for Lhe woman he loves remlndlng Lhe audlence
LhaL he ls puLLlng hlmself beyond salvaLlon
W Pls use of words and lmagery reveal LhaL
lausLus ls dwelllng on Lhe cerLalnLy of hls
W 1he succubus's llps really do suck forLh hls
soul buL he seems Lo delude hlmself LhaL he
can geL lL back
W Per llps are Lhe only 'heaven' he wlll know
W Pls lmagery ls a remlnder of Lhe desLrucLlve
power of beauLy
W Pls use of words and lmagery reveal LhaL
lausLus ls dwelllng on Lhe cerLalnLy of hls
W 1he succubus's llps really do suck forLh hls
soul buL he seems Lo delude hlmself LhaL he
can geL lL back
W Per llps are Lhe only 'heaven' he wlll know
W Pls lmagery ls a remlnder of Lhe desLrucLlve
power of beauLy
,-|-i,i.- .| ^--.-- '..- ,-|-i,i.- .| ^--.-- '..-
W 1he pageanL of Lhe seven deadly slns
W 1ravels ln Lhe flery charloL drawn by dragons
W Porns of Lhe knlghLs head
W Alexander Lhe CreaL and hls paramour
W Pelen of 1roy
W Je see numerous devlls
W JaLch Lhe effecLs of demonlc lnLervenLlon when
Lhe Cld Man ls 'menaced' (31113118) and
lausLus ls physlcally prevenLed from repenLlng (
322730 3269)
W 1he pageanL of Lhe seven deadly slns
W 1ravels ln Lhe flery charloL drawn by dragons
W Porns of Lhe knlghLs head
W Alexander Lhe CreaL and hls paramour
W Pelen of 1roy
W Je see numerous devlls
W JaLch Lhe effecLs of demonlc lnLervenLlon when
Lhe Cld Man ls 'menaced' (31113118) and
lausLus ls physlcally prevenLed from repenLlng (
322730 3269)
W She ls parL of Lhe doubLpersuaslonresolve
galns cycle of Lhe LexL
W She ls parL of Lhe doubLpersuaslonresolve
galns cycle of Lhe LexL
So whaL's CoLhlc? So whaL's CoLhlc?
W necromancy (Llke Alexander Lhe CreaL)
W Shape shlfLlng
W Language
W 1ormenL wlLhouL end
W 1he vlllaln hero
W Sex/beauLy and desLrucLlon
W 1he pursulL of a paramour (vlrglnal/pure)
W Succubus
W 1he supernaLural
W uevllry
W uamnaLlon
W necromancy (Llke Alexander Lhe CreaL)
W Shape shlfLlng
W Language
W 1ormenL wlLhouL end
W 1he vlllaln hero
W Sex/beauLy and desLrucLlon
W 1he pursulL of a paramour (vlrglnal/pure)
W Succubus
W 1he supernaLural
W uevllry
W uamnaLlon

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