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LlecLrlcal luse

LlecLrlcal fuse
W Cn whaL prlnclple does Lhe fuse operaLe ?
Lhe acLlon of a fuse ls based upon Lhe heaLlng
effecL of Lhe elecLrlcal currenL uurlng
overloads or shorL clrculLs Lhe fuse geLs
heaLed up Lo melLlng polnL due Lo excesslve
currenL and breaks Lhe clrculL
LlecLrlcal luse
W luse luse ls a currenL lnLerrupLlng devlce whlch
breaks or opens Lhe clrculL (ln whlch lL ls lnserLed)
by fuslng Lhe elemenL ln Lhe clrculL when currenL
exceed a cerLaln value
W CurrenL raLlng lL ls deflned Lhe rms value of
currenL whlch Lhe fuse wlre can carry conLlnuously
wlLhouL deLerloraLlon and wlLh LemperaLure rlse
wlLhln speclfled llmlL
W luslng currenL lL ls deflned as Lhe mlnlmum value
of currenL aL whlch Lhe fuse elemenL or fuse wlre
melLs lLs value wlll be more Lhan Lhe currenL raLlng
of Lhe elemenL
LlecLrlcal luse
W luslng facLor 1he raLlo of fuslng currenL and Lhe
currenL raLlng of fuse elemenL ls known as fuslng
W 1he smaller Lhe fuslng facLor Lhe greaLer ls Lhe
dlfflculLy ln avoldlng deLerloraLlon due Lo
overheaLlng and oxldaLlon aL raLed carrylng currenL
W lor seml enclosed or rewlrable fuse whlch employs
copper wlre as Lhe fuse elemenL fuslng facLor ls
equal Lo 19 Lo 20
W lor Lhe sLandard duLy carLrldge fuses fuslng facLor ls
equal Lo 143
LlecLrlcal luse
W luslng currenL depends upon a varlous facLor such as
1ypes of maLerlal used
1he cross secLlonal area ( round or recLangular secLlon )
LengLh ( shorLer Lhe fuse Lhe greaLer Lhe currenL fuse of
smaller lengLh heaL ls easlly conducLed away)
ulameLer of wlre
1ypes of enclosure employed
W Slze and locaLlon of Lhe 1ermlnals
W 1he approxlmaLe value fuslng currenL of a round wlre ls
lk vd Where k consLanL dependlng upon Lhe meLal
of Lhe wlre d dlameLer of Lhe wlre
LlecLrlcal luse
W 8reaklng CapaclLy 1he breaklng capaclLy ls Lhe
maxlmum currenL LhaL can be safely lnLerrupLed by
Lhe fuse Some fuse are deslgnaLed Plgh 8upLure
capaclLy (P8C)
W volLage 8aLlng as well as a currenL raLlng fuses
also carry volLage raLlng lndlcaLlng Lhe maxlmum
clrculL volLage ln whlch Lhe fuse can be used
luse carrylng a 230 volL raLlng may be safely used ln
123 volL clrculL buL reverse ls noL Lrue as Lhe fuse
may noL be capable of safely lnLerrupLlng Lhe arc ln
a clrculL of hlgher volLage
9ower sysLem 9roLecLlon (luse)
ClrculL 8reakers vS 8elays
8elays are llke human braln clrculL breakers are
llke human muscle
8elays 'make declslons' based on seLLlngs
8elays send slgnals Lo clrculL breakers 8ased Lhe
sendlng slgnals clrculL breakers wlll open/close
9ower sysLem 9roLecLlon (luse)
luses vS 8elays
W 8elays have dlfferenL seLLlngs and can be seL
based on proLecLlon requlremenLs
W 8elays can be reseL
W luses only have one speclflc characLerlsLlc for
a lndlvldual Lype
W luses cannoL be reseL buL replaced lf Lhey
P8C luse
P8C luse MulLlple segmenL 1ype
P8C luse
W luse AcLlon
W PeaLlng/melLlng (pre arc)
W MelLlng/ vaporlslng (arclng)
W Slllca (quarLz sand)
W Cools Lhe arc
W 8eacL wlLh molLen sllver Lo form a glass llke
maLerlal whlch permanenLly open clrculL
W P8C luse ( mulLlple segmenL Lype ) used for hlgh
currenL raLlng lnLernal elemenL conslsL of mulLlple
noLches or even mulLlple elemenLs ln parallel lor
hlgh faulL currenLs all noLches melL and arc
P8C luse
W AJvootoqes of nkc foses
Cheap compared wlLh oLher Lypes of clrculL
lnLerrupLers of same breaklng capaclLy
slmple and easy lnsLallaLlon
no malnLenance ls requlred
Plgh breaklng capaclLy
uo noL deLerloraLe wlLh Llme
ConslsLenL ln performance
ulsoJvootoqes of nkc foses
1lme ls losL ln replaclng fuse afLer each operaLlon
lnLerlocklng ls noL posslble
lL causes overheaLlng of ad[acenL conLacLs
luse Llme currenL characLerlsLlc
Inverse time
I2 In
I2 I1
Prospective short
circuit current (Amps)
luse characLerlsLlc
W lor a fuse Lo saLlsfacLorlly proLecL a cable lLs
characLerlsLlc musL maLch as closely as posslble
Lhe heaLlng characLerlsLlc of Lhe cable
W 1hls means LhaL fuses have an lnverse Llme
characLerlsLlc le Lhe larger Lhe over currenL Lhe
fasLer Lhe blowlng Llme of Lhe fuse
W luse characLerlsLlcs are drawn on log/log scale as
Lhls enables a wlde range of currenLs along wlLh a
wlde range of Llme lnLervals Lo be charLed
luse characLerlsLlc dlscrlmlnaLlon

Prospective short
circuit current (Amps)
luse characLerlsLlc dlscrlmlnaLlon
W ln a correcLly deslgned lnsLallaLlon ln Lhe evenL of a
faulL Lhe fuse nearesL Lo Lhe faulL should lnLerrupL
Lhe clrculL before any oLher devlce has a chance of
lnLerrupLlng lL 1hls ls known as dlscrlmlnaLlon
LlecLrlcal luse
LlecLrlcal luse
Prospective short
circuit current
T2 T1
LlecLrlcal fuse
LlecLrlcal luse
W 1he LoLal leL Lhrough energy ls proporLlonal Lo
Lhe energy dlsslpaLlon durlng Lhe prearclng
and arclng lnLervals and ls referred Lo as Lhe

t cbotoctetlstlc of Lhe fuse/proLecLlve devlce

LlecLrlcal luse
W A fuse and lLs Lype should be maLched Lo Lhe

t leL Lhrough moLors conducLors

(cables) and semlconducLor devlces all have

t value eg SemlconducLor requlres

a fasL" fuse Lype
LlecLrlcal luse SelecLlon Culde
W 1he fuse musL carry Lhe normal load currenL of Lhe clrculL wlLhouL
nulsance openlngs Powever when an over currenL occurs Lhe fuse
musL lnLerrupL Lhe over currenL llmlL Lhe energy leLLhrough and
wlLhsLand Lhe volLage across Lhe fuse durlng arclng 1o properly
selecL a fuse Lhe followlngs musL be consldered
W normal operaLlng currenL (1he currenL raLlng of a fuse ls Lyplcally
deraLed 23 for operaLlon aL 23C Lo avold nulsance blowlng lor
example a fuse wlLh a currenL raLlng of 10A ls noL usually
recommended for operaLlon aL more Lhan 73A ln a 23C amblenL)
W Cverload currenL and Llme lnLerval ln whlch Lhe fuse musL open
W AppllcaLlon volLage (AC or uC volLage)
W lnrush currenLs surge currenLs pulses sLarLup currenLs
W AmblenL LemperaLure
W Appllcable sLandards agency requlred such as uL CSA vuL
W ConslderaLlons 8educe lnsLallaLlon cosL ease of removal
mounLlng Lype/form facLor eLc
8aslc Lypes of LlecLrlcal luse
W luse 1ype 1here are Lhree baslc Lypes of fuses
(1) Slow 8low/1lme Lag/ 1lme uelay fuses
(2) lasL acLlng fuses
(3) very fasL acLlng fuses
A ma[or Lype of 1lme uelay fuse ls Lhe dualelemenL fuse
1hls fuse conslsLs of a shorL clrculL sLrlp soldered [olnL and
sprlng connecLlon uurlng overload condlLlons Lhe soldered
[olnL geLs hoL enough Lo melL and Lhe sprlng shears Lhe
[uncLlon loose under shorL clrculL condlLlons Lhe shorL
clrculL elemenL operaLes Lo open Lhe clrculL
LlecLrlcal luse
W Slowblow fuse allows Lemporary and harmless lnrush
currenLs Lo pass wlLhouL openlng buL ls so deslgned
Lo open on susLalned overloads and shorL clrculLs
Slowblow fuses are ldeal for clrculLs wlLh a LranslenL
surge or poweron lnrush 1hese clrculLs lnclude
moLors Lransformers lncandescenL lamps and
capaclLaLe loads
W 1hls lnrush may be many Llmes Lhe clrculLs full load
amperes Slowblow fuses allow close raLlng of Lhe
fuse wlLhouL nulsance openlng 1yplcally Slow 8low
fuses are raLed beLween 123 Lo 130 of Lhe clrculLs
full load amperes
LlecLrlcal luse

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