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There are 2 aspects of handling IR at work place or plant level. They are: (i) Individual relations: Gr. Handling and matters of discipline. (ii) Collective relations: (a) Dealing with TU (b) Negotiation, CB, and agreements (c) functioning of JMCs, works committee etc.(d) Prevention and settlement of ID.

GRIEVANCE & GR. HANDLING PROCEDURE Meaning & content: PROF. Jucious defines grievance as any discontent or dissatisfaction, whether expressed or not, whether valid or not, arising out of any thing connected with the company that an employee thinks, believe or even feels is unfair, unjust or inequitable. In the words of Keith Davis, any real or imagined feeling of personal injustice which an employee has concerning his employment relationship.

Pigors and Myres observes that the three terms : Dissatisfaction"," Complaint, and Grievance indicate various form and stages of employees dissatisfaction. According to them, a dissatisfaction is anything that disturbs an employee, whether or not he expresses his unrest in words". A Complaint is spoken or written dissatisfaction, brought to the attention of the supervisor. A Grievance is simply a complaint that has been ignored, over ridden or dismissed without consideration.

CAUSES OF GRIEVANCE: Basically gr. Is complaint of one or more workers covering such areas: 1.Wages,incentives,work arrangement etc. 2.Transfer, seniority, promotion etc 3.Working conditions, safety, welfare etc. 4.Supervision, discipline, gr.against super. 5.Employment contract violation unfair labor practice etc..


The code of discipline adopted at the 16th session of Indian Labor Conference, has highlighted the need for Model Grievance Procedure on an agreed basis. It is as under: 1.An aggrieved employee shall first present his gr. Verbally in person to the officer designated by management for the purpose. The answer shall be given within 48 hours.

2. If the worker is not satisfied with the decision, he shall be accompanied by a deptt. Representative to present his gr. to HOD who has to settle the gr. Within 3 days. 3. In case the workman is not satisfied with the decision of HOD, he may request him to refer the case to the Gr. Committee. 4. The Gr. Cottee. Considers the matter and makes its recommendations to management within 7 days of referral. The aggrieved workman is entitled to know the decision within 3 days from the date of recommendation.. 5. If dis-satisfied by Cottee.decision, he may appeal to top management for revision. 6. In case of dissatisfaction , workman may refer to Arbitration.

GR. PROCEDURE - Textile Lab.Assn TLA, Ahmedabad has a union representative in each deptt. Who takes employee grievance to HOD. TLA keeps a ratio of 1 rep. for 100 workers. If matter is not settled, it is taken over by TUofficial. He goes to mill, interview grievant and then discuss with HOD. In case of dissatisfaction, the sr. leaders of TU discuss with top-management. Failure at this stage leads to conciliation.

GR. PROCEDURE IN TISCO Stage I Worker with gr. Fills in form and submit it to shift in charge. Stage 2 If not satisfied, it is considered by HOD. Stage 3 If not satisfied with HOD, the case is forwarded to Zonal Works Cottee. (ZWC consists of representatives of TU and Management). If the matter is not settled in ZWC, the matter is referred to top management.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

COMMUNICATION CHANNEL TO IMPROVE WORKERSMANAGEMENT RELATIONS Gr.redressal through Gr.Box Open door policy of management Works committee Standing orders Wage Board/wage negotiation cottee. Canteen/safety committee Code of discipline in industry CB/WPM/Suggestion scheme/H.Journal


Supervisors are known by various names in different departments such as shift supervisor, shift in charge, inspectors, officer or 1st line supervisor. His status is very important. He has direct contact with rank and file workers. He acts as a middleman between workers and management.

Keith Davis has explained the position of supervisor as follows: 1. As a key man 2. As a man in the middle 3. As a marginal man 4. As an employee 5. As a specialist of human relations. To be successful Supervisor, he must possess the following qualities: 1. Technical competence 2. Team spirit

3. Efficient administer 4. Knowledge of various techniques 5. Understanding of HR 6. He must be people minded SUPERVISORY TECHNIQUE 1.Democratic or consultative 2. Autocratic 3. Free reign - just opposite to autocratic

WHAT MAKES A SUPERVISOR EFFECTIVE 1. Supervisory effectiveness in relation to supervision received 2. Pattern of supervision:
(a) close supervision and general supervision (b) employee centered and production Centered. .

3. Effective communication 4. Policies and power 5. Supportive role behaviors 6. Clinical method.

Keith Davis has defined the term as discussion of an emotional problem with an employee with the general objective of decreasing it

Functions of Counseling: 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. Advice 2. Re assurance dont worry Communication upward & downward Release of emotional tension Clarified thinking Re-orientation change in employees psyche through change in basic goals and values.


Greater economic benefits - wage, bonus, overtime, incentive Psychological - attitude, behaviour,motivation, morale and supervision. Social causes permissiveness,lo- morale Political various parties,TU ideologies Techno.problems resistance to change Market situation rising prices and shortages Legal causes old labor laws, policy of mgmnt.

Institutional factors - state policy, labour laws, voluntary codes, collective bargaining , labour unions employers organisations etc. Global factors - the various issues included are international relations, global conflicts, dominant economic political ideologies, global cultural milieu, economic and trading policies of power blocks, international traqde agreements and relations, international labour agreements , role of I.L.O.etc.

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