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lllm fashlon and lmages

CreaLlng an lmage of person place

producL ouLdoors as per sLory llne
MaLerlal/lnformaLlon for asslgnmenLs
Lach SLudenL have Lo collecL one movle from any
language movles such as 8usslan Mexlcan LaLln
Cerman 1urklsh !apanese eLc whlch has Lo be seen ln
Lhe class
lundamenLals of Makeup and halr as per occaslon such
as SLage LheaLer shooL
Learn Lo source garmenLs and accessorles ln sync wlLh
Lhe ploL and characLerlzaLlon
SLyllng of compleLe coordlnaLed look Lo creaLe an
lmage by chooslng Lhe rlghL model for a producL shooL
or launch ln adverLlslng
Apparel/lnLerlor analysls ln 1v soaps/AdverLlsemenLs
lllm fashlon and lmages
CreaLlng an lmage of person place producL
ouLdoors as per sLory llne glven
1hls goes for fllms Lv soaps ad fllms LheaLer
cosLumes prlnLed medla magazlnes
newspaper eLc
1he lmage reallzaLlon may be conLemporary
hlsLorlcal reallsLlc fanLasy sclence
flcLlonremake of fllms corelaLlng ploL mllleu
charecLerlzaLlon camera llghLlng acLlon
Cne has Lo undersLand Lhe lmporLance of
lmage" ln fashlon be lL a characLer model
1hls would lnvolve sLudy of personal sLyle body
proporLlons and body language for people from
dlfferenL walks of llfe also may lnvolve
accessorles furnlLure room lnLerlors eLc
A compleLe look also lnvolves professlonals from
varlous fleld
1lmage of surroundlng
2lmage of accessorles of all Lype
3lmage of apparel
we have Lo creaLe a brldge beLween
creaLors vlslon and vlewers percepLlon
8egular look of a pollLlclan as we Lhlnk of Lhemrude facerough skln
lndlan or old fashloned wesLern shlrL
py[amarlngsrudrakshaspecsblndlrare wlLh shorL halrno halr
colorhalr bondlng/lronng
Look of a young men pollLlclan modern halr
cuLsbeards ccasslonally wesLern wear
ln 8a[neeLlglamourlsed glrl wlLh some
professlon oLher Lhan ra[neeLl Lurns lnLo
pollLlclans and adorns a look whlch ls usually
accepLed and vlsuallsed by we lndlan s for
women pollLlans
Clamorlzed looknlce earneck
pcs comperaLlvely brlghL
halrwe as an lndlan do noL
percleve women pollLlclan as
glamour look
ulfference ln Lhe look counLy
sLaLe wlse
Casual/carefree mood and dresslng before/afLer Lurnlng
uharm guru/asLrologers beards noL cuL for several
daysrudrakshaLllakouLflLs comfreLable/carefree/whlLeoff
whlLesaffron/kamandal/casually Lled Lurban/ as shown on 1v and
varlous serlals
Sunl1A MLnCn Ashok MoLlanl modern asLroger/LarroL card
lmage of rural
lndla blllu
brlghL colorwall
lmage of rural 8rlLaln archlLecLure/cloLhlng/color scheme/
lew examples PrlLlk roshan kaho na pyar
hal(2000) flesL as a small Lown car salesman was
seen ln slmple shlrL and 1shlrLslook was sofL
and boy nexLdoorposL mldLerm he Lransformed
ln an upperclass dude wlLh flamboyanL [ackeLs
1shlrLs ln brlghL colors and hls halr also geLs
sLyllsh and LhaL worked ouL body helped Lo
achleve Lhe deslred look
Mlsslon kashmeer(2000) a LerrorlsL from valleywore long flowy
kashmlrl kurLas wlLh salwarocasslonally shall was Lrhown on hls
shoulders buL ln rare place wlLh san[ay duLL wore black 1shlrLsa
scope Lo showw off hls blcepsrough look wlLh beard manly Lone of
kabhl khushl kabhl gum a college sLudenL ln london ls dressed ln
fllmy and funky sLylesporLlng shlny leaLher panLssleeveless black L
shlrLs and wlLh elder broLher sharukh dressed ln more sedaLe manner
ln booL cuL denlmsknlLLed L shlrLs
krlsh wore dhoLl llke garmenL and a [ackeL of a sorLsporLed long
halr lL gave lmpresslon of a grown up Mowgll
When Lurned super hero hls black long overcoaL and Lhe mask
was very baLman meeLs maLrlx he also showed blceps Lrlceps
kol mll gaya was Lhe nerdlesL lookpreppy Lo Lhe corelooked llke
overgrown school boy vneck pullovers and specLacles gave look
of an overage for Lhe oLher sLudenLs ln Lhe same classsLyllng
emheslezed unlform look and blL of LransformaLlon ln Lhe song
lts Moqlc
uhoom 2 was a greek god ln Lhe fllmhls skln was Lanned
bronzehalr was bleached wlLh gold hlgh llghLsbody was
buffed(flnlshed) showed muscles ocasslonally scarf was Lhrown
klLes as kangna ranauL's husband was dressed super sLyllsh ln prlnLed shlrLs
and well cuL sulLs
CLherwlse as fuglLlvemosLly dressed ln blue [eans well flLLed whlLe shlrL wlLh
rolledup sleeves Lhe look was rugged and grungl as he was always on Lhe
he sporLed Lhe mexlcan look for song loJoql Jo pol kl wbete be lookeJ
Jteomywote sombteto botteqolot poots ooJ komotbooJb
!odha akbar was wearlng rlchopulenL angarkhas as worn by mughal
emperorseveryLhlng abouL hls cosLume was royal and ma[esLlcgems and
emeral hanged around hls neck!amas over angarakhasand sLarched
llzahalllng from slmple famlly wearlng modesL and neuLral colors dressed
llke slmple modern musllm guywhen showen as dlslllusloned youLh who has
[olned Lerror seen ln black panLsblack slgleL and aL Llmes bandana
Lakshya playelng good for noLhlng youngsLer ln Lhe flrsL parL he ls unkempL
and careless [eansLshlrLscloLhes were noL well coordlnaLed and wore an ouL
of bed look
When [olns armyhe ls mosLely dressed ln army unlforms eLc sporLlng very
shorL halr
Pls sLyle ls mlnlmallsL may look royal Loocan carry off
chlkankarl sherwanl very well slnce he ls flL sLrucLured
cloLhes also look good on hlm
Ma|n I||m Genres AcLlon
AcLlon fllms usually lnclude hlgh energy blgbudgeL
physlcal sLunLs and chases posslbly wlLh rescues baLLles
flghLs escapes desLrucLlve crlses (floods exploslons
naLural dlsasLers flres eLc) nonsLop moLlon
specLacular rhyLhm and paclng and advenLurous
ofLen goodguy heroes (or recenLly herolnes) baLLllng
bad guys
Lg Act|on 1he Wor|d |s Not Lnough
(1999) starrer lerce 8rosnan
Ma|n I||m Genres AdvenLure
AdvenLure fllms are usually exclLlng sLorles
wlLh new experlences or exoLlc locales very
slmllar Lo or ofLen palred wlLh Lhe octloo fllm
eg 1ermlnaLor 2 !udgmenL uay (1991) Mlsslon
lmposslble 1he MaLrlx (1999)
Sub genres/hybrld AcLlon /advenLure

AcLlon or AdvenLure Comedy

Allen lnvaslon
Anlmal AcLlon lllms
Consplracy 1hrlller
Crlme lllms
Lplc AdvenLure lllms
LroLlc 1hrlllers
Lsplonage(survelllancespyelng )
Clrls WlLh Cuns
ub Genres ulsasLer fllms a subgenre of
octloo fllms hlL Lhelr peak ln Lhe decade of Lhe
wlLh suspenseful acLlon and lmpendlng crlses
(manmade or naLural) ln locales such as aboard
lmperlled alrllners Lralns dlrlglbles slnklng or
wrecked oceanllners or ln Lowerlng burnlng
skyscrapers crowded sLadlums or earLhquake
zones CfLen noLed for Lhelr vlsual and speclal
effecLs buL noL Lhelr acLlng performances
esostet fllms eq9|anet of the Apes (1968) (and
enLlre franchlseserles from 19681973) plus remake
9|anet of the Apes (2001)
lqootlc Moostet Attock oo Nc |overf|e|d (2008)
letbol lloqoe (keopet) Doomsday (2008)
Ma|n I||m Genres Comedy Comedles are
llghLhearLed ploLs conslsLenLly and dellberaLely deslgned Lo
amuse and provoke laughLer (wlLh onellners [okes eLc) by
exaggeraLlng Lhe slLuaLlon Lhe language acLlon relaLlonshlps
and characLers
1hls secLlon descrlbes varlous forms of comedy Lhrough
clnemaLlc hlsLory lncludlng slopstlck(bolstetoos octloo os tbe
tbtowloq of ples lo octots foces moqqloq ooJ obvloos fotclcol
sltootloos ooJ jokestbe Mosk) sctewboll(beboves lo ooexpecteJ
woysmt beoo type) spoofs(lotoJy by lmltotloo) and potoJles
tomootlc comeJles block comeJy (dark saLlrlcal comedy)
Lg comedy |az|ng add|es (1974) ls
one of Mel 8rooks funnlesL mosL
successful and mosL popular fllms
Sub genres comedy
AcLlon Comedles
8lack Comedles (uark Pumor)
8rlLlsh Pumor
Classlc Comedles
Comedy 1hrlllers
Comlc Crlmlnals
lalry 1ale
lamlly Comedles
farce(rldlculous slLuaLlon)
Porror Comedles
8omanLlc Comedles
SupernaLural Comedles
Ma|n I||m Genres
Crlme and gangsLer Crlme (gangsLer) fllms
are developed around Lhe slnlsLer acLlons of crlmlnals or
mobsLers parLlcularly bankrobbers underworld flgures
or ruLhless hoodlums who operaLe ouLslde Lhe law
sLeallng and murderlng Lhelr way Lhrough llfe
1hls caLegory lncludes a descrlpLlon of varlous serlal
klller fllms
eg gangster]cr|me
1he Godfather (1972) and 1he
Godfather 9art II (1974) 1he
Godfather 9art III (1990) Cceans
Lleven (2001) and sequels
Crlme and gangsLer
8ad Clrl Movles
Cops 8obbers
Pardbolled ueLecLlve(unsenLlmenLal porLrayal of vlolence and sex )
Law and Crder
Mafla Crganlzed Crlme Mob lllms
Womens rlson lllms
sub genres ueLecLlvemysLery Lhese fllms are
usually consldered a subLype or subgenre of
ctlme/qooqstet fllms (or fllm oolt) or sospeose ot
tbtlllet fllms LhaL focus on Lhe unsolved crlme
usually Lhe murder or dlsappearance of one or
more of Lhe characLers or a LhefL
eg 1he 1h|n Man (1934)
were derlved from uashlell PammeLLs 1934 novel of
Lhe same LlLle 1he sophlsLlcaLed wlsecracklng boozlng
couple (magnlflcenLly porLrayed by Wllllam owell and
Myrna Loy)
llm oolt (meanlng black fllm) ls a dlsLlncL branch
of Lhe ctlme/qooqstet
SLrlcLly speaklng fllm nolr ls noL a genre buL raLher
Lhe mood sLyle or Lone of varlous Amerlcan fllms LhaL
evolved ln Lhe 1940s and lasLed ln a classlc perlod unLll
abouL 1960
nolrs are usually black and whlLe fllms wlLh prlmary
moods of melancholy allenaLlon bleakness
dlsllluslonmenL dlsenchanLmenL pesslmlsm
amblgulLy moral corrupLlon evll gullL and paranola
And Lhey ofLen feaLure a cynlcal loner hero (anLlhero)
and femme fotole ln a seedy blg clLy
I||m no|r eg fear |n the N|ght (1947) 1he
Lady from hangha| (1948)car|et treet (194S)
one of Lhe moodlesL blackesL Lhrlllers ever
made abouL a mlldmannered palnLers (Ldward
C 8oblnson) unpunlshed and unsuspecLed
murder of an amoral femme fotolemystetloos
ooJ seJoctlve womoo wbose cbotms eosoote
bet lovets lo booJs of ltteslstlble Jeslte ofteo
leoJloq tbem loto comptomlsloq Jooqetoos
(!oan 8enneLL)
ma|n I||m Genres of urama uramas
are serlous ploLdrlven presenLaLlons porLraylng reallsLlc
characLers seLLlngs llfe slLuaLlons and sLorles lnvolvlng
lnLense characLer developmenL and lnLeracLlon usually
Lhey are noL focused on speclaleffecLs comedy or
acLlon uramaLlc fllms are probably Lhe largesL fllm genre
meloJtomos eplcs (blstotlcol Jtomos) or tomootlc
genres uramaLlc bloqtopblcol fllms (ot bloplcs) are a
ma[or subgenre as are adulL fllms (wlLh maLure sub[ecL
eg drama Lrln 8rockovlch (2000) !ohn
Cromwells |nce ou Went Away
ub I||m Genres
Melodramas/weepers/womans fllms
are a subLype of Jtomo fllms
characLerlzed by a ploL Lo appeal Lo
Lhe emoLlons of Lhe audlence
Lg melodrama/weeples/Leer[erkers
Cone WlLh Lhe Wlnd (1939)
Schlndlers LlsL (1993) 1he SlxLh Sense
(1999) Moulln 8ouge (2001)
Ma|n I||m Genres ep|cs]h|sor|ca|
Lplcs lnclude cosLume dramas hlsLorlcal Jtomos wot
fllms medleval romps or perlod plcLures LhaL ofLen
cover a large expanse of Llme seL agalnsL a vasL
panoramlc backdrop Lplcs ofLen share elemenLs of Lhe
elaboraLe oJveotote fllms genre Lplcs Lake an hlsLorlcal
or lmaglned evenL myLhlc legendary or herolc flgure
and add an exLravaganL seLLlng and lavlsh cosLumes
accompanled by grandeur and specLacle dramaLlc scope
hlgh producLlon values and a sweeplng muslcal score
Lplcs are ofLen a more specLacular lavlsh verslon of a
bloplc fllm
Lg ep|c]h|stor|ca| Lg |eopatra (1934) |eopatra (1963)
sLarrlng LllzabeLh 1aylor as Lhe provocaLlvelycosLumed LgypLlan
Ma|n I||m Genres horror
Porror fllms are deslgned Lo frlghLen and Lo lnvoke our hldden
worsL fears ofLen ln a Lerrlfylng shocklng flnale
1hey are ofLen comblned wlLh scleoce flctloo when Lhe
menace or monsLer ls relaLed Lo a corrupLlon of Lechnology or
when LarLh ls LhreaLened by allens
subgenres of horror Leen Lerror serlal klllers saLanlc uracula
Lg horror Alfred PlLchcocks powerful complex
psychologlcal Lhrlller sycho (1960) Allen (1979)
1he Sllence of Lhe Lambs (1991)
8aslc lnsLlncL (1992)
lanLasy fllms usually consldered a subgenre are mosL
llkely Lo overlap wlLh Lhe fllm genres of scleoce flctloo
and bottot alLhough Lhey are dlsLlncL lanLasles Lake
Lhe audlence Lo neLherworld places(PaunLed world of
dead ) (or anoLher dlmenslon) where evenLs are
unllkely Lo occur ln real llfe
Ma|n I||m Genresmus|ca|]dance
Muslcal/dance fllms are clnemaLlc forms LhaL emphaslze full
scale scores or song and dance rouLlnes ln a slgnlflcanL way
cenLered on comblnaLlons of muslc dance song or choreography
Ma[or subgenres lnclude Lhe moslcol comeJy or Lhe concerL fllm
Ma|n I||m Genres sc|f| Sclfl fllms are
ofLen quaslsclenLlflc vlslonary and lmaglnaLlve
compleLe wlLh heroes allens dlsLanL planeLs lmposslble
quesLs lncredlble seLLlngs fanLasLlc places greaL dark
and shadowy vlllalns fuLurlsLlc Lechnology unknown and
unknowable forces and exLraordlnary monsLers (Lhlngs
or creaLures from space) elLher creaLed by mad
sclenLlsLs or by nuclear havoc
Ma|n I||m Genres war War (and anLl
war) fllms acknowledge Lhe horror and hearLbreak of war
leLLlng Lhe acLual combaL flghLlng (agalnsL naLlons or
humanklnd) on land sea or ln Lhe alr provlde Lhe
prlmary ploL or background for Lhe acLlon of Lhe fllm War
fllms are ofLen palred wlLh oLher genres such as octloo
oJveotote Jtomo tomooce comeJy (black) sospeose
and even eplcs and westetos and Lhey ofLen Lake a
denunclaLory(condem) approach Loward warfare
Ma|n I||m Genres WesLerns are Lhe
ma[or deflnlng genre of Lhe Amerlcan fllm lndusLry
are one of Lhe oldesL mosL endurlng genres wlLh very
recognlzable ploLs elemenLs and characLers (slxguns
horses dusLy Lowns and Lralls cowboys lndlans eLc)
sub genres 8oad fllms have been a sLaple of Amerlcan
fllms from Lhe very sLarL and have ranged ln genres from
westetos comeJles qooqstet/ctlme fllms Jtomos and octloo
oJveotote fllms
an eplsodlc [ourney on Lhe open road (or undlscovered Lrall) Lo
search for escape or Lo engage ln a quesL for some klnd of goal
elLher a dlsLlncL desLlnaLlon or Lhe aLLalnmenL of love freedom
moblllLy redempLlon Lhe flndlng or redlscoverlng of onself or
comlngofage (psychologlcally or splrlLually)
Sub [onres8loplcs ls a Lerm derlved from Lhe
comblnaLlon of Lhe words blography and plcLures
Lhey are subgenre of Lhe larger Jtomo and eplc fllm
genres lL was mosL popular ln Lhe 1930s Lhey are sLlll
promlnenL Lo Lhls day 1hese fllms deplcL Lhe llfe of an
lmporLanL hlsLorlcal personage (or group) from Lhe pasL
or presenL era 8loplcs cross many genre Lypes slnce
Lhese fllms mlghL showcase a wesLern ouLlaw a
crlmlnal a muslcal composer a rellglous flgure a war
Llme hero an enLerLalner an arLlsL an lnvenLor or
docLor a pollLlclan or resldenL or an advenLurer
ub [enresh|ck I||cks'1LAkILkkLk a story song p|ay
f||m or broadcast that moves or |s |ntended to move |ts aud|ence
to tears chlck fllcks or gal fllms (sllghLly sarcasLlc Lerms) mosLly
lnclude formulaLed romanLlc comeJles (wlLh mlsmaLched lovers or
female relaLlonshlps)
teotjetkets and galpal fllms movles abouL famlly crlses and emoLlonal
carlsls some LradlLlonal weeples and fanLasyacLlon advenLures
someLlmes wlLh foulmouLhed and empowered females and female
bondlng slLuaLlons lnvolvlng famllles moLhers daughLers chlldren
women and womens lssues
eg komeo and Iu||et (1968) dlrecLor lranco Zefflrellls beauLlful
modern lnLerpreLaLlon of Shakespeares endurlng classlc yeL Lraglc
love sLory of sLarcrossed lovers" Lear[erker
Cuy lllms Composed of macho fllms LhaL are ofLen
packed wlLh sophomorlc humor acLlon carLoon
vlolence compeLlLlon meansplrlLed puLdowns and
graLulLous nudlLy and sex Cal fllms or cblck fllcks are
Lhelr counLerparL for females
Lg D|e nard (1988) 9u|p I|ct|on (1994)
lllm hlsLory and wesLern fashlon
lnfluence on lndlan clnema
Wor|d War I cenLered ln Lurope LhaL began
1914 and lasLed unLll 1918 lL lnvolved all Lhe
worlds greaLesL powers
Wor|d War II abbrevlaLed as WWII or WW2)
was a global mlllLary confllcL lasLlng from 1939
Lo 1943
Women conLrlbuLed Lo lndusLrlal war efforLs
and galned more range of work clvll and
economlc rlghLs and sLarLed playlng greaLer
roles ouLslde Lhelr homes for Lhe flrsL Llme
ever ln hlsLory
lor free women comparaLlvely free llfe
Lralned for varlous klnd of work en[oylng
sporLs work danclng lashlon had Lo be
funcLlonalcorseLs were lgnored lnLroduced
sklrLs lnsLead of gowns py[amas and cropped
halrLhls klnd of LransformaLlon had
18931he lnnovaLlve Lumlere( LlLle came from faLher) broLhers ln
lrance Louls and AugusLe were called as Lhe foundlng faLhers
of modern fllm who worked ln a facLory LhaL manufacLured
phoLographlc equlpmenL and supplles
1hey creaLed Lhelr own combo movle camera and pro[ecLor
whlch could pro[ecL movle lmages Lo several specLaLors lL
dubbed Lhe |nematographe
1he mulLlpurpose devlce (comblnlng camera prlnLer and
pro[ecLlng capablllLles ln Lhe same room) where more Lhan a
slngle specLaLor could waLch Lhe fllm on a large screen 1hey
used a fllm wldLh of 33mm and a speed of 16 frames per second

8y Lhe advenL of sound fllm ln Lhe laLe 1920s 24 fps became Lhe
1896 ls a landmark ln Lhe hlsLory of lndlan clnema 1hls
was Lhe flrsL Llme a 1 mln movle was shown ln lndla
lL Look several years and Lhen ln 1913 uadasaheb
halke made 8a[a Parlshchandra whlch was Lhe flrsL
lndlan movle Lo be made lL was 3700 feeL long and
was based on Lhe MahabharaLa 1he movles were black
and whlLe wlLh no sound ln Lhe beglnnlng

1913 uadasaheb halke made 8a[a Parlshchandra sllenL movle no

wesLern lnfluence based on vedlc era cosLumes/lnLerlors/exLerlor
flrsL feaLure fllm
1918 |rth of ensorsh|p Lhe lndlan ClnemaLograph
AcL ls passed Modeled on Lhe 8rlLlsh acL lL ls
responslble for seLLlng Lhe Lerms for censorshlp and
clnema llcenslng
1hen came Lhe movles wlLh sounds Alam Ara was Lhe flrsL movle
wlLh sound and lL was released ln 1931 1hls movle was a super
hlL dressng was all very lndlan sLyle
192039 wesLern world sporLs and lelsure wear
orlglnaLed for women for Lhe flrsL Llme
Appearence of speclal cloLhes for Lennls/golf
for moLorlng for beach for wlnLer sporLs was
seen remarkably
classlc Lennls brand LacosLe gave sporLs wear Lo
lrench Lennls players wlLh lLs crocodlle logo uavls Cup
Lennls ln Lhe 1920s and 1930s whlch sLlll has lLs
presence wlLh varled LexLure/color combo
1he flrsL lawn Lennls players ln Lngland wore formal
aLLlre when playlng SLandard Lennls cloLhes for women
were fulllengLh dresses Men wore long panLs and
formal long sleeve shlrLs 1he Lennls cloLhes of boLh
men and women were enLlrely whlLe ln color
1920's men boys and someLlmes women would wear knlckers
1hese had a band whlch fasLened aL Lhe knee 1hey were flne for
walklng buL LlghLened up when Lhe knee benL so were
uncomforLable when slLLlng or rldlng a horse
lald llnen golf shorLs
An exLra baggy effecL was creaLed by addlng an exLra 4 lnches
fabrlc Lo Lhe lengLh of Lhe knlckers Lo allow more freedom of
movemenL Pence 'plus fours' plus fours were qulckly adopLed
by golfers
8A1PlnC Sul118AvLL CLC1PLS and oLher cloLhes wlLh more
grace and lmaglnaLlon Look overalso women cars
ln Lhe 1920s swlmwear sLarLed reveallng Lhe body
more Lhen ever before 1he modern mallloL was
lnvenLed arasols were
your besL sun proLecLlon back Lhen
ln 1923 sklrLs became shorLer Lhan ever dresses were
sLralghL wlLh armhole neck cuL haLs were ln buL
wlLhouL feaLhers and consldered femlnlne
Women barrowed sLralghL coaL and
waLerproof from men's barrowed
learless nadla ln Mlss lronLler
Mall(1936) lnfluence of sporLs wear
Scene from v ShanLarams Aadml
1932 1he acLress Zubelda
lnsplraLlons of fabrlccolorLrlms came
from varlous anclenL royal cosLumes
ne|en 1he cabareL queen of
esLabllshed herself as a popular Plndl
fllm acLress wlLh ShakLl SamanLas
osbmlt l oll ln 1964 ln 1967
Sharmlla sporLed a blklnl ln Lhe movle
Ao veoloq lo lotls (1967
1920s look Madame Loulse 8rooks frlnges adopLed
by sadhana 1960's acLor
Pollywood acLress ClaudeLLe ColberLsee Lhe eyebrow
shape 1920s Plndl fllm sLar from Lhe 1920s
eyebrows shape common
chino 1own 192
20s acLress !ean Parlow draw on her own brows mole
aL chln wavy halr shashlkala 8ablLa ln hlndl
Madonna aL McgraLh 20s lnfluenced
makeupsee how Lhe look has been
Narg|s ka[ kapoor and D|||p kumar |n scene from Andaz
1949 sho|ey
George Groves 1930's hatscoatswept
back ha|r
1hen emerged Lhe fllms ln colours 1hls
happened only ln Lhe laLe 1930s Colours
broughL ln Lremendous growLh ln Lhls
lndusLry 1hls was a Llme when Lhe muslcals
and a melodrama were seen everywhere
SLars llke 8a[ kapoor ulllp kumar and uev
Anand each creaLed a mark for Lhemselves
1960s and 1970s broughL ln acLlon movles and
sLars llke uharmendra !eeLendra and 8a[esh
khanna who were known as acLlon heroes
AnoLher landmark ln Lhe lndlan fllm lndusLry Look
place ln 1973 and LhaL was Lhe launch of Lhe 70mm
movles Sholay Lhe flrsL movle Lo be released as a
70mm movle became a ma[or block busLer
1he 1980s Lhe heroes became more blood LhlrsLy and
every movle had Lhe famous dlalogue kuLLey maln
Lera khoon pee [aunga" 1hls was Lhe Llme when
AmlLabh 8achchan was known as Lhe angry young
8y Lhe end of Lhe cenLury all Lhe vlewers wanLed
Lo see were famlly dramas and comedy fllms
1hls was when movles llke Pum Apke haln kaun
and ullwale uulhanlya Le !ayenge and were
blggesL block busLers
1hese movles were exLra long movles
now ln Lhe currenL era Lhe laLesL Lrend ls
remaklng A loL of dlrecLors are maklng remakes
of ma[or hlLs of Lhe pasL Some of Lhe recenL
releases have been uevdas uon and umrao !aan
ln lndla Lo keep a cerLaln amounL of conLrol on
movle maklng Lhe censor board ls very acLlve
1he members of Lhe board are boLh male and
female Lach movle has Lo geL a cerLlflcaLe
from Lhls board before Lhe movle ls released
lf lL's a u/A raLlng lLs open for vlewer shlp by
all buL lf lLs an A raLlng Lhen lLs only for
vlewers 18 and above
Movles ln lndla are made on boLh are a large
scale and small scale 1here are Lhe blg
producLlon houses and Lhen Lhere are small
budgeL movle makers Movles from
producLlon houses llke !ohar ?ash 8a[ MukLa
arLs and Lhe kapoors are normally very blg
budgeL movles
1he 30s ls recognlzed as Lhe decade of soclal
proLesL ln Lhe hlsLory of lndla fllms ln Lhe 30s
Lhree ma[or fllm cenLers developed whlch
were based ln 8ombay (Mumbal) CalcuLLa
(kolkaLa) and Madras (Chennal) Cf Lhese
cenLers 8ombay was known for Lhe maklng of
fllms geared for naLlonal dlsLrlbuLlon whlle
Madras and CalcuLLa were known for Lhelr
reglonal fllms
lrom Lhe 1940s Lo Lhe laLe 1930s Lhe fllms wlLh
Lhelr concenLraLlon on vlbranL song and dance
1he 1940s and 1930s also saw Lhe emergence of
Lhe playback slnglng Lhe offcamera volce LhaL
performs Lhe songs LhaL Lhe acLors and acLresses
subsequenLly acL for
now muslc became an lmporLanL lngredlenL ln
lndlan clnema
1he 30s was a unlque Llme ln lndlan clnema
blessed wlLh LalenLed dlrecLors and arLlsLes who
could sLamp Lhelr lndlvlduallLy ln Lhelr work
1he blg Lurnlng polnL came ln 1933 wlLh Lhe
arrlval of 8engall dlrecLor SLya[lL ray and hls
classlc aLher anchall lnLernaLlonal
recognlLlon came Lo lL wlLh Lhe Cannes
awardfor Lhe besL human documenL
ln 30's esLabllshmenL of naLlonal lllm Awards
Lhe lllm llnance CorporaLlons Lhe naLlonal
lllm Archlves of lndla and Lhe lllm and
1elevlslon lnsLlLuLe of lndla 1he flrsL
lnLernaLlonal lllm lesLlval ln 1932 held aL
8ombay Chennal uelhl and CalcuLLa had
greaL lmpacL on lndlan Clnema lnLroducLlon
Lo lnLernaLlonal fllms lefL a deep lmpacL on
lndlan fllm makers
ln Lhe elghLles and nlneLles Shyam 8enegals 8humlka
Covlnd nlhlanls AaghaL uamul (rakash !ha) 36
Chowrlnghee Lane (Aparna Sen) new uelhl 1lmes (8amesh
Sharma) Mlrch Masala (keLan MehLa) 8ao Saheb (vl[aya
MehLa) uebshlshu (uLpalendu ChakraborLhy) Mahesh
8haLL (ArLh) 1rlshagnl (nabayendu Chosh) l[aazaL (Culzar)
umrao !aan (Muzafar All) uakhal aar (CauLam Chose)
uooraLwa neem Annapurana Andhl Call (8uddhadeb
uasgupLa) Aa[ka 8obln Pood (1apan Slnha) 1abarana
kaLhe 8annada vesha (Clrlsh kasara valll) AccldenL and
Swamy (Shanker naag) uaasl (8 naraslnga 8ao) and 8o[a
8ombay (ManlraLnam) were Lhe slgnlflcanL fllms of Lhls
8uL ln Plndl commerclal clnema muslcal love
sLorles become a new Lrend ln Lhe laLe 80's
and 90's
now lndlan Clnema especlally Plndl clnema ls
noL only popular ln lndla buL ln parLs of Lhe
Mlddle LasL aklsLan uk and vlrLually every
oLher place where lndlans llve hence
fashlon/sLyle/aesLheLlcs has Lo appeal Lo
crowd lnLernaLlonally
ln Lhe slxLles and sevenLles blg budgeL fllms
as well as offbeaL fllms lncreased 1he
popular Plndl fllms of Lhls perlod were kamal
Amrohls akeeza 8a[ kapoors 8obby
8amesh Slppys Sholay kabhl kabhl Amar
Akbar AnLhony Pum klslse kum nahln and
Muqaddar ka Slkandar
perlod from Lhe laLe 1940s Lo Lhe 1960s ls regarded by fllm
hlsLorlans as Lhe Colden Age of Plndl clnemaSome of Lhe
mosL crlLlcally acclalmed Plndl fllms of all Llme were
produced durlng Lhls perlod
Lxamples lnclude Lhe Curu uuLL fllms lyooso (1937) and
ooqoz e lbool (1939) and Lhe 8a[ kapoor fllms Awooto
(1931) and 5btee 420 (1933) 1hese fllms expressed soclal
Lhemes malnly deallng wlLh worklngclass urban llfe ln
lncludlng Mehboob khans Motbet loJlo (1937) whlch was
nomlnaLed for Lhe Academy Award for 8esL lorelgn
Language lllm
and k Aslfs MoqboleAzom (1960)
MoJbomotl (1938) dlrecLed by 8lmal 8oy and wrlLLen by
8lLwlk ChaLak
sLyle and fashlon ln Plndl fllms ls more a
represenLaLlon of Lhe soclology and
economlcs of conLemporary lndla Lhan lL ls a
clnemaLlc unlqueness
8ollywood fllms are mulLlmllllon dollar producLlons
wlLh Lhe mosL expenslve producLlons cosLlng up Lo 100
crore rupees) seLs cosLumes speclal effecLs and
clnemaLography were less Lhan worldclass up unLll Lhe
mldLolaLe 1990s
As WesLern fllms and Lelevlslon galn wlder dlsLrlbuLlon
ln lndla lLself Lhere ls an lncreaslng pressure for
8ollywood fllms Lo aLLaln Lhe same producLlon levels
parLlcularly ln areas such as acLlon and speclal effecLs
8ecenL 8ollywood fllms have employed lnLernaLlonal
Lechnlclans Lo lmprove ln Lhese areas such as ttlsb
(2006) whlch has acLlon choreographed by hongkong
based 1onychlng
1ony Chlng born 1933 ls a Pong kong acLlon
choreographer acLor fllm dlrecLor and
producer who has dlrecLed over 20 fllms
popular sLar palrs llke ulllp kumarMadhubala
8a[endra kumarMala Slnha 8a[ kumar
Meena kumarl 8lswa[eeLSalra 8anu Sunll
uuLLSadhana !oy Mukher[eeAsha arekh
and above all 8a[ kapoornargls had played a
key role ln evolvlng a fashlon consclous Lrendy
sLyle of Lhelr own whlch ln Lhe longrun had
llLerally Lurned ouL Lo be a LrendseLLer of LhaL
parLlcular era
8a[endra kumar who had glven a boosL Lo
execuLlve looks and sLyles of dresslng down
whlle hls cosLar Mala Slnha had seemed more
Lhan happler by sllpplng ln and ouL of her LlghL
churldaars kurLas and blg halrsLyle Lypes
Shashl kapoor Sharmlla 1agore popularlzed
Lhe concepLuallzed fashlon of Lhe LlghLly
knoLLed aL Lhe back klnd of cholls whlch klcked
off a bare backed Lrend of lLs own
uev Sahab (Anand) was conLenL wlLh
an ordlnary muffler draped round hls
8lswa[eeL and !oy Mukher[ee who were more fond of Lhelr well
cuL well Lallored (Lhe darzls of LhaL era Lhrlved on Lhem) and
well deslgned Lrousers rounded off wlLh readymade noL made Lo
order body hugglng 1 ShlrLs
8a[ kapoors 8usslan sLyled polo necked 1 ShlrLs
whlLe sarees or Lhe long flowlng umbrella sLyled
gowns of nargls Sunll uuLLs cowboy haLs (also
copled blaLanLly by leroz khan) and deslgner
goggles ln Landem wlLh Lhe long sLrands of halrs
coverlng hls enLlre forehead and mane (whlch
was earller noLlceable even ln hls son Sun[ay
uuLL) and lasL buL noL Lhe leasL Sadhanas
especlally sclssored halrs ln sLeps cuL coverlng
[usL Lhe fronL porLlon of her forehead
1o conLlnue furLher a darlng and dazzllng LwlsL ln Lhe fashlon Lrend
LhaL also occurred ln Lhe 60s phase lLself when Lhe acLresses of LhaL
era had shed Lhelr lnhlblLlons and dared Lo wear swlmmlng
cosLumes on Lhe cellulold sllver screen And wore Lhey dld and
how? lor le Lhe flrsL ones Lo klck off Lhls dare Lo bare Lrend was
none oLher Lhan nuLan and 1anu[a ?es lndeed Lhey were Lhe flrsL
ones Lo evolve Lhe sLyle of one plece deslgner sLyle of a swlmmlng
cosLume Salra 8anu and Sharmlla 1agore had gone a sLep ahead ln
Lhe LasLman colour era 1he former wore a shlny sequlned
colourful and a very chamklla albelL a oneplece swlmmlng cosLume
for a fllm called Aprll lool whlle Lhe laLLer had worn a shlny one
plece swlmmlng cosLume for a fllm called An Lvenlng ln arls and
Lhen flnally graduaLlng Lo a Lwoplece polka doLLed blklnl for a fllm
called Aamne Samne Pow symbollc!
Censor board
fllm and Lelevlslon lnsLlLuLe of lndla
naLlonal school of drama
WesLern lnfluence of fashlon on lndlan
ulsco ulsco ls a genre of dance muslc ulsco acLs charLed
hlgh durlng Lhe mld1970s and Lhe genres popularlLy peaked
durlng Lhe laLe 1970s lL had lLs rooLs ln
1he dlsco sLyle was abouL dresslng up Lo be
seen synergy
ulsco SaLurday nlghL fever 1977
Crease 1978
||v|a NewtonIohn as andy |sson |n os (1978)
8ock and roll ls here Lo sLay! 1he sweeL llLLle glrl aL 8ydell Plgh busLs ouL of
her prudlshness and lnLo a lowcuL Lop and sklnLlghL Lycra panLs wlLh a
[eweled buckle 1he cosLumes for Lhls 30seL reLromuslcal were by AlberL
Wolsky who won Cscars for All 1bot Iozz and 8oqsy (young !ohn 1ravolLa
LhaL angel ln black)
Love sLory 1970
Synergy CognlLlve sychology
uevelopmenLal sychology
LducaLlonal School sychology
Ceneral sychology ersonallLy
lndlvldual ulfferences
1he Mov|es estLoved ostumes
L|za M|nne||| as a||y ow|es |n cobo (1972)
1he sLark drama of Lhls blsexual ensemble a bowler haL and vesL (wlLh no
shlrL) aLop hoL panLs garLers sLocklngs and booLs was helghLened by lLs
blackness agalnsL Mlnnellls ulLrawhlLe skln and slrenred llpsLlck 1o achleve
Lhe auLhenLlc look of prePlLler 8erllns dlvlne decadence dlrecLor
choreographer 8ob losse chose a Cerman producLlon deslgner and cosLumer
ate |anchett as ueen L||zabeth |n itobh 1h on 4q (2007)
arL mannequln parL blrd LllzabeLh lords lL over Lhe CourL ln her brocaded
brllllance her powdered whlLe face Lopped by plumes CosLume deslgner
Alexandra 8yrne
I|v|en Le|gh as car|ett nara |n on wih h win (1939)
A loL of perlod research and even more glamour wenL lnLo Lhls red velveL robe wlLh a
scoop neckllne and black belL accenLuaLlng Lelghs sllm walsL 1he J1J cosLumes
were by WalLer lunkeLL who Look full advanLage of Lhe rlch Lones ln Lhe new
1echnlcolor process 1hls gown has a sulLry paleLLe no man could reslsL
D|ane keaton as Ann|e na|| from 4nni no (1977)
ln a mans shlrL Lle vesL and khakl chlnos(panL) ulane keaLon counLs on Lhe
femlnlnlLy of her face and long halr Lo announce LhaL she sLlll en[oys belng a
glrl 1he cosLume deslgner for Lhls was 8uLh Morley buL we belleve LhaL
Annles ouLflL came from keaLons own wardrobe
kate W|ns|et as kose DeW|tt |n 1ionic (1997)
ln Lhe meeLlng of Lhe pluLocracy(ls rule by Lhe wealLhy or power provlded by
wealLh) and Lhe common folks flrsLclass passenger 8ose vlslLs Lhlrdclass
!ack (Leonard ulCaprlo) Lo klck off her shoes and klck up her heels CosLume
deslgner ueborah L ScoLL came up wlLh a gown LhaL crossed class
boundarles Lhe flalr of Lhe orange undersklrL upsLaglng Lhe dark dress wlLh
subLle pallleLLe(sequlns) ornamenLal work
||v|a NewtonIohn as andy |sson |n os (1978)
8ock and roll ls here Lo sLay! 1he sweeL llLLle glrl aL 8ydell Plgh busLs ouL of
her prudlshness and lnLo a lowcuL Lop and sklnLlghL Lycra panLs wlLh a
[eweled buckle 1he cosLumes for Lhls 30seL reLromuslcal were by AlberL
Wolsky who won Cscars for All 1bot Iozz and 8oqsy (young !ohn 1ravolLa
LhaL angel ln black)
Audrey nepburn as no||y Go||ght|y |n okfos o 1iffonys (1961)
1hey were a perfecL maLch Audrey Pepburn and PuberL de Clvenchy Lhe
arls couLurler who dressed LhaL sllm flgure framed LhaL gorgeous face ln
hlgh fashlon LhroughouL her unlque movle career ln 1lffooys seL ln new ?ork
ClLy Clvenchy poured her lnLo a baslc black dress wlLh long black gloves
draped her wlLh flve rows of [ewels and Lopped lL off wlLh a mlnlLlara
Mar||yn Monroe as the G|r| |n 1h 5n Yo lch (19SS)
1he blllowy sklrL of Monroes whlLe halLer dress dldnL rlde up qulLe so hlgh ln
Lhe movle as lL dld ln Lhls famous producLlon sLlll 1he scene wlLh 1om Lwell
admlrlng hls dream glrls pleasure aL a blasL of alr Lhrough Lhe subway graLe
was orlglnally shoL near Crand CenLral 1ermlnal Lhen reshoL on a soundsLage
1he 20Lh CenLury lox cosLume deslgner Wllllam 1ravllla dressed Monroe ln
elghL of her movles
ke|ra kn|ght|ey as ece||a 1a|||s |n 4onn (2007)
1he greaLesL movle cosLume of all Llme knlghLleys green saLln halLer gown
gaLhered and wrapped aL Lhe walsL and endlng ln a long Lraln has a rapLurous
effecL boLh on Lhe young man (!ames McAvoy) who sees her ln lL and on
Lhe movle audlence !acquellne uurran who also cloLhed knlghLley ln ltlJe
ooJ ltejoJlce ls Lhe cosLume deslgner here
AsslgnemneL 1A2 slze
creaLe Lwo look board( lmages) of exlsLlng 1 movle1 1v soap and
glve analysls/[usLlflcaLlon for Lhe same ln Lerms of apparel
accessory furnlLure lneLrlor ln Lerms of
aLerlalfabrlc cosL facLor as per characLer eLc
may conslder 2 famlly/ charecLer wlLhln LhaL
1930's lo o looely lloce
CelesLe Polm (lefL) and 8eLLe uavls sLar
ln 1930s All AbouL Lve
oo hos oppo o h bqinninq of h 1920s 1hy con b sn in o
bockbus ois wh ocos ik nuphy oqo o onk 5inoo
wo h wih sy
The "hit faded away by the 1970's, but the ones who brought them
back, in the 80's,
were stars like MichaeI Jackson and DanieI Newton,
the black and white fedora becoming the "it item of their looks. Again,
the hat
conquered a serious part of the Hollywood scene, shown off by
Indiana Jones,
Dick Tracy and Freddy Kruger.
1ooy i con b won in ony cobinoions on in o sosons 1h os
foshionob sys in su o h ons poi up wih ni shos
boyfin jons o wih o su ss who you choos i hos o b
fowy on hin wih o sof u choos iqh coo foos o fowy
siqns fo h ho soson
ln o o ho o uy on ook poi up you foos wih scos o
onq kni win ons wopp o fw is ooun you nck oo
on$o wih o poi of oioo o locki O osit sunqosss 4n if you
won o wo jws choos h o opun ons oh hon h iny
occssois on you qoo o qo!
her|ock no|mes1he Woman |n Green (194S)
her|ock no|mes1error by N|ght (1946) her|ock no|mes and the Io|ce of 1error
SllenL nlghL frosLedflakyfresh D|trav|o|et |ce wh|te and coo| b|ue
||ghtsummery b|ues for deepest w|nter A ch|||edout and me||ow mood |n
wh|ch meta|||c b|ues v|o|ets and go|ds evoke the soft s||ent atmosphere of
tw|||ght |n the snow1rad|t|ona| p|a|d and tartan
Look/mood for varlous occaslons
lnfluence of wesLern clnema on lndlan
clnema 1940's world war
vlto (1996)8esL ArL ulrecLlon
8esL ClnemaLography (nomlnaLlon)
from a chlld from Lhe lower class Lo
becomlng Lhe flrsL lady and splrlLual
leader of ArgenLlna
Sense and senslblllLy
culL group whose bellefs or pracLlces are consldered
abnormal or blzarre 1he word orlglnally denoLed a sysLem of
rlLual pracLlces
9up icion ls a 1994 Amerlcan crlme fllm 1he fllm ls known for
lLs rlch eclecLlc dlalogue lronlc mlx of humor and vlolence hosL
of clnemaLlc alluslons and pop culLure references
1oy sLory 1993
5ouoy Niqh ls a 1977 drama fllm sLarrlng !ohn 1ravolLa
as 1ony Manero an lmmaLure young man whose weekends are
spenL vlslLlng a local 8rooklyn dlscoLheque 1he fllm also
showcased aspecLs of Lhe muslc Lhe danclng and Lhe subculLure
surroundlng Lhe dlsco era symphonyorchesLraLed melodles
hauLecouLure sLyles of cloLhlng

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