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A. Wahyudi Atmoko Jakarta, Desember 2011


1. Mengapa Penelitian QUAL 2. Pengertian & Asumsi 3. Pendekatan2 Utama Penelitian QUAL 4. Tujuan dan Pertanyaan Penelitian 5. Review Literatur 6. Koleksi Data & Analisis 7. Keabsahan Penelitian

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Because of QUAN: Context Stripping Exclusion of Meaning and Purpose Disjunction of Grand Theories with Local Context Exclusion of the Discovery Dimension in Inquiry


Qualitative research is situated activity that locates the

observers in the world. It consist of a set of interpretive, material practices that make the world visible. These practice transform the world. They turn the world into a series of representations, including filed notes, interviews, conversations, photograph, recordings, and memos to the self. At this level, qualitative research involves an interpretive, naturalistic approach to the world studying in their natural settings, attempting to make sense of, or interpret, phenomena in terms of the meanings people bring to them (Denzim & Lincoln 2005, p. 4).


An umbrella term covering an array of

interpretive techniques which seek to describe, decode, translate, and otherwise come to terms with the meaning, not the frequency, of certain naturally occurring phenomena in the social world (Maanem 1979, p. 520).


Ontological Assumption
Epistemological Assumption

What is the nature of reality
What is the relationship of the reseacher to that researched What is the role of values What is the languange of research What is the process of research

Reality is objective & singular, apart fron the reseacher
Researcher is independent from that being researched

Reality is subjective & multiple as seen by participants in a study
Researcher interacts with that being researched

Axiological assumption Rhetorical assumption

Value-free & unbiased Formal Based on set definition Impersonal voice Use of accepted quantitative words Deductive process Cause & effect Static design categories isolated before study Context free Generalizations leading to prediction, explanation, & understanding Accurate & reliable through validity & reliability

Value-laden & biased Informal Evolving decision Personal voice Accepted qualitative words Inductive process Mutual simultaneous shaping of factors Emerging design categories identified during research process Context bound Pattern, theories developed for understanding Accurate & reliable through verification

Methodolical Assumption

Kapan Menggunakan QUAL

Quality versus quantity. For problems that need exploration For problems that need a complex detailed

understanding To empower individual and collective voices To write in styles that push the limits of formal academic narratives To understand contexts

Perbedaan QUAN-QUAL dalam Tahap Penelitian






Tipe Pertanyaan QUAL

Pengguanaan Kata dalam QUAL

Contoh Tujuan Penelitian: Studi Fenomenologi

Fokus studi ini adalah untuk mengeksplorasi

penderitaan & perawatan dalam pertemuan pasien dengan perawat dan memasikan makna-makna yang ditimblkan oleh pertemuan tsb. Studi dilakukan di unit bedah dan obstetri/ginekologi (Drew, 1986, p. 40 dlm Creswell, 1994, p60).

Contoh Tujuan Penelitian: Studi Studi Kasus

Tujuan studi ini adalah untuk mengeksplorasi

faktor2 afeksi, sosial, dan pendidikan yang mungkin memberi kontribusi pengembangan ketidakmampuan membaca dari empat remaja. Studi ini mencari penjelasan mengapa ketidakmampuan membaca tsb tetap ada meskipun bertahun-tahun diberikan pelajaran (Kos, 1991, p. 876 dlm Creswell, 1994, p. 61).

Contoh Tujuan Penelitian: Studi Studi Kasus

The purpose of this study was to take a look into education

through the eyes of three teachers who are facing their final year as professional educators. The overarching goal was to determine how they have seen children, teachers, administration, policy, and testing change across the thirty year span of their work as teachers in Texas public schools. Through their comments they give a considerable amount of insight into the transformation education has experienced in the last three decades. But unexpectedly, they reveal as much about our changing society than they do education itself.

Project submitted in EDCI 690, Summer 2005, Texas A&M University.

Contoh Tujuan Penelitian: Studi Etnografi

Analisis berikut mendeskripsikan beberapa kateristik

situasional, nilai-nilai umum yg berlaku, dan identitas sosial dan personal yang memberi karakteristik dan mempengaruhi permainan informan di bagian kepolisian (Creswell, 1994, p. 61).

Contoh Pertanyaan: Studi Grounded Theory

Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah menghadirkan

grounded theory yang didasarkan pada dua pertanyaan: Apa sumber-sumber utama perubahan akademik? Apa proses utama dalam perubahan akademik tersebut? Grounded theory didefinisikan sebagai teori yang disimpulkan dari data yang diperoleh secara sistematis dan dianalisis melalui metode comparatif konstan (Conrad, 1978, p. 334 dlm Creswell, 1994, p60).

Contoh Pertanyaan: Studi Naratif

In my research, which has involved collecting

womens accounts of becoming mothers, I am seeking to understand how women make sense of events throughout the process of child bearing, constructing these events into episodes, and thereby (apparently) maintaining unity within their lives (Miller, 2000, p. 309).

Justifikasi Masalah Penelitian

Explain what is not known about the problem. Why does the problem matter? Provide documentation that this is actually a


Available statistics? Available literature that shows that this is a needed area of inquiry?

Justifikasi Masalah Penelitian

What are the ways that the study will add to the

scholarly research/literature in the field?

How does the study improve practice? How might the study improve policy?

Using preliminary sources, construct a bibliography

of related literature. When searching for relevant literature, keep, at least, the following five selection criteria in mind:
The recency of the articles The reputation of the source and author Inclusion of both primary and secondary sources Coverage for all areas your proposal has indicated in Inclusion of topics relevant to, but not directly on, your topic.

Sensemaking : Organizing Process

Ecological Change

+ Enactment

+ (+, - )


+ Retention (+, - )

Sumber: Weick (1979: 132)

Organizing Process Meliputi 6N: Nggumuni, Nitni, Ngirani, Ngomongi, Ngembangk, danNgemongi.

Weiks Seven Principles
Weick, K. E.(1995). Sensemaking in organizations. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. P. 61-61

Identities Retrospective Enactment Social Ongoing Extracted Cues Plausability


Kinds of interviews:

Informal. Not a major source of data but not without purpose. Can have some questions ready. Informants must know that these too are data Formal/semistructured: Planned ahead. Researcher in charge. Combination of structure and flexibility. Expect the unexpected. Standardized interviews: limited use in qualitative studies. Answers transcribed by researchers. Getting prepared: Thinking through what interviews can be done and with whom.

Steps in Data Collection and Analysis

Collect the Data Prepare the Data Iterative

Read through the Data Code the Data


For description Research Report

For themes

Connect Themes Diadaptasi dari Cresswell, J. W. 2002, h. 264

Seleksi Partisipan
Extreme or deviant case samples (Teacher of the Year) Maximum variation samples (different perspectives on same

phenomena) Homogenous samples (individuals with similar characteristics) Typical samples (considered typical) Stratified purposeful samples (representing samples of interest) Snowball samples (one person identifies another) Criterion samples (individuals who fit certain criteria) Theory based samples Confirming and disconfirming samples Convenience samples In all cases, participants should know/negotiate the ground rules for the interviews.

Kualitas Interview Yg Baik

Begin with small talk Listening: Follow up on of course statements Listen for key words Probing questions Use of why questions (Dont ask for meaning, ask for use) Self disclosure

Analisis Data

Qualitative data may be analyzed by a 3-part strategy:

reducing the data coding the data

synthesizing the data


Cheeking Teacher
Telling Parents Absenteeism


Messing about


Bagaimana Melakukan Pengkodean?

Pertanyaan-pertanyaan untuk untuk ditanyakan:

Apa yang terjadi?

Apa yang dilakukan orang?

Apa yang dikatakan? Apakah tindakan-tindakan dan pernyataan-pernyataan ini taken for granted? Bagaimana struktur & konteks yang mendukung, mempertahankan, menghalangi atau merubah tindakan dan pernyataan-pernyataan ini?

Pengkodean terhadap apa saja?

1. Tindakan biasanya kejadian-kejadian singkat 2. Aktivitas cukup lama dalam suatu setting, orang-

orang terlibat

3. Makna yang menyebabkan tindakan informan Apa konsep yg mereka gunakan untuk memahami

dunia mereka? Apa makna atau signifikansi yg dimiliki bagi mereka?

4. Partisipasi keterlibatan atau adaptasi orang-orang

terhadap suatu setting


5. Hubungan antara orang-orang, secara simultan 6. Setting seluruh konteks dari kejadian-kejadian yang

sedang dikaji.

Pengkodean terhadap apa saja?

Mason menyarankan:

Harafiah (Literal) kata-kata, dialog yang digunakan, tindakan, setting, systems, dll Interpretasi norma-norma implicit, nilai-nilai, aturan-aturan, adat istiadat, bagaimana orang melakukan pembenaran (make sense) terhadap kejadian Refleksif peran peneliti dalam proses, yaitu bagaimana intervensi terhadap pengumpulan data

Cheeking Teacher Absenteeism Smoking Messing about

Suspension Essay Telling Parents Caning

Cara-cara untuk mengidentifikasi tema

Ryan & Bernard (2003) :

Repetitions Indigenously typologies (in vivo) Metaphors and analogies Transitions (pauses, sections) Similarities and differences

Constant comparison Because, before, after, next, closeness, examples

Liquistic connectors

Missing data (what is omitted)

Mr Pennington
Mr Goddard Mr Lloyd Mr Wilkinson

Southwark Clifton Lancaster


Cheeking Teacher Suspension

Smoking Messing about

Telling Parents Caning

Cheeking Teacher Absenteeism Smoking Suspension Essay Telling Parents

Messing about


Is there a hierarchy of punishment? Is there a hierarchy of crimes? Is there a relationship between these hierarchies?

Truth value = adequate representation of multiple

constructions of reality (recognizing that these are reconstructions based on researcher) Applicability = fittingness or transferability Consistency = dependability; ability of other researchers to follow the method used Neutrality = auditability

Lincoln & Guba (1985)

Strategi Mendapatkan Keabsahan (Trustworthiness/Credibility)

Prolonged engagement with and observation of informants

Triangulation (multiple sources of data)

Peer debriefing (colleagues) Negative case analysis (to include commonalities as well as

variabilities) Referential adequacy (theoretical sampling) Member checks (research participants/informants) Employing an auditor Thick description (to reflect complexities in the data) Prevention of premature foreclosure on the data Maintaining a journal to enhance self-reflection

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