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Chapter 10

Binary Trees

Chapter Objectives
y Learn about binary trees y Explore various binary tree traversal algorithms y Learn how to organize data in a binary search tree y Discover how to insert and delete items in a binary search

tree y Explore nonrecursive binary tree traversal algorithms y Learn about AVL (height-balanced) trees

Data Structures Using Java

Binary Trees
y Definition: A binary tree, T, is either empty or such that:
y T has a special node called the root node; y T has two sets of nodes, LT and RT, called the left subtree and

right subtree of T, respectively; y LT and RT are binary trees

Data Structures Using Java

Binary Tree

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Binary Tree with One Node

The root node of the binary tree = A LA = empty RA = empty

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Binary Tree with Two Nodes

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Binary Tree with Two Nodes

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Various Binary Trees with Three Nodes

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Binary Trees
Following class defines the node of a binary tree: protected class BinaryTreeNode { DataElement info; BinaryTreeNode llink; BinaryTreeNode rlink; }

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y For each node:
y Data is stored in info y The reference to the left child is stored in llink y The reference to the right child is stored in rlink


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General Binary Tree


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Binary Tree Definitions

y Leaf: node that has no left and right children y Parent: node with at least one child node y Level of a node: number of branches on the path from root to

node y Height of a binary tree: number of nodes on the longest path from root to node


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Height of a Binary Tree

Recursive algorithm to find height of binary tree: (height(p) denotes height of binary tree with root p):
if(p is NULL) height(p) = 0 else height(p) = 1 + max(height(p.llink),height(p.rlink))


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Height of a Binary Tree

Method to implement above algorithm:
private int height(BinaryTreeNode p) { if(p == NULL) return 0; else return 1 + max(height(p.llink), height(p.rlink)); }


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Copy Tree
y Useful operation on binary trees is to make identical copy of

binary tree y Method copy useful in implementing copy constructor and method copyTree


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Method copy
BinaryTreeNode copy(BinaryTreeNode otherTreeRoot) { BinaryTreeNode temp; if(otherTreeRoot == null) temp = null; else { temp = new BinaryTreeNode(); =; temp.llink = copy(otherTreeRoot.llink); temp.rlink = copy(otherTreeRoot.rlink); } return temp; }//end copy
16 Data Structures Using Java

Binary Tree Traversal

y Must start with the root, then
y Visit the node first

or y Visit the subtrees first

y Three different traversals
y Inorder y Preorder y Postorder


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y Inorder
y Traverse the left subtree y Visit the node y Traverse the right subtree

y Preorder
y Visit the node y Traverse the left subtree y Traverse the right subtree


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y Postorder
y Traverse the left subtree y Traverse the right subtree y Visit the node


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Binary Tree: Inorder Traversal


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Binary Tree: Inorder Traversal

private void inorder(BinaryTreeNode p) { if(p != NULL) { inorder(p.llink); System.out.println( + ); inorder(p.rlink); } }


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Binary Tree: Preorder Traversal

private void preorder(BinaryTreeNode p) { if(p != NULL) { System.out.println( + ); preorder(p.llink); preorder(p.rlink); } }


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Binary Tree: Postorder Traversal

private void postorder(BinaryTreeNode p) { if(p != NULL) { postorder(p.llink); postorder(p.rlink); System.out.println( + ); } }


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Implementing Binary Trees: class BinaryTree methods

y isEmpty y inorderTraversal y preorderTraversal y postorderTraversal y treeHeight y treeNodeCount y treeLeavesCount y destroyTree y copyTree
24 Data Structures Using Java

Copy Inorder Preorder postorder Height Max nodeCount leavesCount

Binary Search Trees

y Data in each node
y Larger than the data in its left child y Smaller than the data in its right child

y A binary search tree, t, is either empty or:

y T has a special node called the root node y T has two sets of nodes, LT and RT, called the left subtree and

right subtree of T, respectively y Key in root node larger than every key in left subtree and smaller than every key in right subtree y LT and RT are binary search trees


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Binary Search Trees


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Operations Performed on Binary Search Trees

y Determine whether the binary search tree is empty y Search the binary search tree for a particular item y Insert an item in the binary search tree y Delete an item from the binary search tree


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Operations Performed on Binary Search Trees

y Find the height of the binary search tree y Find the number of nodes in the binary search tree y Find the number of leaves in the binary search tree y Traverse the binary search tree y Copy the binary search tree


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Nonrecursive Inorder Traversal


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Nonrecursive Inorder Traversal: General Algorithm


current = root;

//start traversing the binary tree at // the root node


while(current is not NULL or stack is nonempty) if(current is not NULL) { push current onto stack; current = current.llink; } else { pop stack into current; visit current; } //visit the node //move to the right child current = current.rlink;


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Nonrecursive Preorder Traversal General Algorithm

1. current = root; //start the traversal at the root node 2. while(current is not NULL or stack is nonempty) if(current is not NULL) { visit current; push current onto stack; current = current.llink; } else { pop stack into current; current = current.rlink; } //prepare to visit //the right subtree


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Nonrecursive Postorder Traversal

1. 2. 3.

current = root; v = 0;

//start traversal at root node

if(current is NULL) the binary tree is empty if(current is not NULL) a. push current into stack; b. push 1 onto stack; c. current = current.llink; d. while(stack is not empty) if(current is not NULL and v is 0)


push current and 1 onto stack; current = current.llink; }


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Nonrecursive Postorder Traversal (Continued)

else { pop stack into current and v; if(v == 1) { push current and 2 onto stack; current = current.rlink; v = 0; } else visit current; }


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Perfect-Balanced Trees)
y A perfectly balanced binary tree is a binary tree such that:
y The height of the left and right subtrees of the root are equal y The left and right subtrees of the root are perfectly balanced

binary trees


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Perfectly Balanced Binary Tree


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AVL (Height-Balanced Trees)

y An AVL tree (or height-balanced tree) is a binary search tree

such that:
y The height of the left and right subtrees of the root differ by at

most 1 y The left and right subtrees of the root are AVL trees


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AVL Trees


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Non-AVL Trees


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Balance Factor (bf)

y The balance factor of x, bf(x) is defined as:

bf(x) = xr xl if x is left high, bf(x) = -1 if x is equal high, bf(x) = 0 if x is right high, bf(x) = 1 y x violates the balance criteria if |xr xl| > 1


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Insertion Into AVL Tree


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Insertion Into AVL Trees


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Insertion Into AVL Trees


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Insertion Into AVL Trees


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Insertion Into AVL Trees


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AVL Tree Rotations

y Reconstruction procedure: rotating tree y left rotation and right rotation y Suppose that the rotation occurs at node x y Left rotation: certain nodes from the right subtree of x move to its

left subtree; the root of the right subtree of x becomes the new root of the reconstructed subtree
y Right rotation at x: certain nodes from the left subtree of x move

to its right subtree; the root of the left subtree of x becomes the new root of the reconstructed subtree


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AVL Tree Rotations


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AVL Tree Rotations


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AVL Tree Rotations


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AVL Tree Rotations


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AVL Tree Rotations


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AVL Tree Rotations


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