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The importance of PLAY in your childhood.


Discuss Present (Share with the rest of the class)

Why Play Is Important To Children

Have a sense of well being and good self-esteem Deal with tragedies and setbacks Have a sense of control Make good relationships with you and his peers Understand and care about others Be creative and imaginative, think and have ideas, develop concentration Be physically coordinated.

Skills That A Child Develop Through Play

Language Physical Emotional Social Cognitive/Intellectual.

Language Development

With each new part of play, every new activity or toy, a fresh establishment of words will be required to explain the play that is taking place.

Physical Development

Play can develop co-ordination and direction of your child's bodily actions

running, hopping, skipping and jumping which develop muscle tone and balance. Throwing and catching assist to develop his gross and fine motor skills.

Emotional Development

Play is useful as an expression for your child's feelings, both negative and positive

for instance he may let extreme annoyance out on his toys appropriately than on other children or grown-ups, and during this will discover to direct anger helpfully. Children indicate love and affection during pretend play.

Calm activities can demonstrate an impressive outlet for the child who requires time and space to be lonely.

Social Development

Children will learn to form relationships with others during play.

Playgroup will assist to develop the skills needed for understanding both adults and children.

Children will learn about social skills


taking turns sharing aware of others emotions and start to be able to take those emotions into account.

Cognitive/Intellectual Development

Through play, a child


attempts something unusual in different ways finds the answer to something difficult to deal with A young baby playing with the toes and carries on as this develops a skill to grip objects and investigating with the mouth in a powerful manner. act or make a noise with, and so begin to realize cause and effect.

Stage of Play
Age Play Type Explanation Of The Stages Of Play During Child Development

0-2 Years (Solitary) He plays alone. There is limited interaction with other children. 2 to 2 and half Years (Spectator) Observe other children playing around him but will not play with them. 2 and half to 3 Years (Parallel) Play alongside others but will not play together with them. 3-4 Years (Associate) Starts to interact with others in their play and there may be fleeting cooperation between in play. Develops friendships and the preferences for playing with some but not all other children. Play is normally in mixed sex groups. 4 -6+ Years (Co-operative) Plays together with shared aims of play with others. Play may be quite difficult and he's supportive of other children in his play. As he reaches primary school age, play is normally in single sex groups.


TYPE OF PLAY (Take Note!)

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