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A propelled LED display in the simplest way can be explained as a special kind of rotating display. The word propelled stands for rotation at high speed and the LED mechanism mounted on it collectively makes the propelled LED display.


Innovative design

A futuristic look and added viewing benefits compared to conventional designs Utilizes much lesser components proving to be a designing marvel Exploiting the power of a micro controller thereby keeping the hardware part simple to execute very complex tasks Reduction of components leads to cost minimization Design has ample additional scope

Optimization of components

Simple hardware/ Complex software


Cost cutting

Additional Scope

Age Old LED Boards

Age Old LED Boards

Some Facts
LEDs emit more light per watt than incandescent light bulb. LEDs can emit light of an intended color without using any color filters as traditional lighting methods need. LEDs light up very quickly. A typical red indicator LED will achieve full brightness in under a microsecond. LEDs are ideal for uses subject to frequent on-off cycling, unlike fluorescent lamps that fail faster when cycled often. LEDs can have a relatively long useful life. One report estimates 35,000 to 50,000 hours of useful life. LEDs, being solid state components, are difficult to damage with external shock, unlike fluorescent and incandescent bulbs which are fragile.

Thus, the low energy consumption, low maintenance and small size of modern LEDs has led to uses as status indicators and displays on a variety of equipment and installations.

So are they ideal ?

Three drawbacks of conventional displays 1. High initial price
1. Due to the large number of LEDs used in such displays the initial cost of such displays is pretty high and the simplest board may price anywhere between Rs 1500 to Rs 50000 [please verify]

2. Viewing Angle
1. The viewing angle of such LED boards is generally not more than 120 degrees.

3. Complex Design/Maintainability Hazards

1. Owing to the complexity and the enormousness of the design it becomes difficult to find and rectify faults in such matrices.




What is it ?
Basically four components
1. 2. 3. 4. Propeller Single strip of 8-10 LEDs Microcontroller Position Decoder

Underlying Principle- Persistence of Vision

This is the phenomenon which is related to vision capability of human eye by which an after- image is thought to persist for approximately 1/25th of a second. So if someone is observing images at a rate of 25 images/second, images appear to be continuous.


Interrupter Module
Interrupter module is our sensor module, consisting of the IR interrupt sensor MOC7811, from Motorola Inc. This sensor was selected from a variety of other alternatives, because of its small size, precise interrupt sensing, and sturdy casing.

Microcontroller AT89C51
This project is based around the microcontroller AT89C51, which is a derivative of 8051 family, from Atmel Inc. This small sized IC is used, mainly because of its reduced weight. This improves the performance of the display, because reduced weight gives advantage of increased RPM.

LED module consisting of 8 bright LED is fixed in another side of the arm of our project. These LEDs are connected with each of the port pin of microcontroller, with a series current limiting resistor.

Repeated scanning of the display is must for continuous vision. This task is achieved using circular rotation of the whole circuit assembly. So, we used a motor as the prime mover.


Motor will be tested using a digital contact less tachometer approx 25003000 rpm motor will be required.. Arrangement will be made so that the sensing circuit gives high to low pulse for each completion of revolution. By measuring the time difference between two successive pulses RPS can be calculated which further provide RPM value, as shown below:
Time interval between two successive pulses = n ms RPS = 1 / (n ms) =N RPS = N RPM= Nx60 = 60N

Controller selection
1.Microcontroller: Requirements:

-> -> -> -> Component Selected:

Moderate speed Ports required : 2 Small Sized Code memory > 1kB Atmel AT89C2051

Sensor Selection
Sensor used in this project is MOC 7811 from Motorola. This is a slotted coupler/interrupter device. In each revolution as the beam is interrupted, the sensor generates a positive pulse. Microcontroller will execute interrupt routine, When a pulse occurs. Interrupt routine measures the total time taken for one revolution, divides it by 120, and stores the result into another timer, Configured in auto-reload mode. Now, the timer overflows after tiny intervals of time. Each time it overflows, next stored value is called from the lookup table, and displayed.

Basic Explanation
The LEDs (8-10) are mounted on a strip and the strip is mounted on the wing of a propeller (motor). When rotated at a high speed with all LEDs glowing we observe parallel horizontal lines.

But if these LEDs are switched at precise intervals, a steady display pattern can be shown.

Additional Scope
The simple Peripheral Display can be extended to display date, time etc. A temperature sensor can added to display current temperature. It can be integrated with a remote sensor and the remote control governs the type of (display).

This idea can be extended to display images and even motion pictures by using tiny LEDs of 3 primary colours.

REFERENCES The 8051 microcontroller and Embedded Systems by M.A.Mazidi

Thank You

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