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Media Usage Diary

10 Days Click to edit Master subtitle style


Purpose of this Diary

The purpose of this diary is to keep a record of my personal

use of both old and new media outlets over the period of ten days television or listen to the radio, I will log the time spent doing so as old media

This means that every time I read a newspaper, watch

Every time I log onto Facebook, use my iPhone or listen to

something on my iPod I will be using new media to compile how all JOUR1111 use media

At the beginning of the semester a survey was undertaken After my data is collected, it will be analysed, summarised

and compared to the survey results


Ive chosen to count all of my media usage in minutes, and

plot all of the results into an Excel spread sheet.

Old media and new media will be kept track of and tallied

individually, in an attempt to distinguish the difference in usage between the two

Individual usage of each type of media will be discussed in

detail in the analysis of the results.


The ten days pass


The ten days I monitored span from Saturday the 17th of

March to Monday the 26th

This was done to include all the variety of days in my

schedule, including uni, work and recreation

Important notes about this timespan:
It includes two weekends, the first of which I spent at home, and

the second I spent working

Monday to Friday include a combination of four days on campus at

UQ, as well as two nine-hour shifts at work


These are the results after ten days of monitoring what media I use, when

and how much I use it

Ive split up the results between two separate rows, Old Media and New

All results have been recorded in minutes, to the nearest whole number


While it is all well and fair to see the results laid out as a

table of numbers, this isnt the best way to break down my results the ten days:
I spent a grand total of 157.35 hours using media 73.6 hours was spent using old media 83.75 hours were consumed by new media That equals 6.55 days! I watched 31.75 hours of TV, used my iPhone for 47 hours and

So here is a very basic summary of my media usage over

read books/newspapers for just under 10 hours!


Old Media


Results Old Media Usage


Analysis Old Media Usage

Looking at the graph of my old media usage, it is clearly

visible that there are two where I used two particular medias in large quantities TV and Radio

On Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th I watched just over 21

hours of TV. This time was not spent all in one sitting, but the TV was on for roughly ten hours each day, as I was at home for the weekend watching the Formula One Grand Prix that was being broadcast live from Melbourne. Throughout the rest of the week my TV usage dropped back to my regular amount.
The second anomaly found across the ten days is my

Radio usage.
Much like my TV usage from the previous weekend, I did


Analysis Old Media Usage

I found that the telephone was one of the least used of all

medias during the week had to (at home/work)

I only used the phone for short periods of time each time I


Summary Old Media Usage

In summary, my old media usage was actually a lot more

than I expected it to be

As will be explained in the next section of my results (new

media) I was expecting the majority of my media to be new

As aforementioned though, this is partly due to the first due

days of observation (17th and 18th March) where I was at home whereas I normally work the entire weekend, and therefore spent both full days watching TV and using various other old medias


New Media


Results New Media


Analysis New Media

The thing that most strikes me about my new media usage

is the level of consistency across the various forms including my iPhone, iPod, computer and social networks (Facebook, Twitter)

As the graph shows, my iPhone is used very regularly and

in large amounts too. The two days that iPhone usage was lower than usual was the two days on the weekend that I worked (24th and 25th) and wasnt able to use my phone as much however this is due to using my iPhone to do most of the things I once had to use the computer for (browsing, reading, researching, social networking etc)

My computer usage isnt as high as I expected though,


Analysis New Media

My iPod usage is clearly visible only on the days that I

attend uni (19th, 20th, 21st and 26th)

These are the days I use it whilst travelling to and from

campus on the bus, and it is my main source I listen to music from throughout the week
I in fact used it for a total of 3.25 hours My computer was also heavily used throughout the first

weekend (17th and 18th) whilst I was following the sports on TV.
I was on a computer for just over 24 hours during the ten



Summary New Media

To summarise my usage of new media, my results were

very accurate to what I was expecting to see

With my iPhone, I am able to use it to surf the web, do

research for assignments, use social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter, and Im also able to do my online banking with it
This is why I have such a high usage of it in the results, Im

practically on it all of the time


Comparisons to Survey Results

From the results of the survey that was conducting at the

beginning of the semester, there are several areas that I can compare to with my own media usage. music, do they own an iPhone or not etc

These include age, internet usage, how they listen to It seems I am not alone with my rate of usage!


Comparisons to Survey Results

Of the 436 participants who answered the survey, 163 94.7% of students also have a Facebook account like

(37.4%) are in the same age bracket as myself (18-20) myself

191 (42.4%) of participants have an internet-enabled smart

phone (iPhone in particular) just like I do

56 (13%) students spend the same amount of time on the

internet as I do (between 4 and 5 hours)

A staggering 385 (89.1%) students listen to their music

from an iPod/iPod just as I do

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