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Rise of religious disunity

Great Schism

Papacy returned to Rome in 1378

Mob demanded the election of an Italian pope

VI reformer Angry cardinals returned to Avignon and nullified the election


Elected a new pope

Schism (1378-1417)

Popes excommunicated each other and their supporters Each had their own instruments to govern

Quest to get support for their sides


often supported as part of national rivalries

Divided Christendom

Resolving the schism

Each side claimed legitimacy Question who could judge the pope?? Conciliar movement
of Pisa (1409) ended up with a 3rd pope Council of Constance (1414-8)

councils to be the supreme body Nullified the 3 existing popes and elected a new one and appointed a new college of cardinals

State of the church in 1500

Immensely popular Luxurious lifestyle for leaders Papacy not always interested in religious affairs Number of abuses
Absenteeism and pluralism Uneducated clergy Immoral activities of the clergy

Humanists called for reform

Desiderius Erasmus

Anti-papal pamphlet (late 15th C)

Martin Luther

From an upper middle class family Augustinian and professor at the Univ. of Wittenburg Conversion experience Faith not good works Increasingly challenged Church doctrine Named both an outlaw and heretic

95 Theses

Largely an attack on the sale of indulgences Goal to inspire debate Sparked huge reaction among the people

Widely published

Luther refused to recant at the Diet of Worms (1521)

95 Theses

28. It is certain that, when the money rattles in the chest, avarice and gain may be increased, but the effect of the intercession of the Church depends on the will of God alone. 82. As for instance: Why does not the Pope empty purgatory for the sake of most holy charity and of the supreme necessity of souls this being the most just of all reasonsif he redeems an infinite number of souls for the sake of that most fatal thing, money, to be spent on building a basilicathis being a very slight reason?

Aftermath of his excommunication

Luther denounces the pope Attacks many doctrines and practices of the church

Used a variety of forms of propaganda to spread his message On the eve of the apocalypse

Felt they needed to reform now

Teachings were increasingly embraced by many of the local elites

Whore of Babylon (1534)

Different views of Luther

7 Headed Martin Luther (1529)

Phases of the Reformation

Popular movement (1517-25)

Started in cities and moved to the countryside Ended with the crushing of the peasant rebellion in Germany

Luther initially supported the peasants, but changed his view

Princes/State Reformation (1525-1555)

Establishment of state churches. Saw Prot spread to England and Scandinavia Wars in HRE ended with Peace of Augsburg

Mapping the Reformation

Spread of Protestantism

Ulrich Zwingli

many of Luther's attacks Went even further i.e. attacks on Eucharist

John Calvin in Geneva

Predestination Emphasized

high moral standards for his people


Result no one unified Protestant

English Reformation

Cath. Church in England in good shape Henry VIII

Initially a strong supporter of the church Unable to produce a male heir or get a divorce Seized the churchs possession Kept many elements of Catholic doctrine

Started his own church

Protestant church not firmly established until Elizabeth Is reign

Pilgrimage of Grace

Effects of the Reformation

Rise of vernacular bibles

New methods of providing aid to the poor Marriage reform
Katharina von Bora and Luther married


Reform movements within the church even before Luther Slow response to Luthers challenge 2 main arguments within the church
Moderates negotiate with Protestants Conservatives wipe them out

Inquisition Index of Prohibited Books Conservatives eventually dominated church

Council of Trent (1545-63)

Not only reform but reconcile with Prots.


b/c of differences about papal


Handicapped by political constraints Stressed importance of Scripture and tradition

Increased discipline
Set up new orders

Society of Jesus (Jesuits)

Founded by Ignatius of Loyola Shock troops of the church Big on education Spread throughout the world

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