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Pointers: Fundamentals void pointer, null pointer passing pointers to a function pointers and one dimensional arrays, dynamic memory allocation operation on pointers pointers and multidimensional arrays array of pointers pointer to an array pointers and strings pointers to function,
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pointers and variable length arguments list

passing functions to other functions.



pointer is a variable that points to or

references a memory location in which data is stored.


are variables used to store the

address of another variable


memory cell in the computer has an

address that can be used to access that location so a pointer variable points to a


A variable name directly references a value.

A pointer indirectly references a value. Referencing a value through a pointer is called indirection. A variables address is the first byte occupied by the variable.


Why pointer needed

q q q

Pointers can be used to Call by address Return more than 1 value from a function Pass arrays and strings more conveniently from one function to another Manipulate arrays more easily by moving pointers to them instead of moving the arrays themselves Create complex data structures such as linked list and binary trees Communicate information about memory Compile faster,more efficient code than other derived data types such arrays

q q


Pointer declaration

A pointer variable must be declared before it can be used. Pointer variable is declared by preceding its name with an asterisk The declaration of pointers follows this format: type * variable name where type is the data type of the value that the pointer is intended to point to. The asterisk tells the compiler that you are creating a pointer variable. Finally you give the name of the variable.

For example:

int * number;


Pointer Variable Declaration


Declaring Pointer Variables

Address operator &

& -- "address operator" which gives the memory address of a variable Indirection operator*


Indirection operator also called Dereference operator




Placement of the indirection operator before a The value of a dereferenced pointer is not the

pointer is said to dereference the pointer.

q is the value of a variable that points to

m main() { int i=3; int *j; j=&i; printf("%u\n",&i); printf("%u\n",j); printf("%u\n",&j); printf("%d\n",i); printf("%d\n",*(&i)); printf("%u\n",*j); }

i 3 64 85

j 64 85


6485 6485 3276 3 3 3

32 76

Initializing Pointers


Like other variables, always initialize pointers before using them!!! example: int x=3; int *p; printf("%d",p); /*donnt*/ p = &x; printf("%d",*p); /* Correct */


int main(){


Initializing Pointer Variables


q Pointers defined to be of a specific type cannot hold the address of any other type of variable eg: float *fptr; int min; fptr=&min; //error

q Any number of pointer can point to same address

int a; int *p,*q,*r; p=&a; q=&a; r=&a;


One Variable with Many Pointers


Using A Variable with Many Pointers



Using A Variable with Many Pointers





Add Two Numbers Using Pointers



Add Two Numbers Using Pointers



Add Two Numbers Using Pointers


void pointers


void type of pointer is a special type of

void For

pointers can point to any data type


int a=5; void *vp; vp=&a;

Pointers to void cannot be directly

dereferenced like other pointer variables , by

Null pointer


pointeris a special pointer ,value that is known

(generally takes a value as zero),not to point anywhere.


pointer is a pointer which is not pointing to any valid

memory address.

is macro constant which has been defined in several

header file including stdio.h, alloc.h,mem.h, stdlib.h as #defineNULL 0


can initialize a pointer to null pointer as

int*ptr=NULL; We can also use constant value 0 int *ptr=0;



difference between void pointers and NULL

pointers: A Void pointer is a special type of pointer of void and denotes that it can point to any data type. NULL pointers can take any pointer type, but do not point to any valid reference or memory address.

Passing pointers to function



an argument is passed by reference, (i.e., when a

pointer is passed to a function), the address of a data item is passed to the function.

passing pointer as arguments to a function formal

pointer arguments that must each be preceded by an asterisk.


prototypes are written in the same manner. If a

function declaration does not include variable names, the data type of each pointer argument must be followed by an asterisk.


Returning more than 1 value from a function



function will return only 1 value at a time

when passing arguments by value.


pointers, function can return more

than 1 value #include<stdio.h> float areaperi(float,float *); void main() { float r,area,perimeter;

float areaperi(float r,float *p) { float a; a=3.14*r*r; p=3.14*2*r; return a; } Here we are passing the arguments value of radius and address of variable perimeter. As we are passing the address of perimeter changes made to variable will be effective in main() also.


pointers and one dimensional arrays



name of an array is a pointer constant (address

constant) to the first element.


the array name is a pointer constant to the first

element, the address of the first element and the name of the array both represent the same location in memory


of the array is the beginning address of the array

, called the base address of the array


FIGURE Pointers to Arrays


Not e

same a

&a[0] a is a pointer only to the first element.


a+ printf(%u 1 a+2 %u,a,&a[0]); a+3 a+4

2147478270 2147478270

34 34


We can access array elements in different ways a[i] *(a+i); *(i+a); i[a]


Output of the program is

A pointer when incremented its always pointing to immediately next location of its type Accessing array elements by pointers is always faster than accessing them by subscripts.

Passing array to function

When passing array to the function formal argument of the function may be


/* Demonstration of passing an array to a function int a[] or int *a */ Void main( ) { int num[ ] = { 24, 34, 12, 44, 56, 17 } ; display ( num, 6 ) ; } display ( int num[], int n ) { int i ; for ( i = 0 ; i <= n - 1 ; i++ ) { printf ( "\nelement = %d", num[i] ) ; } }

main() { int num[ ] = { 24, 34, 12, 44, 56, 17 } ; display ( &num[0], 6 ) ; } display ( int *j, int n ) { int i ; for ( i = 0 ; i <= n - 1 ; i++ ) { printf ( "\nelement = %d", *j ) ; j++ ; /* increment pointer to point to next element */ passing the address of the zeroth element of the array to } } a function is as good as passing the entire array to the

function display(&num[0],6) is same as display(num,6);

Difference between array name and pointer When memory allocated for the array ,starting address is
fixed .i.e it cannot be changed during program execution Arrayname cannt used as lvalue.but pointer used as l value main()ex: For { float a[5]; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { *a=0.0; a++; //error } } main() { float *ptr, a[5]; ptr=a; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { *ptr=0.0; ptr++; //ptr access a[i] }




cannot be assigned to another but two pointer variable can be assigned

main() { int a[5]={1,2,3,4,5} int b[5]; b=a; //wrong } } main() { int a[5]={1,2,3,4,5} int *ptr1,*ptr2; ptr1=&a[0]; ptr2=ptr1;



returns address of operand.When

&operator applied to an array it has the same value as the array reference without operator. For pointers it has an independent address main() { main()

{ int a[]={1,2,3,4,5}; int a[]={1,2,3,4,5}; printf(%u%u int *ptr; %u,a,&a[0],&a); ptr=a; } printf(%u%u will print 65506 65506 65506 %u,&a[0],ptr,&ptr); Will print 65506 65506 65526


Sizeof operator returns number of bytes occupied by the array .in the case of pointers it returns 2 or 4 or more bytes of storage i.e number of bytes used to store pointer variable main() { int a[]={1,2,3,4,5}; int *ptr; ptr=a; printf(%d,sizeof(ptr)); Will print 2

main() { int a[]={1,2,3,4,5}; printf(%d,sizeof(a)); } will print 10

Difference between array and pointer

Arrays Arraysuse subscripted variables to access and manipulate data. pointers Pointersare used to manipulate data using the address. Pointers use * operator to access the data pointed to by them


Arrays automatically allocate pointers are dynamic. space which is fixed in size and location; It cannot be resized It cannot be reassigned It can be resized using realloc() It can be reassigned

sizeof(arrayname) gives sizeof(p) returns number of number of bytes occupied by bytes used to store the the array pointer variable p

Dynamic memory allocation


The process of allocating memory atcompile-time is

known as Static memory allocation The process of allocating memory at run time is known as dynamic memory allocation.



important advantage of dynamic memory allocation is the ability to reserve as much memory as may be required during program execution, and then release this memory when it is no longer needed

Memory allocation process


In general global variables are allocated storage at compile time. The program instructions and global and static variables are stored in a region known as permanent storage area. Local variables are stored in another area called stack. Memory allocated by Cs dynamic allocation functions come from the heap: the region of free memory that lies between your programs permanent storage area and the stack.

FIGURE : A Conceptual View of


Storage of C program

FIGURE Accessing Dynamic Memory

48 48

5/3/12 Computer Science: A Structured Programming Approach Using C


Memory Management Functions


Function Task
malloc calloc realloc free used to allocate a single block of memory used to allocate multiple blocks of memory used to extend the amount of space allocated previously

used to tell program a piece of memory no longer needed These functions are defined in stdlib.h



of malloc: void *malloc(size_t size);

size_t is defined in header file as unsigned integer Size is the amount of memory we wish to allocate

malloc function reserves a block of memory of

specified size and returns a pointer of type void. This means that we can assign it to any type of pointer. It takes the following form: ptr=(cast-type*)malloc(byte-size); ptr is a pointer of type cast-type the malloc returns a pointer (of cast type) to an area of memory with size bytesize.

If p is returning NULL then will terminate from the program


callo Protype c() : void *calloc(size_t num_elements, size_t


Allocate initialize return

a block of num_elements * element_size bytes every byte to zero

pointer to the first byte block or NULL if unable to

allocate block

general form of calloc is:

ptr=(cast-type*) calloc(n,elem-size);

above statement allocates contiguous space for n blocks

each size of elem-size bytes.



With the dynamic runtime allocation, it is our responsibility to release the space when it is not required.


free( ) function is the opposite of malloc( ). It returns previously allocated memory to the system.

prototype :void free(void *ptr);

ptr is a pointer to a memory block, which has already been created by malloc or calloc.

General form is free(ptr); Note: It is not the pointer that is being released but rather what it points to.

To release an array of memory that was allocated by calloc we


Prototype:void *realloc(void *ptr, size_t new_size); The memory allocated by using calloc or malloc might be insufficient or excess sometimes in both the situations we can change the memory size already allocated with the help of the function realloc. This process is called reallocation of memory. The general statement of reallocation of memory is : ptr=realloc(ptr,newsize);

This function allocates new memory space of size newsize to the pointer variable ptr and returns a pointer to the resized block. The allocated new block may be or may not be at the same region.



MEMSET() function


set all the bytes in a block of memory to a particular

value, use memset().


function prototype is

void * memset(void *s, int c, size_t n); Set s first n bytes of s to byte c Ex: void main() { char message1[] = hello world\n"; printf("\nmessage1[] before memset():\t%s", message1);

Following operation is possible on pointers

operation on pointers (pointer arithmetic)

variable e.g., pv = &v).

A pointer variable can be assigned the address of an ordinary

A pointer variable can be assigned the value of another pointer


variable (e.g., pv= px) provided both pointers point to objects of the same data type .

A pointer variable can be assigned a null (zero) An integer may be added to or subtracted from a pointer. Pointer variables may be subtracted from one another. Pointer variables can be used in comparisons, if they are of

same type

Cannt perform following operation on pointers



Addition of 2 pointers Multiplying a pointer with a number Division of pointer by number

int a[10], *p, *q,*ip; void *vp; p = &a[2]; q = p + 3; /* q points to a[5] now */ p = q 1; /* p points to a[4] now */ p++; /* p points to a[5] now */ p--; /* p points to a[4] now */ *p = 123; /* a[4] = 123 */ *q = *p; /* a[5] = a[4] */ q = p; /* q points to a[4] now */ vp=ip //pointer to void can be freely converted back and forth with any type p p+1 p+2 p+3 p+4 p+5 p+6 p+7


a[0] a[1]






a[7] a[8] a[9]

*ptr++ q increments the pointer q equivalent to int temp; temp=ptr;ptr=ptr+1 q ++*ptr increment the value pointed by pointer q equivalent to ++(*ptr) i.e int temp; *ptr=*ptr+1; temp=*ptr; *(++ptr) equivalent to int temp;ptr=ptr+1 temp=ptr; (*ptr)++ Equivalent to int temp;temp=*ptr;*ptr=*ptr+1;


Example void main() { int a[]={10,20,30,40} int *ptr,i; ptr=a; printf(*ptr:%d,*ptr); i=*(ptr++); printf(i:%d,i); printf(*ptr:%d,*ptr); i=(*ptr)++; printf(i:%d,i); printf(*ptr:%d,*ptr); i=*(+ +ptr); printf(i:%d,i); printf(*ptr:%d,*ptr); i=++(*ptr); printf(i:%d,i); printf(*ptr:%d,*ptr);


Output *ptr=10 i:10 *ptr:20 i:20 *ptr=21



Subtraction of one pointer from another.

One pointer variable can be subtracted from another provided both variables point to elements of the same array. The resulting value indicates the number of elements separating them. Ex:

main( ) { int arr[ ] = { 10, 20, 30, 45, 67, 56, 74 } ; int *i, *j ; i = &arr[2] ; j = &arr[5] ; printf ( "%d %d", j - i, i - j, ) ; } //will output 3,-3

Comparison of two pointer variables


Pointer variables can be compared provided both variables point to objects of the same data type. Ex:

main( ) { int arr[ ] = { 10, 20, 36, 72, 45, 36 } ; int *j, *k ; j = &arr [ 4 ] ; k = ( arr + 4 ) ; if ( j == k ) printf ( "The two pointers point to the same location" ) ; else

Pointers to pointers


a pointer which contains another pointers address 6485 327


i 3 64 85 k 327 723 6 4

main () { int i = 3 ; int * j ; int * * k ; //pointer to pointer to an integer



pointers and multidimensional arrays,


A 2D array is actually a collection of 1D we

can define a 2D array as a collection of 1D arrays.

Fig:Physical representation of 2 dimensional array a[3][2]


We know a[i] = *(a+i) .in same manner 2d array can be expressed as o a[i][j]= *(a[i]+j)=(*(a+i))[j]=*(*(a+i)+j)

Suppose x is 2d array of 10 rows and 15 columns To access the element at 2 nd row 5 th column (x[2][5] )can be accessed by any of the following methods * ( x[2] + 5) (*(x+2))[5] *( * ( x + 2 ) + 5 )


pointers and strings


we can represent strings using pointers Consider the declarations

char s[]=good; char *ptr=good;

First declaration allocates 5 bytes of memory for the array

g s

o o d \0 s[0] s[1] s[2] s[3] s[4]

Second declaration tells the compiler allocate space in memory for ptr.puts the string constant good in memory and initialise g o o of \0 ptr with base addressd string constant. ptr


//Example program for length of string using pointers void main( ) { char arr[ ] = Hai" ; int len1, len2 ; len1 = strlenptr( arr ) ; len2 = strlenptr ( Hello" ) ; printf ( "\nstring = %s length = %d", arr, len1 ) ; printf ( "\nstring = %s length = %d", Hello", len2 ) ; } strlenptr ( char *s ) { int length = 0 ; while ( *s != '\0' ) { length++ ; s++ ; } return ( length ) ; }

we cannot assign a string to another, whereas, we can assign a char pointer to another char pointer. main( ) { char str1[ ] = "Hello" ; char str2[10] ; char *s = "Good Morning" ; char *q ; str2 = str1 ; /* error */ q = s ; /* works */ }



once a string has been defined it cannot be initialized to another set of characters. Unlike strings, such an operation is perfectly valid with char pointers.
main( ) { char str1[ ] = "Hello" ; char *p = "Hello" ; str1 = "Bye" ; /* error */ p = "Bye" ; /* works */ }

array of pointers


array of pointers are collection of addresses. addresses present in the array of pointers can be


addresses of variables or addresses of array elements or any other addresses. main( ) { int *arr[4] ; /* array of integer pointers */ int i = 31, j = 5, k = 19, l = 71, m ; arr[0] = &i ; arr[1] = &j ;



multidimensional array can be expressed in terms of an

array of pointers.

such situations the newly defined array will have one less

dimension than the original multidimensional array.


two-dimensional array can be defined as a one-dimensional

array of pointers by writing data - type *array[ expression 1 ] ; rather than the conventional array definition, data- type array[ expression 1] [ expression 2] ;

Suppose x is a two-dimensional integer array having 10 rows and 20 columns, We can define x as a one-dimensional array of pointers by writing int * x [ l O ] ; Hence, x[ 01 points to the beginning of the first row, x[ 1 ] points to the beginning of the second row, and so on. Note that the number of elements within each row is not explicitly specified.



#include <stdio.h>


#include <stdlib.h> #define MAXROWS 20 /* function prototypes */ void readinput (int *a[MAXROWS], int nrows, int ncols); void computesums(int *a[MAXROWS], int *b[MAXROWS],int *c[MAXROWS], int nrows, int ncols); void writeoutput(int *c[MAXROWS], int nrows, int ncols); main( ) { . int *a[MAXROWS], *b[MAXROWS], *c[MAXROWS]; .. /* allocate i n i t i a l memory */ f o r (row = 0; row < nrows; ++row) { a[row] = ( i n t *) malloc (ncols * s i z e o f ( i n t ) ) ;

readinput(a, nrows, ncols); readinput(b, nrows, ncols); computesums(


void computesums(int *a[MAXROWS], i n t *b[MAXROWS], i n t *c[MAXROWS], i n t m, i n t n) i n t row, col; f o r (row = 0; row < m; ++row) f o r ( c o l = 0; c o l < n; ++col) * ( c [ row] + c o l ) = *(a [row] + c o l ) + * ( b[row] +col); return; }void w r i t e o u t p u t ( i n t *a[MAXROWS], i n t m, i n t n)
{ i n t row, col; f o r (row = 0; row < m; ++row) { f o r ( c o l = 0; c o l < n; ++col) p r i n t f ( % 4 d , * (a[row] + c o l ) ) ; p r i n t f ( \n) ; }


Array of pointers to strings

An array of character pointers that is pointed to string can be declared as char *nameptr[MAX]; array nameptr is an array of size Max; Each element of the array is a character pointer Ex: char *names[ ] = { "akshay", "parag", "raman", "srinivas", Here names[ ] is an array of pointers. It contains base addresses of respective names "gopal", "rajesh"





advantage of array of pointers to string is that a

fixed block of memory need not be reserved in advance


advantage of array of pointers is that

pointers can be reordered in any manner without moving data items


of array of pointers to strings is we can't

receive strings from keyboard using scanf().we can only initialize the strings at the place where we are declaring the array.

Like pointer to integer we can pointer to an array We can express 2d using pointer to an array.the 2d array declaration will be

pointer to an array


data- type ( *ptvar) [ expression 2] ; rather than data- type array[ expression I] [ expression 2];

/* Usage of pointer to an array */ main( ) { output is 65500 int a[][2] = { 65500 1,2, 65502 3,4, 65504 5,6, }; int *p; int (*q)[2]; //q is an pointer to an array of 2 integers

While passing 2d array to function we can use pointer to an array


Example void show(int ( *q )[4], int row, int col ); main( )

void show ( int ( *q )[4], int row, int col ) { { int a[3][4] = { int i, j ; 1, 2, 3, 4, int *p ; 5, 6, 7, 8, for ( i = 0 ; i < row ; i++ ) { 9, 0, 1, 6 p=q+i; }; for ( j = 0 ; j < col ; j++ ) printf ( "%d ", * ( p + j ) ) ; //same show ( a, 3, 4 ) ; } as //*(*(q+i)+j) printf ( "\n" ) ; } printf ( "\n" ) ;

Difference between array of pointer and pointer to an array

Array of pointer Pointer to an array Declaration: Declaration: Datatype *array-name[SIZE]; Datatype(*array-name)[SIZE]; Size means no:of rows Size represent no:of columns Space for columns are dynamically allocated Space for rows are dynamically allocated


Pointers to function


pointer to a function points to the address of the function.

You can use pointers to call functions and to pass functions as

arguments to other functions.

You A

cannot perform pointer arithmetic on pointers to functions.

declaration of a pointer to a function must have the pointer

name in parentheses.

format of declaration of function pointer is

Return- type(*function pointer- name)(type 1 arg 1 , type 2 arg 2, . . )


Consider the declarations int *f(int a); /* function f returning an int* */ int (*g)(int a); /* pointer g to a function returning an int*/

qIn the first declaration, f is interpreted as a function that takes an int as argument, and returns a pointer to an int. qIn the second declaration, g is interpreted as a pointer to a function that takes an int argument and that returns an int. q() has a higher precedence than the dereference operator *. Without them, the compiler interprets the statement as a function that returns a pointer to a specified return type.

Initializing Function Pointers



other pointer variable ,function pointer must be

initialised prior to use


initialize a function pointer, you must give it the

address of a function in your program. #include <stdio.h> void (*foo)(int); void myfunc(int x) { printf( "%d\n", x ); } void main()

Calling a function using function pointer


to call the function pointed to by a function pointer, use the name of the function pointer EX:

#include <stdio.h> void (*foo)(int); void myfunc(int x) { printf( "%d\n", x ); } void main() { foo = myfunc; //To call myfunc foo( 2 );

Uses of pointers to function


In In In In

writing memory resident programs writing viruses or vaccines to remove the viruses developing COM/DCOM components VC++ programming to connect events to function


pointers and variable length arguments list



implementing variable number of arguments 3 macros

are availble in stdarg.hcalled va_start ,va_arg, va_end.


initializes pointer to the beginning of the list

of optional arguments list,

qva_arg,-which qva_end-which

returns the next argument in the list, cleans up the variable argument list.

to use these macros , we need a variable capable of storing a


variable-length argument list--this variable will be of type va_list. va_list is like any other type. va_list a_list;

va_start is a macro which accepts two arguments, a va_list and

the name of the Variable

va_arg takes a va_list and a variable type, and returns the next

argument in the list in the form of whatever variable type it is told.

#include <stdarg.h> #include <stdio.h> double average ( int num, ... ) { va_list arguments; double sum = 0; va_start ( arguments, num ); for ( int x = 0; x < num; x++ ) { sum += va_arg ( arguments, double ); } va_end ( arguments ); // Cleans up the list return sum / num; } int main() { printf( "%f\n", average ( 3, 12.2, 22.3, 4.5 ) ); /*3 indicates the number of values to average)*/ printf( "%f\n", average ( 5, 3.3, 2.2, 1.1, 5.5, 3.3 ) ); }





pointer to a function can be passed to another function as

an argument.

refer to the first function as the guest function, and the

second function as the host function.


its simplest form, the formal argument declaration can

be written as data- type (* function-name) ( )


data- type refers to the data type of the quantity

returned by the guest and function-name is the name of the guest.

The formal argument declaration can also be written as data-type (* function-name) ( type 1 , type 2, . . . ) or as data-type (* function-name) ( type 1 arg 1 , type 2 arg 2, . . . ) The guest function can be accessed within the host by means of the indirection operator.For that indirection operator must precede the guest function name .

Both the indirection operator and the guest function name must be enclosed in parentheses; (* function-name) (argument 1, argument 2, . . . , argument n) ; where argument I, argument 2, . . . , argument n refer to the arguments that are required in the function call


function declaration for the host function. It may be written as funct- data- type funct-name( arg-data-type (*) ( type 1 , type 2, . . ), pointer to guest function data types of other funct args);
where funct-data- type refers to the data type of the quantity returned by the host function; funct-name refers to the name of the host function; arg-data- type refers to the data type of the quantity returned by the guest function type 1, type 2,. . . refer to the data types of guest functions arguments.

int process(int ( * ) ( int , int ) ) ; /* function declaration (host) */ int functl ( int , int ) ; /* function declaration (guest) */ int funct2(int, int ) ; /* function declaration (guest) */ main( ) { int i,j; ..... i= process(funct1); / * pass funct l to process; return a value f o r i*/ ..... j = process(funct2); I* pass funct2 t o process; return a value f o r j */ ..... } process(int ( * p f ) ( i n t , i n t ) ) /* host function d e f i n i t i o n */ /* (formal argument is a pointer to a function) */ { int a, b, c; ..... c = (*pf)(a, b); / * access the function passed t o t h i s function; return a value f o r c */ ..... return(c); }

f u n c t l (a, b) /* guest function d e f i n i t i o n */ int a, b; { int c; c = . . . / * use a and b t o evaluate c */ return(c); } funct2(x, y) /* guest function d e f i n i t i o n */ int x, y; {




and union

Defining a structure processing a structure user defined data types structure and pointers, passing structure to function, self-referential structures union.

STRUCTURE A structure is a user defined data type.

Arrays are used to store large set of data and manipulate them but the disadvantage is that all the elements stored in an array are to be of the same data type. When we require using a collection of different data items of different data types we can use a structure. A STRUCTURE is a collection of variables of different types. Variables in a structure are called MEMBERS or FIELDS, and are accessed by their name. Variables in an array are called ELEMENTS, and are accessed using square brackets an an index.



Declaring a structure requires the struct keyword, followed by a of curly brackets. struct structure-tag-name { data type member1; data type member2; }; The individual members can be ordinary variables, pointers, arrays, or other structures.

name. Then you declare your collection of members between a pair



Fig: Tagged Structure Format

qWe can declare structure variables as struct structure_name var1,var2, ..,var n; qSo we can declare structure variables stud1, stud2 as struct student stud1,stud2; qit is possible to combine the declaration of structure combination with that of the structure variables.

struct structure_name { type element 1; type element 2;

Ex: struct student

name[25]; totalmark; stud2; { int rollno; char float } stud1,

Structure type declaration doesnot tell compiler to reserve space


in memory .memory will be allocated once variables declared. We can declare and/or define the structure in 3 ways Variable structure Tagged structure Type-defined structure




struct Ex Variable structure can be defined as { struct memberlist { }variable int x; identifier; int y; }a;


It's best to declare structure is in the global area of the program before main. The size of a struct is the sum of the sizes of all the variables it holds.

Initializing of Structure
Structure the


members can be initialized at declaration.

initial value must appear in the order in which they will be assigned to their corresponding structure members,enclosed in braces and seperated by commas . general form is


struct stucture_name structure-variable={constant1,constant2,..};

struct structure_name or { type element1; .. }structure

Ex: struct student { char *name; int rollno; float totalmark; } stud1={"Ashraf",1,98}; main() { struct student stud2={"Rahul",3,97}; .. }


structure that are not explicitly initialized will be initialized by

the system . For integer and float default value is 0 and char and string type members the default value is \0;

FIGURE Initializing Structures

111 111



Processing of structure
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Accessing structure members


Individual members of a struct variable may be accessed

using the structure member operator (the dot, .).

A structure member can be accessed by writing

variable. member where variable refers to-the name of a structure-type variable, and member refers to the name of a member within the structure Ex: to access rollno:of student we can done by stud1.rollno

Example program for structure #include<stdio.h>

structstudent { charname[10]; floatmarks; }stud1,stud2; voidmain() {"Tom"; stud2.marks=99.9; printf("Nameis%s\n",; printf("Marksare%f\n",stud2.marks); }


//program demonstrating structure main( ) { struct book { char name ; float price ; int pages ; }; struct book b1, b2, b3 ; printf ( "\nEnter names, prices & no. of pages of 3 books\n" ) ; scanf ( "%c %f %d", &, &b1.price, &b1.pages


Copying and comparing structures



can be assigned to another structure of same type


struct Student s1,s2; = "Joe "; s2 = s1; Copies the entire structure

How Structure Elements are Stored of a structure are always stored in contiguous memory elements
locations. main( ) { struct book { char name ; float price ; int pages ; }; struct book b1 = { B', 130.00, 550 } ; printf ( "\nAddress of name = %u", & ) ; printf ( "\nAddress of price = %u", &b1.price ) ; printf ( "\nAddress of pages = %u", &b1.pages ) ;


Output Address of name = 65518 Address of price = 65519 Address of pages = 65523


Array of structures


It is possible to define a array of structures General format of declaration of array of structure is

struct tag_name { data type member1; data type member2; } structure-variable[index]; Or struct structure-name structurevariable[index];

#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> struct student { char name[20]; int roll; int mark; }s1[10]; void main() { int n,i; clrscr(); printf("Enter the number of students:"); scanf("%d",&n); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { printf("\nEnter name,rollnumber and mark of %d student\n",i); scanf("%s%d


Initializing arrays of structures


Arrays of structure can be initialized in the same way as arrays General form struct structure-name { datatype member1; . .

}; Struct structure-name structure-variable[N]= { constant01,constant02,constant0n}, { constant11,constant12,constant1n}, .


structmarks { int subject1; int subject2; int subject3; }; struct marks student[3]= { { 45,68,81},{75,53,69}, {57,36,71} };


Nesting of structures


Structures can contain other structures as members; in other words, structures can nested. Dot operator with structure variable are used to access the members of inner and outer structures To access member of inner structure, general form is variable. member. submember Ex:


We can access members of inner structures as


User defined data types(typedef)



typedef feature allows users to define new data-types

that are equivalent to existing data types


new data types are produced but an alternative name

given to known data types.


general terms, a new data type is defined as

typedef type new- type; where type refers to an existing data type and new- type refers to the new user-defined data type. Typedef statement doesnt occupy storage :simply defines a new type Ex:


Typedef in structure(typedefined structure declaration)

The typedef feature is convenient when defining structures, since it eliminates the need to repeatedly write struct tag whenever a structure is referenced. Hence, the structure can be referenced more concisely. Ex

typedef struct { float real; float imag; }complex; complex u,v;

Structure and pointer



is possible to create a pointer to structures.


format of declaring pointer to structure is

struct structure-tag-name { data type member1; data type member2; } *ptr; Or struct structure-tag-name { data type member1;


struct book { char name[25] ; char author[25] ; int callno ; }; struct book *ptr ; An individual structure member can be accessed in terms of its corresponding pointer variable by ptvar- >member. writing


ptr- >member Or (*ptr).member



initialize the structure members through pointer to structure we can use

(*ptr).member=constant; Or Ptr->member=constant; Ex: ptr->callno= 100; ptr->name = "Angelina";

struct invent { char *name[20]; int number; float price; }; void main() { struct invent product[3], *ptr; printf(Enter product details\n"); for(ptr = product; ptr < product+3; ptr++) scanf("%s %d %f", ptr->name, &ptr->number, &ptr->price); printf(product details is "); ptr = product; while(ptr < product + 3) { printf("%-20s %5d %10.2f\n,ptr->name,ptr->number,ptr->price

ptr++; } }

Passing structures to functions



two ways structure can be passed to function members can be transferred individually,


or Entire structures can be transferred format function prototype of passing structure to function is




struct employee { int emp_id; char name[25]; char department[10]; float salary; }empf; main() { struct employee emp1= { 12, "sadanand", "computer", 7500.00 };


complete structure can be transferred to a function by passing a structure-type pointer as an argument. structure passed in this manner will be passed by reference rather than by value.

/* Passing address of a structure variable */ struct book { char name[25] ; char author[25] ; int pages ; }; main( ) { struct book b1 = { "Let us C", "YPK", 500 } ; display ( &b1 ) ; }


display ( struct book *b )

STRUCTURES AS FUNCTION PARAMETERS Program /* Passing a copy of the entire structure */


/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ printf("Updated values of item\n\n"); printf("Name : %s\n",; printf("Price : %f\n",item.price); printf("Quantity : %d\n",item.quantity); /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ value = mul(item); /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ printf("\nValue of the item = %f\n", value); } struct stores update(struct stores product, float p, int q) { product.price += p; product.quantity += q; return(product); }



Output Input increment values: price increment and quantity increment 10 12 Updated values of item Name : XYZ Price : 35.750000 Quantity : 24 Value of the item = 858.000000

Self referencial structure



which contain a member field pointing to the same structure type are called self-referential structures.

A self referential structure is used to create data structures like linked lists, stacks, etc

form is

struct tag { member 1; member 2; ..... struct tag *name;


EX: struct node { char item[10]; struct node *next; };

In linklist each node contain 2 fields

One containing the data item(s). The other containing the address of the next item in the list (that is, a pointer).

A union, is a collection of variables of different types, just like a structure.



the members within a union all share the same storage area within the computers memory, whereas each member within a structure is assigned its own unique storage area.

At any given time Only one member of union may actually reside in the Only ONE member of each union can be referenced at a time

Declaring a union is exactly the same as declaring a struct, except you use the union keyword:

Union tag { member 1 ; member 2; ..... member m; }var1,var2,; EX: union item { int m; float x; char c; } code;


we can use the same syntax for accessing union members that we use to access structure members. Variablename.member-name



The notation for accessing a union member that is nested inside a structure remains the same as for the nested structure.


Fig:Memory allocation for union

structure Vs union Structure



i.Member Access We can Only one member of union can be access all the members of structure accessed at anytime at anytime. ii. Memory Allocation-the amount Amount of memory required is size of memory required to store stucture of Largest member in union. is sum of the size of each because union members are overlaps member in the structure on each other in memory. iii. Initialization All members Only the first member of a union can of structure can be initialized be initialized. . iv. Keyword 'struct' keyword 'union' keyword is used to declare is used to declare structure. union. If we declare two structure variables ,Both variables are stored in different location Union variables are stored in same location.


Operations on union
The following operations are valid on union

A union variable can be assigned to another union variable Union variable can be passed to function as parameter Address of a union variable can be extracted by using & operator A function can accept and return a union or pointer to function perform arithmetic or logical operation





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