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Words in plural only, countable and uncountable with different meaning

Katarzyna Chowaniec

Plural is a term contrasting with singular. In english, it refers to ,,more than one

Rules of Plural
In most of the words in plural we just add s on the end of word for example: Dog dogs Pen- pens

Other Plural words

When the words end with the following s, ss,sh,ch,x, and sometimes o we add on the end of each word es for example: a class- classes a box boxes a watch- watches

Exception !!!
There are some exception with words finish o which are loan-word and we add just s : a piano- pianos a photo- photos a zero- zeros

Plural form with -y

There are some more group of nouns ending in y we then add ies like : - story- stories - lady- ladies BUT not always. Exceptions are: - day days - valley- valleys

There is some words which we make in irregular way like: - a man- men - a woman- women - a mouse- mice - a penny- pence - a foot- feet

Words the same in singular and plural

Another group of nouns has the same word in singular and plural like: - a fish- ryba, fish ryby, a sheep- owca, sheepowce, a deersarna, deer- sarny

Some more examples:

- a means- sposb, rodek means sposoby, rodki - a fruit- owoc fruit- owoce - a species- gatunek species- gatunki

Plural words only

In english we can also find word which exsist just in plural only like: trousers spodnie jeans- dinsy shorts- spodenki scissors noyczki goods- towary spectatles- okulary

Plural only nouns

Other Plural only nouns are: Suburbs przedmiecia Congratulations- gratulacje Thanks

Plural words only

In words which exsist in plural only we can find exsisting word in singular but is not the same word anymore and has different meaning like: glasses and glass.


Photo by andertho

Photo by JG Jones


Another words
Clothes ubranie, odzie, ale cloth ( obrus, cierka) tights- rajstopy earnings- zarobki

People- ludzie

Knickers- majtki, figi

Wages- zarobki, pace

braces- szelki

Countable nouns
A noun can be countable and uncountable. Countable nouns can be "counted", they have a singular and plural form . For example: A book, two books, three books ..... An apple, two apples, three apples ....

Uncountable nouns
Uncountable nouns cannot be counted. This means they have only a singular form. It also means that they do not take a/an before them. For example: Water Coffee Wine Rice

Countable and uncountable

Countable and uncountable nouns

Some nouns can be either countable and uncountable COUNTABLE
Helen baked a cake for her mother. Theres a hair in my soup. Someone threw a stone at me. Janes peeling the potatoes. She gave me a box of chocolates.

Countable and uncountable nouns

Have some cake. I must wash my hair. Is this house built of stone? Would you like some potato? I dont eat chocolate

The countable noun is specific, the uncountable noun is more general

Rugby is a sport. Thats an old painting over there. He had an interesting life. We heard a loud noise outside.

I dont like sport. Is Betty good at painting? Life isnt always easy. Your children make so much noise.

Some nouns can be countable or uncountable with different meanings

He bought a paper. (= A newspaper)

I need some paper to write on.

Some nouns can be countable or uncountable with different meanings

Would you like a glass of juice?

You need to buy a piece of glass for the window.

Some nouns can be countable or uncountable with different meanings

Have you got an iron? (for clothes)

This chair is made of iron.

Some nouns can be countable or uncountable with different meanings

Your room is a mess. He switched all the lights on. How many times Ann phone? He runs a small business.

There is no room for you. Theres more light by the window. I havent got any time to lose. He enjoys doing business.

Words for drink

Coffee is more expensive than tea.

COUNTABLE (when we are ordering or

offering drinks) Two coffees, please.

Countable and uncountable

There are uncountable nouns like: jewellery, advice, luggage, money, weather, equipment, furniture, work, water, information, news, time. But we can make them countable by adding some words like: a bit of information, a loaf of bread, a piece of furniture, a piece of music, a stroke of luck, a sum of money.

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