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Madisons PresidencyMacons Bill No.

Non-intercourse Act expired in 1810 Madison was indecisive about its renewal Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Nathaniel Macon issued Macons Bill No. 2
US commerce was open to the world Authorized the President to cut off trade with either France or Britain if either continued with their restrictions upon US commerce

Napoleon Responds to Macons Bill No. 2 France promised to allow US ships into its ports only if the US stopped trade with Britain Madison accepted the proposal February 1811- Madison decreed that all trade with Britain and its colonies was illegal

War Hawks
Senators and Congressmen mainly from the South and West Tired of cautious diplomacy with aggressive European nations Demanded a firm defense of our national rights Henry Clay of Kentucky
Elected as Speaker of the House

John C. Calhoun of South Carolina Drove America into war with Britain in 1812

Shawnee IndiansTecumseh and the Prophet

Created a plan to form all of the Indian tribes from Canada to Florida into one large confederacy No more sale of lands to American settlers Fought to keep Americans out of their lands Tecumseh went to the Indiana Territory capital of Vincennes to give a speech
Demanded Indian lands to be returned Told the territorial government that the Indians would join them in their fight against Britain in exchange for no more Americanpurchased Indian lands

Governor William Henry Harrison

Rejected Tecumsehs offer Raised a militia and marched to the Tippecanoe River
Near Tecumsehs village

November 7, 1811- Battle of Tippecanoe

Indians are defeated and the village is burned Harrison incites anti-British sentiment by claiming to have found British guns and powder

Northwest Indians Respond

On the warpath against American settlers on their lands Settlers were killed or pushed back to the few scattered towns and forts in the territory War Hawks called for war against Britain Winter of 1811-12- spirit of war rose rapidly in the South and West New Englanders feared a war would interrupt their commerce and did not support the movement
Target was Canada because that is where the Indians were being supplied from

Madison Declares War

June 1, 1812- Madison proposed war based on a list of grievances with Britain
Impressment Blockades Incitement of the Indians

House and Senate voted in favor of war

Southern and Western states were joined by Pennsylvania and Vermont New York, New Jersey, and New England states were for peace

Avoidable War?
The American embargo on British goods combined with Frances Continental System had driven British industry to a halt British PM Perceval was considering an end to harassment of US shipping
Assassinated on May 1, 1812

New British PM Castlereagh acted swiftly and ended the hostilities against US shipping
News of this did not reach the US until after the declaration of war was announced

War Begins in the West

August 15, 1812- British captured Fort Dearborn (Chicago) August 16, 1812- British captured Detroit A quick and easy war against Canada was no longer a foreseeable outcome as the British controlled the old Northwest Territory

Naval Victories
The Constitution (Old Ironsides) defeated the Guerriere and the Java The Wasp defeated the Frolic The United States defeated and captured the Macedonia
Under the command of Stephen Decatur

Main result was a morale boost Eventually, the British navy would set up a successful blockade of Americas east coast

Presidential Election of 1812

James Madison (Republican) vs. DeWitt Clinton (Federalist)
Supported by New England Federalists and Republicans who wanted peace Won every eastern state north of the Potomac River except Pennsylvania and Vermont

Madison won the election to earn his second term

Battle of Lake Erie

September 1813- Captain Oliver Hazard Perry defeated the British fleet at Put-inBay, Lake Erie Perrys victory cut off the British army at Detroit from their supplies in Canada
Forced to retreat and give up the possessions they had gained early in the war

Battle of Thames River

October 1813- William Henry Harrison pursued the retreating British army and defeated them at Thames River on the Ontario Peninsula Shawnee Chief Tecumseh was killed
Had been made a brigadier general in the British army

Britain Turns its Attentions on the US

War with France had ended with the capture and exile of Napoleon Britain was now free to send its full fury against the US 14,000 battle-hardened and experienced British soldiers were dispatched to the US August 1814- landed on the east coast of America (Chesapeake Bay)

East Coast Battles- Film

Washington D.C. Baltimore, Maryland

Southern Battles- Film

New Orleans, Louisiana Mobile, Alabama

Treaty of Ghent
December 24, 1814- agreement was reached between America and Britain
A return to the conditions that existed before the war (status quo ante bellum)

Americans did not learn of the treaty until February 1815 February 17, 1815- Ratified by Congress

New England Opposes the War

Hartford Convention- December 15, 1814
Delegates from the five New England states Federalist Party Proposed amendments that would
Lessen the power of the South and West, Secure the interests of commerce Check the seemingly endless succession of presidents from Virginia

New England Opposes the War

On the day that the resolutions arrived in Washington, D.C., news of Jacksons victory at New Orleans and the Treaty of Ghent had already arrived
Federalists looked like fools and doomed their party once and for all

Presidential Election of 1816

James Monroe (Republican) vs. Rufus King (Federalist)
Last of the Federalist candidates

Monroe wins easily on the mistakes made by the Federalists at Hartford Virginia Dynasty remains intact for another eight years

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