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The Research Report

The Written Report

The written report enables the manager to weigh the facts and arguments presented therein, and implement the acceptable recommendations, with a view to closing the gap between the existing state of affairs and the desired state.

The Written Report and Its Purpose

Report could be written for different purposes and hence the form of the written report would vary according to the situation.

The Written Report and Its Audience

The organization of a report, its length, fokus on details, data presentation, and illustrations, will in part be a function of the audience for whom it is intended.

Characteristics of A Well-Written Report

Clarity, conciseness, coherence, proper emphasis on important aspects, meaningful organization of paragraphs, smooth transitions from one topic to the next, apt choice of words, and specificity.

Contents of The Research Report

A table of contents, a copy of the authorization to conduct the study (in response to the original research proposal), and an executive summary (in the case of applied research) or a synopsis (in the case of basic research).

Integral Parts of The Report

The title page of the research report. Table of contents. Authorization letter. The executive summary or synopsis. The introductory section. The body of the report. the final part of the report. Acknowledgment. References. Appendix.

The Title Page of The Research Report

The title of the report should succinctly indicate what the study is all about.

Table of Contents

Usually list the important headings and subheadings in the report. a separate list of tables and figures should also appear in the table of contents.

Authorization Letter

A copy of the letter of authorization from the sponsor of the study, approving the investigation and detailing its scope.

The Executive Summary or Synopsis

A brief account of the research study that provides an overview, and highlights the following important information related to the study.

The Introductory Section

The introductory section starts with a statement of the problem that is investigated.

The Body of The Report

The design details such as sampling and data collection methods, as well as the nature and type of study, the time horizon, the field setting, and the unit of analysis.

The Final Part of The Report

Will contain the conclusions drawn from the findings.


The people who assisted in the study by collecting the questionnaires, acting as liaisons, helping in data analysis, and so on, are recognized and thanked.


A list of the references cited in the literature review and at other places in the report will be given.


The appropriate place for the organization chart, newspaper clippings or materials that substantiate the text of the report, detailed verbatim narration of interviews with members, and anything else that would help the reader follow the text.

Oral Presentation

Most organization require about 20-minute oral presentation of the research project, and the oral presentation requires considerable planning. Slides, overheads, charts, graphs, handouts, help the presenter to sustain the interest of the audience.

Oral Presentation (cont.)

Deciding on The Content. Visual aids. The presenter. The presentation. Handling questions.

Deciding on The Content

The problem investigated, the result found, the conclusions drawn, the recommendations made, and the ways they can be implemented are of most interest to organizational members, and need to be emphasized during the presentation.

Visual Aids

Visual aids provide a captivating sensory stimulus which sustains the attention of the audience. Slides, transparancies, flipcharts, the chalkboard, and handout materials also help the audience to easily follow the points of the speakers fokus.

The Presenter

The speaker should establish eye contact with the audience, speak audibly and understandably, and be sensitive to the nonverbal reactions of the audience.

The Presentation

The opening remark set the stage for riveting the attention of the audience. Important aspects of the presentation such as the problem investigated, the findings, the conclusions drawn, the recommendations made, and their implementaion.

Handling Questions

The question-and-answer session, when handled well, leaves the audience with a sense of involment and satisfaction. Question should be encouraged and responded to with care.

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