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K I N E S I C S (Body Sport/Body Movement) Reflection of Thoughts and Feelings We talk with our vocal cords, but we communicate with our whole body Most expressive part- Face (Face is the index of the heart) Imagine Facial Expressions associated with happiness, surprise, fear, anger, sadness,

GESTURES (Hand and Upper Body Movement) Gestures if not coordinated create confusion Speech and Gestures go together Open Palms Eye-to-eye confrontation Smile Equal handshake

Torso Erect and Extended slightly forward Shuffling from one leg to another

Positive Personality Honest and Direct Open Personality Equal in behaviour and attitude/ with no complex associated Interest and Involvement Nervous



BE YOURSELF Start from inside and work out (Improve your body language) If you are comfortable with yourself, it shows So, RELAX, Do not try be, what you are not? NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn't being said. Non-verbal messages more spontaneous , less delebrate. Verbal communication 7% Bodily movements , Gestures 55% Voice tone etc 38%

INTERPERSONAL ATTITUDES To understand people and relate to them more effectively through body language, we must make it a practice to observe their behavior and gestures. The following external expressions can help us draw conclusions about a person: Openness open hands, unbuttoned coat Defensiveness Arms crossed, sideways glance, rubbing nose, rubbing eyes, buttoned coat, drawing away. Insecurity pinching flesh, chewing pen, biting fingernails Nervousness Clearing throat, whew sound, whistling, smoking, fidgeting, covering mouth, jiggling money or keys. Frustration Short breaths, tsk sound, tightly clenched hands, pointing the index finger, running a hand through the hair, rubbing the back of the neck.


EYES EYEBROWS NOSE AND EARS FOREHEAD SHOULDERS - Shrugging of shoulders means indifferent /does not care attitude. FINGERS - drumming of fingers means impatience or nervousness. ARMS

MYTHS AND REALITIES OF COMMUNICATION Communicate consciously/deliberately Communicate primarily through words Words mean the same to everyone Communication is a one sided process Message sent and message received are identical Communicate unconsciously all the time Communicate through verbal as well as non verbal signs Meaning of words lies more in perception of reality Communication is a two way process Transmission and reception of message can never be identical.

EFFECTIVE LISTENING Lis-ten-ing is the process of receiving,- constructing meaning from, and - responding to spoken and/or nonverbal messages". When we apply our external ear ..we only 'HEAR' and When we apply our internal ear we 'LISTEN'. Therefore merely by being physically present in a lecture like this, one does not necessarily listen . In order to be successful you need to understand people, be it your personal life, or your professional life. The best way to understand people is to listen to them. Most people will not really listen or pay attention to your point of view until they become convinced you have heard and appreciate theirs.

Listen optimistically dont lose interest straightaway Dont jump to conclusions; Be open minded; Keep emotions under control We learn to understand others by listening We learn about ourselves by listening. listen to your boss - chances are that you will rise the ladders of career faster; listen to your colleagues at work place - chances are you will always be helped & get their cooperation; listen to your subordinates i.e pay attention to them - chances are that you will be considered as a nice boss and most subordinates are prepared to give their best for nice bosses. Thank you for your patient hearing or shall I say attentive LISTENING ?

Written Communication
LETTERS; MEMOS; REPORTS; EMAILS Responding to letters We can attach the following slip to the returned letter We can send you - Gold embossed replies - after 30 - 45 days - Individually dictated and typed letters after 15 days - Routine replies in 7 days - Returning your letter with our comments same day You can also give your reply on this letter itself and


The Composite Picture

This is a simple game of join the dotsThe Sheets you have been given have a series of numbers written on them from 1 to 150. Start from no.1. Proceed on to the next - (no 2) and so on. Every 2 minutes, you will need to stop and write down the number you have reached. The one to reach the highest score in the given time wins the game.

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