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Pengantar Komunikasi Massa: Dasar-Dasar Komunikasi Massa

Monika Sri Yuliarti, S.Sos., M.Si.

Mass Communication
On Januari 25, 2003, internet connection all over

the world had crashed they had very slow connection speed, because of slammer worm. The effects of slammer worm:
Bank of America customers could not withdraw

money from any of the bank's 13.000 ATMs. Some continental airline's online reservations center could not process request. Some investments bank in New York City found that emails was no longer working. In washington state, the computers connected to the 911 emergency number ran so slowly that dispatcher started taking notes with pencil and paper

Mass communication
Communication between people is fragile.

Technologies advances have increased the

speed and reach of human communication, but, as the slammer examples illustrates, communication can become even more fragile when machines are involved.

The definitions of mass communication

Bittner message that be communicated

through mass media to a broad of people Gebner technologically institutionally of production and distributions messsage that continous and broad in industrial society. Meletzke communication with open statements through mass media, one way, to public.

Definisi komunikasi massa menurut para ahli

Effendy communication process through mass

media (newspaper with a broad circulation, radio & television with a broad audiences, and film from theatres); later, Effendy adds internet internet as a mass media).
These definitions will always change based on its

era, which some points will also change its characteristics and functions.

Elements of mass communication

1. Source

Can be single or organization

2. Encoding

Message is the actual physical product that the source encodes. It is more complicated than in interpersonal communication
3. Channel

The way the message travels to the receiver. Sound waves carry the spoken words, light waves carry visual messages.

Elements of mass communication

4. Decoding translating or interpreting physical messages into a form that has eventual meaning for a receiver 5. Message 6. Audience The target of the messages 7. Feedback Positive-negative, person focused-message focus, immediate-delayed 8. Noise Semantic, mechanical, environmental

Functions of mass communication

Charles R. Wright (1988)

Surveillance of the environment (fungsi

pengawasan) Correlation of the part of society in responding to the environment (fungsi korelasi) Transmission of the social heritage from one generation to the next (fungsi transmisi sosial) Entertainment (fungsi hiburan)

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