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Neurological Control

of Movement

The Structure and

Function of the Nervous
The Neuron
 The Cell Body (nucleus)
 The Dendrites
 the receivers
 The Axon
 the transmitter
 contains the axon

 contains the synaptic knobs that
release chemicals known as
 The axon hillock decides if the
impulse is a graded potential or an
action potential.
The Neuron

 Node of ranvier
 Myelin sheath

 Saltitoryconduction: the impulse

skips from node to node and is a
faster method of impulse travel.
The Nerve Impulse
 Nerve Impulse: an electrical charge
that passes from one neuron to the next
neuron or muscle fiber.
 Resting Membrane Potential: the
separation of charges across the membrane
 a constant RMP of -70 mV is the function of the
sodium-potassium pump.
 Depolarization: when the charge
difference decreases (< -70 mV), moving
closer to zero (ie -20 mV).
 Hyperpolarization: when the charge
difference increases (> -70 mV), moving
farther from zero (ie -120 mV).
The Nerve Impulse
 Graded Potentials: local changes in
the neuron membrane to cause an
inefficient charge difference.

 Action Potentials: a rapid and

substantial depolarization (excitation) of the
neurons membrane.
 axon hillock- measures the summation
of impulses and determines the
threshold for an action potential
 All-Or-None Principle
 Sequence of events [3.2]
The Synapse
Synapse: is the site of impulse
transmission from one neuron to
another neuron or muscle fiber.
axon terminals- release
synaptic cleft
receptors- of a neuromuscular
junction at the sarcolemma of a
muscle fiber. [3.4]
The Synapse

 Excitatory Postsynaptic
Potential (EPSP’s) can be either
depolarizations (excites) or
hyperpolarizations (inhibits)

 InhibitoryPostsynaptic
Potentials (IPSP’s) are only
hyperpolarizations (inhibits)
Organization of the
Nervous System
C e n tra l N e rv o u s S y s te m
B r a in
S p in a l C o r d

S e n s o r D iv is io n P e r ip h e r a l N e r v o u s S y s t e m M o t o r D iv is io n
( a ffe r e n t ) C r a n ia l N e r v e s ( e ffe r e n t )
S p in a l N e r v e s

A u t o n o m ic N e r v o u s S y s t e m
( in v o lu n t a r y )

S o m a t ic N e r v o u s S y s t e m
( v o lu n t a r y )
The Brain and Spinal
Cerebrum: site of mind and
intellect, motor control, sensory
input and interpretation.
 Frontal Lobe: general intellect and motor
 Temporal Lobe: auditory input and its
 Parietal Lobe: general sensory input and
its interpretation
 Occipital Lobe: visual input and its
The Brain and Spinal
Diencephalon: sensory
integration and homeostasis of
the body’s internal environment.
 Thalamus: interprets sensory input
and relays it to the appropriate area
of the brain.
 Hypothalamus: maintains
The Brain and Spinal
Cerebellum: movement control.
Brain Stem: relays information
between the brain and the spinal cord.
Spinal Cord: tracts of nerve fibers
that allow two-way conduction of
nerve impulses.
afferent -vs- efferent
The Peripheral Nervous
 The PNS contains 12 pairs of
cranial nerves and 31 pairs of
spinal nerves.
 Sensory neurons enter the spinal
cord through the dorsal root.
 mechanoreceptors (touch)
 thermoreceptors (temperature)
 nociceptors (pain)
 chemoreceptors (oxygen,

glucose, electrolytes, etc.)

 kinesthetic receptors (movement in joints,
balance, etc.) ie. golgi tendon organs
The Peripheral Nervous
 Motorneurons leave the spinal cord
through the ventral root.
 Create muscle contraction
 Create muscle inhibition
The Autonomic Nervous
 The ANS controls your body’s
involuntary internal functions.
 Sympathetic Nervous System (fight or
flight mechanism)
inc.H.R. and cardiac contraction
coronary vessels dilate increasing B.P. &
blood flow
bronchodilation, inc. metabolic rate &
mental capabilities
glucose is released from the liver into the
The Autonomic Nervous

 ParasympatheticNervous System
(housekeeping system)
carry’sout digestion, urination, & life
conserves energy
decreases blood flow
decreases breathing rate
Sensory Motor
 Sensory Motor Integration: is the
communication of the sensory and
motor nerve pathways. [3.1]
 Reflex: when sensory impulses
terminate at the spinal cord and are
integrated there.
 Motor Control: controlled by impulses
conducted by motor (efferent)
neurons from the brain.
 Muscle Spindles: create reflexive
muscle contractions of the agonist
muscle to resist further stretching.
 Golgi Tendon Organs: are sensitive to
tension which excite the antagonist
muscles to contract.
Muscle Fiber Recruitment
 Each muscle fiber is innervated by
only one motor neuron, but each
motor neuron innervates up to
several thousand muscle fibers.
 Principle of Orderly Recruitment
 Motor units with smaller motor neurons
(ST) will be recruited first, larger motor
neurons (FTb) last.
 Motor units with a smaller number of
muscle fibers will be recruited first.

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