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Mention the basic types of sampling to test water quality ?

and explain a method for measure the amount of oxygen dissolved ? Write briefly on measurement of nitrogen ,phosphate analytically measurement of turbidity , pH , Alkalinity , BOD test Discuss the difference between BOD & COD TTS &TDS Aerobic & Anaerobic nitrogen, carbon, and sulfur cycles Example (4.1) &Example (4.2) { included exam}

Chapter 3 & 4

the sample must be extracted with great care to ensure that no transfer of oxygen from the air and water (in or out) occurs. Most tests may be performed on a water sample taken from the stream. Grab (at only one sample unit) Composite (series of grab samples mix)

Flow weighted composite (vol of sample proportional to the flow)

Accuracy of analysis from Accuracy of sampling

DO the most important measure of water quality, although poorly soluble in water, is fundamental to aquatic life .

DO is inversely proportional to temperature .

The amount of oxygen dissolved in water is usually measured either with an oxygen probe or by iodometric titration.

Schematic diagram of a galvanic cell oxygen probe

The BOD test

1. Take 2 samples of water 2. Record the DO level (ppm) of one immediately 3. Place the second water sample in an incubator in complete darkness at 20C for 5days. If you don't have an incubator, wrap the water sample bottle in aluminum foil 4. After 5 days, take another dissolved oxygen reading (ppm) using the dissolved 5. Subtract the Day 5 reading from the Day 1 reading to determine the BOD level. Record your final BOD result in ppm.

turbid is light transmission inhibited turbidity is of great importance, first because of aesthetic considerations and second because pathogenic organisms can hide on (or in) the tiny colloidal particles The standard for calibrating turbidimeters is defined as 1 mg/L of SiO2 = 1 normalized turbidity unit. Turbidimeters are photometers that measure the intensity of scattered light .Opaque particles scatter light


pH of a solution is a measure of hydrogen ion concentration which in turn is a measure of its acidity.

all phases of water and wastewater treatment. Aquatic organisms are sensitive to pH changes, and biological treatment requires either pH control or monitoring. In water treatment as well as in disinfection and corrosion control, pH is important in ensuring proper chemical treatment.


A parameter related to pH or the buffering capacity Water that has a high alkalinity can accept large doses of an acid without lowering the pH significantly Waters with low alkalinity, such as rainwater, can experience a drop in the pH with only a minor addition of hydrogen ion alkalinity in natural water is provided by the carbonate/bicarbonate buffering system. Carbon dioxide (CO2) dissolves in water and is in equilibrium with the bicarbonate and carbonate ions.

Any change that occurs in the components of this equation influences the solubility of CO2. If acid is added to the water, the hydrogen ion concentration is increased, and this combines with both the carbonate and bicarbonate ions, driving the carbonate and bicarbonate equilibria to the left, releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and the pH does not change Only when all of the carbonate and bicarbonate ions are depleted will the additional acid added to the water cause a drop in pH

wastewater contains dissolved and suspended inorganic materials. in wastewater anything other than water is classified as solid. Or is the residue after evaporation at 103C (slightly higher than the boiling point of water). The solids thus measured Total solids may be divided into two fractions: the total dissolved solids (TDS) and the total suspended solids (TSS). Example ( salt sand )

(COD) does not differentiate between biologically

it is a measure of the total quantity of oxygen required to oxidize all organic material into carbon dioxide and water by using oxidizing agent like potassium dichromate to oxidize all organic matter. COD values are always greater than BOD values, but COD measurements can be made in a few hours while BOD take five day

Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) is a measure of the amount of oxygen that bacteria will consume while decomposing organic matter

Example 4.1
Calculate the BODs of a water sample, given the following data: Temperature of sample is 20C Initial DO is saturation Dilution is 1:30, with seeded dilution water Final DO of seeded dilution water is 8 mg/L Final DO bottle with sample and seeded dilution water is 2 mg/L Volume of BOD bottle is 300 mL From Table 4-1, DO saturation at 20C is 9.2 mg/L; hence, this is the initial DO. Since the BOD bottle contains 300 mL, a 1:30 dilution with seeded water contains 10 mL of sample and 290 mL of seeded dilution water, and, by Equation 4.7,
BOD 5 = (9.2 - 2) - (9.2 - 8)(290/300)

= 18.3 mg/L

Example 4.2


nitrogen is an important element in biological reactions. nitrogen can all be measured analytically by colorimetric techniques. In colorimetry, the ion in question combines with a reagent to form a colored compound; the color intensity is proportional to the original concentration of the ion. For example The amount of colloid formed is proportional to the concentration of ions in the sample.

The color is measured photo metrically. A photometer, illustrated in Figure 4-6

The color is measured photometrically. A photometer, illustrated in Figure 4-6, consists of a light source, a filter, the sample, and a photocell. The filter allows only those wavelengths of light to pass through that the compounds being measured will absorb. Light from the light source passes through the sample to the photocell, which converts light energy into electric current. An intensely colored sample will absorb a considerable amount of light and allow only a limited amount of light to pass through and thus create little current. On the other hand, a sample containing very little of the chemical in question will be lighter in color and allow almost all of the light to pass through, and will set up a substantial current

In aerobic decomposition oxygen serves a purpose of hydrogen acceptor and form water Carbon dioxide and water are always two of the end products of aerobic decomposition. Both are stable, low in energy, and used by plants in photosynthesis Sulfur compounds are oxidized to SO42-, the sulfate ion and phosphorus is oxidized to PO4 3-, orthophosphate. Nitrogen is an indicator for water pollution is oxidized through a series of compounds ending in nitrate, in the progression Organic nitrogen ~ NH3 (ammonia) --, NO2-(nitrite) ~ NO3- (nitrate)

Many of the end products of the reaction are biologically unstable. (CH4), a high-energy, phyically stable but can be decomposed biologically sulfur is anaerobically biodegraded to hydrogen sulfide (H2S) BASIC EQUATION

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