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In general Organizational behavior & Organization is a vast subject but today my group is going to give you a targeted information focusing on What is (OB) Organizational Behavior & what is its structure & design ?

GROUP CAPTAIN. organizations Organizational behaviour. .what is OB? Imran Mustafa. Images & perceptions of organizations. Traditional approaches to organization & management. Developments in organization. Hafiz Noman. The new organizations The formal organizational structure. Imtiaz ahmad. Tall & flat organizations. Departmentation.. Kinza Naz. Stability or flexibility? Technology & structure. Epilogue.


What is organization?
The group of people who work for the same purpose with certain resources is called as organization. Fayol & Weber suggested that organizations are the rational bodies in which commands are issued & obeyed . The organization takes inputs from environment & processes them into outputs. Types of organizations. There are three main types of organizations; Business organizations Public sector organizations Other non-profit making organizations.

Examples of organizations.
The following are examples of organizations; The multinational company making & selling cars An accountancy firm A charity A local authority A trade union An army A political party These organizations seem on the surface very different They do different things & draw their resources from different sources.

Why Organizations exist?

In general terms organizations exist because they can; Achieve results which individual cannot achieve alone. As a single drop of water cannot face air pressure but the collection of water droplets in the form sea can change the direction of wind.

What is organizational behaviour?

It is the understanding prediction &
1. 2. 3. 4.
management of human behaviour in organizations. Recognized approaches to management include; The process approach The quantitative approach The system approach The contingency approach

Importance of Organizational behaviour.

It is the fields job to describe complex
human context in which managers work & define problems associated with that realm .the value of organizational behaviour is that it isolates important aspects of managers job & offers specific perspectives on the human side of the management .

Theoretical framework
The following frameworks can be used to
develop an overall model of organizational behaviour ; Cognitive framework Behavioristic framework Social learning framework.

Characteristic of organizational behaviour.

Interdisciplinary focus Descriptive nature.

Images & perceptions of organizations.

1).They have a pervasive influence over our lives. As Henry Mintzberg states ; Ours has become ,for better or for worse ,a society of organizations .we are born in organizations and are educated in organizations . At the same time organizations supply us and entertain us ,they govern us and harass us ( something concurrently) Finally we are buried by organizations.

2).The images of organizations.

Organizations are machines. Organizations are biological
organisms. Organizations are human brains. Organizations are cultures and subcultures. Organizations are political systems.

Traditional approaches to organizations and management .

Division of labor & specialization. Authority and responsibility Discipline Unity of command Stability of tenure of personnel.

System theory of organization.

Open system Closed system

New organizations

Everything global Everything new Everything faster Everything different Everything turbulent.

Formal organizational structure.

Organizational structure is formed by the grouping of people into departments or sections & the allocation of responsibility and authority.

components of organizational structure & functions.

Strategic apex Operating core Middle line Technostructure Support staff.

Tall and flat organizations

Recent trends have been towards Delayering the management levels in an organizations.

Tall organization.
Is one which, in relation to its
size , has a large no of levels of management hierarchy.

Flat organizations.

Are those which have

small number of hierarchical levels. This implies a wide span of control.

Span of control.
Refers to the number of subordinates
immediately reporting to superior; if a manager has five subordinates the span of control is five.

Factors influence the span of control

managers capability Nature of work load Geographical dispersion of subordinates Subordinates, work The nature of problems Degree of interaction between subordinates

Delarering is the reduction of management levels from bottom to top. Many organizations are Delayering. Middle line jobs are vanishing. organizations are increasing the average span of control, reducing management levels and becoming flatter.

In some organizations tasks and people are grouped together in some rational way on the basis of specialization. This is known as departmentation.

Types of departmentation

Functional departmentation Product/brand departmentation Geographic departmentation Customer departmentation

Geographic departmentation
Where the organization is structured according to geographic area, some authority is retained at head office but day-to-day operations are handled on territorial basis.

Functional departmenntation
Functional organization involves grouping together people who do similar tasks

Some organizations group activities on the basis of products or product lines. Some functional departmentation remains but a divisional manager is given responsibility for product or product line, with authority over personnel of different functions.

Product/brand departmentation

Departmentation on the basis of types of customer or market segment is called customer departmentation. Departmentation by customer is commonly associated with sales departments and selling effort.

Customer departmentation

Divisionalization is the division of a business into autonomous regions or product businesses, each with its own revenues, expenditures and capital assets purchase programmes, and therefore each with its own profit and loss responsibility.

A centralized organization is one in which authority is concentrated in one place. We can look at centralization in two ways. Geographically: some functions may be centralized rather than scattered in different offices, department or locations Authority: centralization also refers to the extent to which people have to refer decisions upwards to their superiors.


Stability or flexibility.

Burn and Stalker are the persons who gave

the terminologies of mechanistic or bureaucratic and an organic organization for the first time. Stable, efficient and suitable for slowly changing operating environments are related to bureaucratic or mechanistic organization. Flexible ,adaptive & suitable for fast changing or dynamic operating environments are related to an organic organization.

Comparison of Bureaucracy & Organic structure.

In Bureaucracy tasks are specialized and broken
down into sub tasks. In an organic organization expertise contribute to common task of an organization. In bureaucratic system managers are there to set tasks through mutual interaction. Communication is vertical and in the form of commands in bureaucratic structure but in an organizational structure communication is lateral & B/W different ranks represent consultation rather than commands.

legitimate authority.
The German writer Max Weber identified three grounds for a legitimate authority as follows; Charismatic leadership Traditional leadership Bureaucracy.

Bureaucracy : Good or Bad.

Ideal for standardized ,routine tasks Right adherence Long- lasting
Bureaucracy is bad in aspects like; It is slow changing because of hierarchical system. It suppresses the innovations, inhibits creativity & openness to new ideas.

Technology & structure.

* Technology has a significant impact on the way
work is organized. * Types of production; Woodward investigated the features of organization structure; * Span of control * Division of functions among specialists. * Type of production technology in use. Production system is divided into three categories; Unit production Mass production Process production.

Socio technical system.

The Socio- technical system says

that an organization should aim to find a fit that will maximize efficiency and ensuring members satisfaction at the same time

Information & communication technology.

I C T virtual teams are interconnected

groups of people who may not be present in the same office or organization but who ; * Share information & tasks * Make joint decisions & * Fulfill the collaboration function of a team.

Impact of ICT.
ICT has facilitated the simulating team
working via teleconference video conference & world wide web. Dispersed individuals and units can share latest research, product, customer and can make electronic meetings. It enables organization to get freelance workers



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