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The Lord is My Shepherd (Psalm 23)

The Lord is my shepherd, I have everything I need, He lets me rest in fields of green grass, And leads me to quiet pools of fresh water, He gives me new strength, He guides me as promised, Even if that way goes through deepest darkness, I will not be afraid Lord BECAUSE YOU ARE WITH ME! Your shepherds rod and staff protect me I am sure your goodness and kindness Will follow me everyday of my life And your house will be my home forever. AMEN.

By: Fides F. Adiviso, RN

Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of the session, the learner will be able to: Identify factors which influence food habits. Correlate food habits to the most common lifestyle related diseases and chronic illnesses. Integrate principles of nutrition in nursing care of the patients.


Psychological Factors
Association of food to Happy and Bad Experiences Comfort food for depression Appeal look, feel, smell Beliefs environmental beliefs political convictions folklore

Socioeconomic Factors
Income Education Prestige foods Poor mans foods

Religion Custom Tradition

Physical or Ecological Factors

Geography Climate season

Biological Factors
Infant, toddlers, preschooler, adolescents, pregnant State of health

Technological Factors
Food Processing Food Packaging Food Storage

Dietary Habits
Assessed through: Dietary History Diet Scoring Eating Attitude Test

Food Opinions
Vegan diet Southbeach Diet


Combination of process by which the body receives & utilizes the materials necessary to maintain homeostasis.

Concerned with social , economic, cultural,& psychological implications of food & eating

Nutrients substances that are necessary for metabolic process of the body Body processes physiological activities that interact with nutrients to maintain homeostasis Nutrient requirements individual requirements to maintain homeostasis depending on various factors Homeostasis maintenance of organ system in dynamic state

Classes of Nutrients
Description Classes Functions
Release energy for maintenance of homeostasis

Energy requirements Organic requirements

Inorganic requirements

Carbohydrates Fats Proteins Carbohydrates Fats Proteins Vitamins Water Minerals

Build & maintain body tissues Regulate body processes

Medium for chemical reactions Transport materials Maintain body temperature Bone formation Conduction nerve impulse



Nutrition and Lifestyle Related Diseases

Obesity is defined by the WHO as a disease in which excess body fat has accumulated to such an extent that health may be adversely affected.
Classification Underweight 18.5 BMI kg/m

Overweight Obesity, Class 1 Obesity, Class 2 Extreme obesity, class 3

18.5 24.9
25.0 29.9 30.0 34.9 35.5 39.9 40

Associated Disorders


Joint Commission Standard

Assessment of Patient
AOP.1.6 Patients are screened for nutritional status and functional needs are referred for further assessment and treatment when necessary.

Source: Joint Commission International Accreditation Standard for Hospitals, 4th Edition. Effective January 1, 2011.

Joint Commission Standard

COP.4 A variety of food choices, appropriate for the patients nutritional status and consistent with his or her clinical care, is regularly available. Measurable Element of COP.4 5. When families provide food, they are educated about the patients diet limitations.

Joint Commission Standard

Patient and Family Education
PFE.4 Patient and family includes the following topics, related to the patients care: the safe use of medications, the safe use of medical equipment, potential interactions between medications and food, nutritional guidance, pain management, and rehabilitation techniques. PFE.6 Health professionals caring for the patient collaborate to provide education.

Health Team





Role of Nurse
Providing liaison service between patient, dietitian & physician Interpretation & transmittal of diet prescriptions Assessment of patients response to the diet Monitoring patient for food intake of patient

Informing dietitian of the food & nutrient concern of patient

Role of Nurse
Alerting physicians to either maintenance or changes in the health status of patients in relation to nutrition. Teaching or reinforcing nutritional concepts to patient & their families Reminding health team that a patient has emotional & physical needs.

In Summary
Factors which influence food habits. We correlated food habits to the most common lifestyle related diseases and chronic illnesses. The Role of Nurses in nutrition care.

1-3 Give 3 factors influencing the way people eat and give 1 example each (not mentioned in the lecture). 4-8 Who are the members of the nutrition team? 9-10 Give 2 roles of the nurse 11-15 What influences your eating habits? What may be the cause for this?

Class Rules
Please come on time. Please participate in class. All discussions will be related to the topic. Attend to your cellphone outside the class. You may eat snacks. No slurping of noodle soup.

Grading System
Formative 50% Group Work / Seat Work Requirements Quizzes Summative 40% Prelim Midterm Finals Attitude 10% Total Lab Grade 100%

20% 20% 10%

Report Rubrics
Content Visuals Group Effort Audience Impact = = = = 40% 20% 20% 20%

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