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Ong Gua Pak MBA(Hull, UK), MBA(UKM), PhD(UPM) Strategic Management & Negotiation Programme Leadership and Management Center National Institute of Public Administration INTAN Bukit Kiara

Equals 12% of the total physical volume of the brain Controls the nervous system and the voluntary actions of the muscles It rejects or accepts anything at will based on its own reasoning power which is built from proven knowledge, education, deductions or evidence of its own senses

Equals 88% of the brains capacity Controls the Automatic Nervous System, involuntary muscles, organs, glands, etc. No reasoning power: it cannot argue with or reject anything that it receives It will believe all things told to it

Every thought or ideas causes a physical reaction

WORRY thoughts trigger changes in the stomach that, in time can lead to ulcers ANGER thoughts stimulate our adrenal glands & the increased adrenalin level in the blood stream causes many changes ANXIETY & FEAR thoughts affect our pulse rate

What is expected tends to be realised

Our physical health largely depends upon our mental expectancy. The expected tends to be realised

Imagination is more powerful than knowledge when dealing with our own mind or the mind of another
Reason is easily overruled by imagination

We easily see that people who lose their savings in quick rich scheme have allowed their imagination to overcome their reason We are often blinded by our own superstitions, prejudices and unreasonable beliefs Any idea accompanied by a strong emotion such as anger, hatred, love or our political and religious beliefs usually cannot be modified through the use of reason

Opposing ideas cannot be held at one and the same time

Many people try to hold opposing ideas simultaneously. A man might believe in honesty and expect his children to be honest. Yet he engages daily in slightly dishonest business practices. He may try to justify these by saying all of my competitors do it, its an accepted practice. However, he cannot escape the conflict and its effect upon his nervous system that is caused by trying to hold opposing ideas

Once an idea has been accepted by the subconscious mind, it remains until it is replaced by another idea
Once an ideas has been accepted, it tends to remain. The longer it is held, the more it tend to become a fixed habit of thinking. This is how habits of action are formed. First there is the thought and then the action We have habits of thinking as well as habits of action but the thought comes first. Hence it is obvious if we wish to change our actions, we must begin by changing our thoughts

An emotionally induced symptom tends to cause organic change if persisted long enough
It has been acknowledged by medical practitioners that more than 70% of human ailments are functional rather than organic. This means that the function of an organ of the body has been disturbed by the reaction of the nervous system to negative ideas held in subconscious mind.

Each suggestion acted upon creates less opposition to successive suggestions

Once a habit is formed it becomes easier to follow and more difficult to break. In other words, once a self-suggestion has been accepted by our subconscious mind, it becomes easier for additional suggestions to be accepted and acted upon. Therefore, start with simple suggestion first.

When dealing with subconscious mind and its functions, the greater the conscious effort, the less the subconscious response
If we have insomnia, we have learnt, the harder we try to go to sleep, the more wide awake we become. The rule is: when dealing with subconscious mind, take it easy. This means we must work to develop a positive mental expectancy that our problem can be and will be solved.

Use the present tense

I am calm and relaxed (mental condition) Each day, my leg grows stronger and healthier (physical condition) Next Thursday, when I stand to speak at public speaking session, I am calm, poised and relaxed

Be positive
Eliminate any possible negative word. Do not mention what you are trying to move away from, rather create a word picture of what you wish to move toward I like people I enjoy the company of people When I am with new people, I am calm and poised and relaxed

I sleep deeply, soundly, all night long (right) I do not toss and turn for hours before going to sleep (wrong) I am poised and calm and in complete control of any situation (right) I am not afraid. I am not nervous. I am not selfconscious (wrong) I am filled with energy (right) I am not tired all the time (wrong)

Be specific
Choose one specific area for self improvement and confine our suggestion to that one area of improvement Do not give ourselves suggestions for 2 or 3 problems at the same time

Be detail
I like people. I enjoy being with people. People are aware that I like them and they return the feeling. I especially enjoy talking to people. When I stand before an audience, I am filled with friendly feelings for them. I want to do things for them. I feel aware of friendship and understanding flowing from every member of the audience to me. As I begin speaking, my lips are flexible. My mouth is moist. My leg are strong beneath me. My hands are poised and calm. The gesture flow spontaneously and freely.

I have the undivided attention of the audience and it makes me feel secure and confident. There is a smile in my heart which come to my lips at the proper time. I speak easily freely and confidently. I speak with a full release of my knowledge, skill and ability. When my talk is concluded I am warm and gratified by the applause.

I will be an excellent public speaker (wrong)

Be simple
Simple words have the greatest energy Avoid long technical words and phrases or psychological terms.

Use exciting and emotional words

Be sure to get excitement and feeling into our affirmations Our subconscious is our feeling mind Use words such as:
Vibrant, Sparkling, thrilling, wonderful, powerful, radiant, loving, generous, abundant, exciting, delightful, beautiful, joyous, bliss

Affirm activity
Let our suggestion describes our action, our behavior, not an ability My family and friends co-operate with me because I am interested in their welfare (right) I have the ability to understand others (wrong)

If the desired result is the one which can be measured, such as weight, darts score, bowling score, suggest the exact improvement we wish to achieve. Do not try to fool our subconscious by suggesting that we will continue to lose weight until we reach 50 kg when our ideal weight is 58 kg. Tell our subconscious exactly what we want

Be realistic
There are circumstances where it is wrong to try to suggest perfection I always organise my time perfectly is an impossible goal for a mother of 5 lively children


Structure our suggestions to change ourselves, our attitudes, and our actions. Do not suggest a change in others.

Wrong: My children always respect and obey me. Right: I take a sincere and enthusiastic interest in my children, their activities and their friends and understand their point of view. I express love and approval of my children. It is easy for me to express my love for them.

Symbolise our suggestion

Find a word to symbolise the feeling. Correct symbol is extremely important. Examples: Overcoming feeling of inferiority the symbol might be dynamic self confidence Overcoming insomnia- symbol might be easy slumber, or sleep like a baby or mountain air

To lose weight- Might use size 10 or slender and sexy or sweet seventeen

Write out your suggestion following the rules Symbolise your suggestion Read/rewrite the suggestion aloud three times before starting to hypnotise your self Hypnotise your self As soon as you feel the onset of deep relaxation, think of the symbol Do not try to remember the wording of your suggestion

Relaxation phase (Induction) Implant suggestions Out of the process

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