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Is the interpersonal process of sending & receiving information, both intentionally & unintentionally, without using written or spoken language.


INSTINCTIVE: indicates the attitude, instincts & feelings of the speaker. LESS CONSCIOUS: less deliberate & conscious as most expressions & gestures are mostly unconsciously expressed. SUBTLE: needs skills to be understood & expressed. LARGE PART OF COMMUNICATION: 557-38 rule .

Imp roles of Non-verbal communication Complements verbal communication strengthening Revealing truth : harder to deceive with non-verbal signals; conveys more than words Helps in conveying information efficiently

Paying attention to Non-verbal communication in workplace enhances ones ability to communicate successfully.




Literally means body movements, gestures & expressions. Body language is the reflection of thought, feelings & position. Our body consciously or unconsciously or instinctively carries messages, attitudes, relationships & moods indicating warmth/ indifference, positive/ negative feelings etc. We infer these meanings from combination of different body symbols gestures, posture, eyes.


When people dont know whether to believe what they are hearing or seeing, they try to follow the truth. You can deal with hidden issues at work & at home before they turn into full blown problems.

Components of Non-verbal Comm

Facial expression primary site for expression of emotions Gesture & posture moving/ not moving body expresses messages Voice tone & volume reveals many characteristics Personal appearance grooming, clothing, accessories, style Eye contact convey inner feelings

A study conducted by Prof. Albert Mehrabian on the word Maybe was done to know about different expressions. The conclusions : Words - 7% Tone 38% Body Language 55%

Facial Expressions
Face is the index of the heart. Ten expressions: Happiness Disgust Surprise Contempt Fear Interest Anger Bewilderment Sadness Determination





Ekman & Friesen identified 8 facial styles exhibited by most people: The Withholder inhibited: little facial movements. The Revealer uninhibited: great deal of facial movement. The Unwitting expresser: limited no of expressions. The Blank Expresser: no emotions shown.

5. The Substitute Expresser: emotion is shown but it is different way than the expresser thinks 6. The Frozen-Affect Expresser: permanent display of a given emotion, eg one always looks sad because of permanent feature of a facial configuration. 7. The Ever/ Ready Expresser: initial emotion is displayed & has nothing to do with the stimulus. 8. The Flooded-Affect: express or overriding state (eg anger), colours all other emotions.


Hand movements Arms movements Face movements Head movements Leg movements Eye contact

Hand movements
Palms open: open-minded & honest Palms up: submissive, nonthreatening Palms down: authority Palms closed finger pointing bad gesture


Used at time of initial greeting & departure Normally, should be done 4 to 5 times Dominant: ones palm is facing down, above the others hand; shows control Submissive: ones palm is facing upwards; shows not in control Equal: vertical position grip

Glove: called Politicians handshake; gives impression of trustworthy & honesty; done with known people Dead-fish: when hand is cold & soft; shows weak character Careful with handshakes with females

Hand gestures

Hands gripped at the back: shows superiority, confidence or stress. Hands gripped at front: paying attention, feeling of security. Hands in pocket: nervousness Thumb display: thumb is a symbol of strength of character & ego. Also displays dominance, superiority or aggression or positive signal also. Thumbs protruding from peoples pockets shows trying to hide dominant attitude. Pointing with thumb is an irritating expression

Folded arms: is a barrier; protective under undesirable circumstances; nervous, negative or defensive attitude. Folded arms with clenched fists: hostile & defensive; attacking attitude. Arms gripping: hands gripping upper arms; stops any attempt to unfold the arms & expose the body; very common in doctors waiting rooms Partial arms crossing: used when you are a stranger to the group or lacking selfconfidence

Hand to Face Gestures

Mostly used in situations of lying or deceit Covering mouth: shows trying to suppress deceitful words with fingers or a closed fist; also an evaluation gesture. Touching nose: a sophisticated disguised version of covering mouth. Eye rub: men usually rub their eyes vigorously or look away. Women uses small gentle rubbing.

Cheek & Chin gestures

Boredom: listener begins to use his hand to support his head. Evaluation: closed hand resting on the cheek, often index finger pointing upwards

Leg Gestures
Crossed legs: shows negative/ defensive attitude; nervous; reserved attitude. But often people sit like this during long lectures or uncomfortable chairs Leg clamp: locking arms in the legs; tough-minded; stubborn; hard & fast attitude.

Head Gestures

Head nod: positive gesture Head shake: refusal Neutral head position: neutral Head tilted to one side: interested Head down: negative or judgmental


Eyes never lie The most expressive part of the face Eyes can give clues to a persons thoughts Angry or negative attitude causes pupils to contract While communicating the best way is to look the person in the eye

Eye Contact

One of the most powerful forms of nonverbal comm.

Where to look: at the face; to the whole audience When to look: not for long; changing positions; regularly;

Advantages of Body Language

Most easily visible aspect of communication. Helps in decoding. Complements verbal communication, esp in face to face communication. Adds intensity to the process of communication. Improves overall atmosphere & looks of the organization.


Limitations of Body Language

Words are taken seriously, but body language cannot always be taken seriously. Can be misunderstood if people from different cultural backgrounds are using it. If the listener is inattentive, cannot get the right message. Not very effective in large gatherings.

Paralanguage or Paralinguistics

Defined as a type of non-verbal comm that includes articulation, pronunciation, rate, pitch, volume, pauses & other vocal qualities. Like verbal (oral) language, but does not comprise words. Paralinguistics is the systematic study of how a speaker verbalizes. It involves the how of a speakers voice or way he speaks.


The first signal that we receive or use is voice Tells us about the speakers gender, background, education and temperament. Types of voices clear, musical, pleasant etc. Clearer the voice, the more effectively message is conveyed. Must for jobs involving use of telephone, traffic control, recording etc.

necessary to catch the listeners attention & to keep him interested. A good way to improve is to observe others while speaking or take feedback. Raising a voice not always works.

Speaking speed

People speak at different speeds on different occasions. Complicated, difficult or technical part of information should be conveyed at a slower pace. Also tells the state of mind.


Should make good use of it while speaking. Have to be at the right moment. Can be highly effective in emphasizing upcoming subject & in gaining listeners attention. Frequent, arbitary pauses spoil the speech

Volume variation
Should speak loud enough for all the audience to hear. Misinterpreted with convincing Contrast provides the emphasis.

Proxemics or Space language

Proxemics is the study of how we communicate with the space around us. The spatial dimension or distance between us & other people tells us something about our relations & the nature of communication with them.

Placing ourselves in the centre we can present the space around us in the form of following circles:

Touch to 18 inches

Intimate Personal
18 inches to 4 feet Personal

4 to 12 feet

Public 12 feet to as far we can see or hear

Space use

Different usage of space by groups. Determines their respective places & inter action patterns. Eg people who begin conversation & those sitting at the front are considered leaders. Seated around a round/ oval table most likely communicate in the form of a conference.

Time language

Communication in terms of time; showing what time means to us. Time management is one of the most imp parts of overall management. All communication is meant to be suitable timed. North Americans are very much time conscious & attach highest importance to punctuality; people in the east have more relaxed attitude to it.

Sign Language

Man has been using signs & symbols mutually understood between at least two persons, & more usually among people belonging to a group, tribe or trade. Generally of two types: audio & visual Smell, touch & taste also communicate because sensory perception & impressions are a necessary part of human existence.

Visual Signs

Pictures communicate effectively as seen from paintings, murals & engravings tell about tribes, rulers, traders, religion etc. Posters & cartoons used for general info Maps & diagrams are essential part of geography, science, economics etc Traffic signals are used in roads, airtraffic, railway stations, operation theatre of a hospital.

Audio/ Sound Signals

Alarm signals: fire alarms, accident, casualty alarms, air raid etc. VIP vehicle alarms to caution the listeners TOUCH: is an imp part of making contacts. Babies & children need to be touched in order to grow, flourish, & avoid numerous health problems. Said to improve childs mental functioning & physical health. Pat on the back appreciation, blessings, shaking hands etc.


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