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Biotechnology: A brief history

By the definition above, early Neolithic humans have used

biotechnology to survive. Therefore, it is common practice
to divide biotechnology into two eras: traditional and

Traditional Biotechnology

 Traditional biotechnology has been in use for thousands of

years, probably since the beginning of civilization. Since the
domestication of the dog during the Mesolithic Period of the
Stone Age, selective breeding has a form of biotechnology.
For thousands of years the best animals and plants have
been bred together. Each successive generation has been
more likely to carry the desirable traits of the plant or
animal. A hundred years ago an organism’s DNA would be
scanned to look for desirable traits and the organisms with
the traits would be bred. This is no longer necessary since
we can genetically engineer animals.

 Another form of biotechnology that has been around for

thousands of years is the use of microorganisms in food.
Microorganisms are used to turn milk into cheese and
yogurt. They are used to ferment beer and wine. Yeast is
used in bread to make it rise. All of this can be considered
Modern Biotechnology

 Modern biotechnology deals more with the treatment of ailments and alteration
of organisms to better human life. Most breakthroughs in biotechnology have all
been relatively current, with the earliest advancement being about 170 years ago
with the discovery of microbes. Proteins were only discovered in 1830, with the
isolation of the first enzyme following closely three ears later. In 1859, Darwin
published his revolutionary book, On the Origin of Species. Six years later, Gregor
Mendel, considered the father of modern genetics, discovers the laws of heredity
and laid the groundwork for genetic research. Near the turn of the century, L ouis
Pasteur and Robert Koch provided the basis for research in microbiology. These
numerous advancements allowed modern biotechnology to rise.

 With the advent of X-ray diffraction, Watson and Crick discovered the structure of
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)- a double helix. This is considered one of the most
important discoveries in biotechnology it has led to the possibility to directly
alter genetic traits. Key advances in biotechnology that followed include
Nirenberg and Khorana deciphering the codons of 20 amino acids and Borlaug
successfully increasing the yield of wheat by 70%. The Strcuture of DNA
dsicovered by Watson and Crick-the double helix (from CSIRO)

 In addition to these numerous early advances, the first restriction enzyme was
discovered in 1970. These discoveries ultimately allowed researchers to insert
foreign genes into bacteria in 1973. This breakthrough was the basis of
recombinant DNA and is considered the birth of modern biotechnology.

 The first major product of biotechnology was insulin. In the 1920’s, it was already
possible to isolate insulin from the pancreas of pigs and cows. However, some
diabetics are allergic to bovine and with the growing need for insulin,
biochemists began to look for a more effective solution. They turned to new
technologies of biotechnology, specifically recombinant DNA. They inserted an
insulin-producing gene into bacteria and cloned these vectors. Using these
methods, they were able to able make bacteria produce human insulin.
 Tens of thousands
of years ago... People wandered the earth, collecting and eating only what they found growing in
nature. By about 8000 BC, however, the first farmers decided to stay in one place and grow certain
plants as crops -- creating agriculture and civilization, in that order.
 Thousands of years ago, People first learn to use bacteria to make new and different foods, and
to employ yeast and fermentation processes to make wine, beer and leavened bread.
 1700s Naturalists begin to identify many kinds of hybrid plants -- the offspring of breeding
between two varieties of plants.
 1840s Gregor Mendel begins a meticulous study of specific characteristics he found in various
plants which were passed to future plant generations.
 1861 Louis Pasteur defines the role of micro-organisms and establishes the science of microbiology.
 1900 European botanists use Mendel's Law to improve plant species. This is the beginning of
classic selection.
 1950 First regeneration of entire plants from an in vitro culture.
 1953 Enter James Watson and Francis Crick. These two future Nobel Prize winners discovered the
double helix structure of deoxyribonucleic acid, commonly known as DNA. Proteins are made up of
strings of amino acids. The number, order and kind of amino acids determine the property of that
protein. DNA holds the information necessary to order the amino acids correctly. The DNA transmits
this hereditary information from one generation to the next. But it wasn't until three decades later
that even larger strides occurred in the field.
 1973 Researchers develop the ability to isolate genes. Specific genes code for specific proteins.
 In the 1980s Scientists discover how to transfer pieces of genetic information from one organism
to another, allowing the expression of desirable traits in the recipient organism. This is called
genetic engineering, one process used in biotechnology. Using the technique of "gene splicing" or
"recombinant DNA technology" (rDNA), scientists can add new genetic information to create a new
protein which creates new traits -- such as resistance to disease and pests.
 1982The
1982The first commercial application of this technology is used to develop human insulin for
diabetes treatment.
 1983 The first transgenic plant: a tobacco plant resistant to an antibiotic.
 1985 Genetically engineered plants resistant to insects, viruses, and bacteria are field tested for
the first time.
 1990 Publication of the European Directives on the use and voluntary dissemination of genetically
modified organisms in the environment.
 1994 First authorisation by the EU to market a transgenic plant: a tobacco plant resistant to
 1995 – 1996 The European Union approves the importation and use of Monsanto's Roundup Ready
soya beans in foods for people and feed for animals. These are beans genetically modified to
tolerate spraying of Roundup for weed control while the beans are growing.
 1996Posilac
1996Posilac bovine somatotropin, designed to increase milk efficiency in dairy cattle, is approved
for use in the United States.

DNA fingerprint of corn. 
Each column is a
The paper includes several pictures of
cloned animals, including the one
below of Leslie Lyons, associate
professor in the UC Davis School of
Veterinary Medicine, and who "studies
cats to investigate the genetic bases
for inherited diseases in animals and
humans. […] Kiwi and Kashmir [,
shown here,] are purebred Oriental
shorthair kittens that carry a lympho-
sarcoma gene." (Credit: Debbie
Aldridge, UC Davis)
 Hasil-hasil penelitian yang telah dicapai (Renstra 2000-2004), meliputi:
 Varietas Code dan Angke tahan terhadap penyakit hawar daun bakteri yang dikembangkan melalui
pemanfaatan marka molekular.
 Tanaman putatif transgenik (T4) padi T-309 tahan terhadap penggerek batang padi.
 Tanaman terong hasil fusi protoplas dan silang balik yang tahan penyakit layu R. Solanacearum dan
F. oxysporium.
 Beberapa nomor harapan tanaman padi hasil seleksi in-vitro yang lebih tahan terhadap lahan
 Klon-klon panili dan pisang abaka tahan Fusarium oxysporum hasil seleksi in vitro dan irradiasi sinar
 Klon-klon nilam hasil fusi protoplas yang mempunyai kadar minyak atsiri tinggi dan tahan terhadap
 Galur padi dan kedelai toleran terhadap keracunan alumunium (Al)
 Galur-galur harapan (F7) tanaman kedelai yang toleran terhadap tanah masam
 Koleksi 1.506 aksesi ubijalar, 580 aksesi ubikayu, 176 aksesi talas, 64 aksesi ubi kelapa, 33 aksesi
gembili, 48 aksesi ganyong, 13 aksesi suweg, 16 aksesi gadung dan 17 aksesi garut telah dikoleksi
sampai tahun 2000. Saat ini beberapa aksesi telah disimpan melalui teknik kultur jaringan.
 Teknologi pembuatan galur murni padi dengan cepat melalui kultur anter
 Teknologi perbanyakan bibit tanaman buah-buahan (manggis) dan tanaman hias (dieffenbachia,
mawar, melati, anggrek Dendrobium)
 Teknologi fusi protoplas dan hibridisasi silang balik untuk memindahkan sifat tahan terhadap
penyakit bakteri layu dari terong liar ke terong budidaya
 Teknologi produksi eugenol secara in vitro
 Teknologi deteksi dini patogen tanaman melalui perangkat ELISA
 Formulasi insektisida hayati berbahan aktif Nematoda Patogen Serangga (NPS) dan atau Nuclear
Polyhydrosis Virus (NPV
 Rhizoplus dan BioLestari untuk meningkatkan kemampuan akar kedelai menambat nitrogen (N) dari
udara, sekaligus meningkatkan serapan fosfor (P) dari tanah.
 Strain Bacillus thuringiensis yang positif mengandung gen CryIA dan mempunyai toksisitas tinggi
terhadap hama tanaman.
 Database plasma nutfah tanaman pangan.
 Sumber-sumber gen penting untuk toleransi terhadap cekaman abiotik, biotik serta mutu gizi.
 Koleksi plasma nutfah tanaman pangan dan mikroba
 Kandidat markah untuk toleransi terhadap keracunan aluminium pada padi
• Pemuliaan tanaman konvensional

 Gen yang dipindahkan berasal dari spesies

yang sama
 Pemindahan gen melalui perkawinan
• Pemuliaan tanaman melalui bioteknologi

 Gen yang dipindahkan berasal dari spesies

yang berbeda
 Pemindahan gen melalui rekayasa genetika
Perkawinan Antarspesies dalam
Pemuliaan Tanaman
Wheat Rye


Spesies baru, tetapi

BUKAN bioteknologi
Sifat baru, tanpa gene asing
 Mutagenesis mengubah urutan DNA suatu gen
 Dapat diperoleh sifat baru yang menguntungkan
Gen yang diarah

Gen baru
Tanaman Biotehnologi :
Luasan global pada tahun 2002

Kedelai : 30,6 juta Ha (pertumbuhan 10%)

Jagung : 12,4 juta Ha (pertumbuhan 27%)

Kanola : 6,8 juta Ha (tidak berubah)

Dampak Ekonomi Penggunaan Kapas Bt

 Peningkatan pendapatan $494/Ha

 Peningkatan pendapatan nasional $750 juta

INDIA pestisida di 157 lokasi
Rata-rata hasil kapas dan penggunaan
penelitian di India selama tahun 2001.
Jenis Kapas
Bt Non-Bt Kontrol
Hasil (kg/ha) 1501* 833 802

# Semprot Bollworm 0.62* 3.68 3.63

# Semprot serangga 3.57 3.51 3.45

Insektisida lain (Kg/ha) 1.74* 5.56 5.43

Toxic class I 0.64* 1.98 1.94

Toxic class II 1.07* 3.55 3.46

Toxic class III 0.03 0.03 0.03

Tanaman Bioteknologi dapat bersifat

“Ramah Hasil dan Ramah Lingkungan”
*Means within a row are significantly different at the 5% level
From: Science (2003) 299:900
Generasi Organisme Tansgenik
Berikutnya di bidang Pertanian
Golden Rice
 Kandungan vitamin A
 Gen berasal dari bakteri
 Kekurangan: produksi vitamin
A kurang banyak
Generasi Organisme Tansgenik
Berikutnya di bidang Pertanian

Bunga matahari
 Tahan jamur putih
 Gen ketahanan berasal dari gandum
Generasi Organisme Tansgenik
Berikutnya di bidang Pertanian
Rumput lapangan golf

 Tahan herbisida
 Tumbuh lambat
mengurangi pemangkasan
mengurangi polusi
Uji Lapangan Tanaman Transgenik
Organisasi Jumlah uji
2002-03 (%)
Monsanto 1480 (58%)
Universities 329 (13%)
Scotts 84 (3%)
Aventis 78 (3%)
Sygenta 69 (3%)
Dow 63 (2%)
USDA/ARS 60 (2%)
Prodigene 25 (1%)

2001-03 data; collated from: Information Systems for Biotechnology

Jenis Tanaman Transgenik yang Diuji
Tanaman Jumlah
pengujian 2002-
Jagung 03 (%)
1424 (56%)
Kapas 193 (8%)
Padi 146 (6%)
Gandum 141 (6%)
Kedelai 124 (5%)
Alfalfa 121 (5%)
Rumput 89 (4%)

2001-03 data; collated from: Information Systems for Biotechnology

Arah Pengembangan yang Dituju

Sifat Jumlah Penguian

2002-03 (%)
Tahan serangga 791 (31%)
Tahan herbisida 736 (29%)
Peningkatan kualitas 400 (16%)
Tahan penyakit 171 (7%)

2001-03 data; collated from: Information Systems for Biotechnology

Beberapa Sifat Lain yang Mulai Menarik

Sifat Jumlah Pengujian

2002-03 (%)
Hasil tinggi 105 (4%)
Kandungan asam amino 94 (4%)
Kandungan gula 44 (2%)
Kandungan lemak 42 (2%)

2001-03 data; collated from: Information Systems for Biotechnology

Deteksi Ranjau Darat
Dibutuhkan oleh militer,
Tanpa upaya ini,anak-anak dan penduduk sipil
Bantuan Bioteknologi Tanaman
(dikembangkan oleh Aresa Biodetection)
• Gen yang peka terhadap logam dimasukkan ke dalam
• Apabila akar tanaman menyentuh ranjau darat,
Tanaman berubah warna dari hijau menjadi merah

Mendeteksi ranjau darat


Bercocoktanam tanaman transgenik

yang menghasilkan bahan-bahan yang
memiliki fungsi kesehatan
(pharmaceutical products)

Contoh bahan-bahan yang memiliki fungsi kesehatan

(pharmaceutical products) : Obat-obatan, antibodi, protein
Keunggulan teknolog ini?

Sistem Produksi Sederhana

• Gen biasanya dimasukkan ke dalam tanaman
yang biasa ditanam di lapangan (biasanya
• Cara bercocoktananam jagug tidak diubah

Mengurangi beaya produksi

• Sistem hewan: $1000 - $5000 per gram protein
• Sistem tanaman: $1 - $10 per gram protein

Sumber: The Roanoke Times, 2000

Vaksin yang Dapat Dimakan
Tanaman transgenik untuk
memenuhi kebutuhan kesehatan manusia

• Gen penyandi protein spesifik dari jasad patogen diklon

• Gen tersebut dimasukkan ke dalam genom tanaman
(kentang, pisang, tomat)
• Tanaman dikonsumsi manusia
• Tubuh manusia membentuk antibodi terhadap protein patogen
• Tubuh manusia mengalami “imunisasi” terhadap pathogen
• Contoh:
Hepatitis B
Prioritas Bioteknologi Tanaman dan
Lingkungan di Masa yang Akan Datang

• Polusi air, tanah dan udara menjadi masalah
• Tanaman dapat membantu degradasi senyawa polutan
Dibutuhkan tanaman yang dapat membantu degradasi
senyawa polutan dan aman terhadap lingkungan
Tanaman yang kandungan nutrisinya diperkaya
• Malnutrisi meluas
• Malnutrisi dapat menyebabkan berbagai penyakit ikutan
Dibutuhkan modifikasi tanaman pangan untuk mengatasi
masalah tersebut

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