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Versuri PSY Gangnam Style (romana) lyrics

Oppa este stilul Gangnam

Gangnam stil


care este calda si umana in timpul zilei

eleganta care stie cum sa se bucure de libertatea de o ceasca de cafea
a carui inima devine mai fierbinte atunci cand vine noaptea
cu acest tip de pofta de mancare

Sunt un tip
Un tip care este la fel de cald ca in timpul zilei
Un tip care bea o cafea inainte de a se raci
Un tip a carui inima izbucneste atunci cand vine noaptea
Acest tip de om
Frumos, iubit
Da tu, hei, da tu, hei
Frumos, iubit
Da tu, hei, da tu, hei
Acum hai sa mergem pana la sfarsitul anului
Oppa este stilul Gangnam, stil Gangnam
Oppa este stilul Gangnam, stil Gangnam
Oppa este stilul Gangnam
Eh-Sexy Lady, Oppa este stilul Gangnam
Eh-Sexy Lady oh oh oh oh


care arata linistita, dar joaca, atunci cand ea joaca

care isi lasa parul in jos atunci cand vine momentul potrivit
care se refera, dar este mult mai sexy decat o fata care bares totul
ca asta sensable

Sunt un tip
Un tip care pare calm, dar joaca atunci cand joaca
Un tip care merge complet nebun atunci cand vine momentul potrivit
Un tip care a are minte (idei) mai degraba decat muschi
Acest tip de om
Frumos, iubit
Da tu, hei, da tu, hei
Frumos, iubit
Da tu, hei, da tu, hei
Acum hai sa mergem pana la sfarsitul anului
Oppa este stilul Gangnam, stil Gangnam
Oppa este stilul Gangnam, stil Gangnam
Oppa este stilul Gangnam
Eh-Sexy Lady, Oppa este stilul Gangnam
Eh-Sexy Lady oh oh oh oh
Mai presus de un alergator sunt un zburator, Baby
Sunt un om care stie un lucru sau doua
Mai presus de un alergator sunt un zburator, Baby
Sunt un om care stie un lucru sau doua
Stii ce vreau sa spun
Oppa este stilul Gangnam
Eh-Sexy Lady, Oppa este stilul Gangnam
Eh-Sexy Lady oh oh oh oh.

Gangnam Style
Oppa's Gangnam style
Gangnam style

woman who's warm and friendly by day

classy woman who knows the peace a cup of coffee
woman whose heart heats up when night comes
woman with a twist like that

I'm a guy
The kind of guy who's warm by day, like you
A guy who downs his coffee in one gulp before it even cools down
A guy whose heart swells when night comes
That kind of guy
Beautiful, loveable
That's you, hey, that's exactly you, hey
Beautiful, loveable
That's you, hey, that's exactly you, hey
Let's go all the way
Oppa's Gangnam style
Gangnam style
Oppa's Gangnam style
Gangnam style
Oppa's Gangnam style
Eh- Sexy Lady
Oppa's Gangnam style
Eh- Sexy Lady
Oh oh oh oh

woman who looks innocent, but when she plays, she plays
woman who lets her hair down when the moment strikes
woman who's sexy without even showing much skin
sensual woman like that

I'm a guy
A guy who looks well-mannered, but when he plays, he plays
A guy really goes crazy when the time comes
A guy with rugged thoughts instead of muscles
That kind of guy
Beautiful, loveable
That's you, hey, that's exactly you, hey
Beautiful, loveable
That's you, hey, that's exactly you, hey
Let's go all the way
Oppa's Gangnam style
Gangnam style
Oppa's Gangnam style
Gangnam style
Oppa's Gangnam style
Eh- Sexy Lady
Oppa's Gangnam style
Eh- Sexy Lady
Oh oh oh oh
Above the running man is the flying man
Baby baby, I'm a guy who knows a thing or two
Above the running man is the flying man
Baby baby, I'm a guy who knows a thing or two
You know what I'm saying
Oppa's Gangnam style
Eh- Sexy Lady
Oppa's Gangnam style

Eh- Sexy Lady

Oppa's Gangnam style

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