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Motivaia de a scrie o astfel de lucrare reiese din responsabilitatea de a nelege un

fenomen att de complex i totui att de neglijat. De cnd au nceput primele studii din
domeniul suicidologiei, am ajuns s nelege un pic mai mult, dar n acelai timp
fenomenul s-a nrutit i vrstele afectate au sczut pn n copilrie. Tinerii sunt cei
pe care trebuie s i nelegem n acest moment i s gsim modaliti de a-I ajuta.
Astfel ne-am propus s elaborm un studiu prin care s nelegem n ce fel se poate
materializa motivaia noastr n ceva concret.
Lucrarea cuprinde 6 capitole structurate pe trei pri: partea teoretic, partea
metodologic i partea aplicativ. Partea teoretic cuprinde primele trei capitole i
urmrete s contureze suicidaritatea i conceptele aferente din perspectiva adoptrii
unui limbaj universal, a schimbrii atitudinilor stigmatizante i eronate fa de acest
fenomen i prezentarea celor mai importani factori de risc n dezvoltarea suicidaritii la
vrsta adolescenei.
Partea metodologic prezint studiul de cercetare pe care l-am elaborat cu scopul
validrii ipotezelor i obiectivelor propuse. Cuprinde un capitol dedicat descrierii
tipologiei programelor de prevenie, un capitol dedicat cercetrii propriu zise, prin
descrierea instrumentului customizat i a scalelor incluse, prezentarea rezultatelor i
analiza acestora, precum i interpretarea i rediscutarea obiectivelor propuse iniial.
Partea aplicativ reprezint propunerea unui proiect comprehensiv de prevenie a
riscului suicidar, bazat pe rezultatele obinute n cercetare.


The motivation to write this kind of paper comes from the responsibility to understand
such a complex and yet so neglected phenomena. Since the first studies in suicidology
weve managed to understand a little more, but in the same time the phenomena got
worse and the the affected ages dropped to childhool. The youth is who we need to
understand at this moment and find means to aid them. Therefore we have decided to
elaborate a study to understand in wich ways we cand materialize our motivation into
something real.
The paper contains 6 chapters structured in three parts: theoretical, methodological and
applied. The theoretical approach contains three chapters and aims to outline suicidality
and its specific concepts by ways of adopting an universal language, changing
stigmatizing and mistaken attitudes regarding the phenomena.
The methodological approach describes the elaborated research study targeting the
proposed hypotheses and objectives. It contains a chapter dedicated to depict the
prevention programs typology, another chapter dedicated to the research per se, by
describing the custom instrument andits comprised scales, presenting the outcome and
the outcome analysis and nevertheless interpreting and disputing the initially proposed
The applied approach illustrates the motion of a comprehensive suicide risk prevention
program, based on the research outcome.

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