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Neurotiinele cognitive ale

limbajului: O scurt introducere

NCA 2012

Perspectiv istoric

Antichitate: deficitele de limbaj au

legtur cu limba; tratamentul consta
n masaje ale limbii i gargare
Sec. XVI: deficite de limbaj pot aprea
fr paralizii ale limbii; cu toate
acestea, tratamentul consta n tieturi
pe limb, sngerri, aplicare de lipitori
1770, Johann Augustin Philipp
Gesner: amnezia pentru limbaj
deficit de limbaj fr alte deficite
Joseph Gall: leziuni cerebrale i
deficite de limbaj (localizri
neinformative, dar acrediteaz
controlul cerebral al limbajului)
1825, Jean-Baptiset Bouillaud: studii
de caz care indic legtura dintre lobii
frontali i limbaj
1861, Simon Alexandre Ernest
Aubertin: dac se apas pe lobul
frontal cu o spatul, se ntrerupe

Jean-Baptiset Bouillaud

Pierre Paul Broca


Creierele lui Leborgne (stnga) i Lelong (dreapta). Broca le-a conservat n alcool i
apoi le-a donat la Muse Dupuytren din Paris.

The integrity of the third frontal convolution (and

perhaps of the second) seems indispensable to
the exercise of the faculty of articulate language
... I found that in my second patient, the lesion
occupied exactly the same seat as with the first ...
immediately behind the middle third, opposite the
insula and precisely on the same side
(translation ours, Broca P. Nouvelle observation
daphmie produite par une lsion de la
troisime circonvolution frontale. Bulletins de
la Socit danatomie (Paris), 2e serie (1861a)

He could no longer produce but a single syllable,

which he usually repeated twice in succession;
regardless of the question asked him, he always
responded: tan, tan, combined with varied
expressive gestures. This is why, throughout the
hospital, he is known only by the name Tan
(Broca P. Remarques sur le sige de la facult
du langage articul, suivies dune observation
daphmie (perte de la parole). Bulletins de la
Socit danatomie (Paris), 2e serie (1861c)


Afazia motorie (non-fluent sau Broca)

Dificulti de vorbire
nelegerea limbajului e
Anomie: nu-i gsesc cuvintele
Stil telegrafic i agramatism
(de ex., omit cuvinte de
legtur articole, pronume,
prepoziii i conjuncii; verbele
nu sunt conjugate)
Parafazii: cuvinte cu alt sens
Aria Broca: engramele
programelor motorii de
articulare a cuvintelor

Carl Wernicke
(1848 Prusia/Polonia 1905 Germania)

Afazia senzorial (fluent sau Wernicke)

nelegerea limbajului e alterat
Vorbirea este intact, fluent, dar fr
Parafazii mult mai frecvente
Aria Wernicke: face legtura dintre sunete
i sens

Joseph Jules Dejerine

(1849, Geneva - 1917, Paris)
Alexie: deficit de nelegere a
limbajului scris
Girusul angular stng

Ludwig Lichtheim (1845-1928)

A Auditiv
M Motor
B Concepte
Numerele indic arii n
care disconeciile
produc deficite diferite

Lichtheim (1885)

Tipuri de afazii

Bear, Connors & Paradiso, 2007

Wernicke i procesarea distribuit

Based on on his discoveries and those of Broca, Fritsch, and

Hitzig, Wernicke proposed (1876) that only the most basic

mental functions, those concerned with simple perceptual
and motor activities, are localized to single areas of the
cortex, and that more complex intellectual functions result
from interconnections between several functional sites. In
placing the principle of localized function within a
connectionist framework, Wernicke appreciated that different
components of a single behavior are processed in different
regions of the brain. He thus advanced the first evidence for
the idea of distributed processing, which is now central to our
understanding of brain function.
(Kandel et al., 1995)

Brenda Milner

Wilder Penfield
(1891 1976)

Pacientul D.H. (Penfield & Roberts,

Excizarea unei regiuni
care include aria Broca
nu produce afazie
18 ani la momentul
Epilepsie frontal sever,
cu deficite de vorbire
the congenital
abnormality had caused
displacement of function

Pinel, 1990

Bogen, JE and Bogen, GM (1976) Wernicke's region--where is it? Ann

NY Acad Sci, 280, pp. 834-843.

Dispraxie verbal n timpul

dezvoltrii familia K.E.

FoxP2 uman
uman (7q31)
(7q31):: Gena

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