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Exista momente in viata in care iti faci inventarul realizarilor si nerealizarilor vietii fizice si
spirituale si pe cel al lectiilor vietii.Faci balanta succeselor si greselillor si iti analizezi
optiunile corecte si incorecte si consecintele lor, cat mai obiectiv.Incerci sa valorifici ce ai
inteles din mersul lucrurilor si sa intelegi cele ce nu le poti intelege la momentul acela.Incerci
sa intelegi cat apartine destinului si cat iti apartine tie.In ce ma priveste , scopul vietii mele ce
a mai ramas este sa dobandesc intelepciunea traind o viata decenta.Multumesc lui Dumnezeu
in fiecare clipa pentru ce mi-a daruit ,imi daruieste si imi va darui si il rog sa ma calauzeasca
pe drumul cautarilor mele asupra intelegerii lumii oamenilor si a lumii Lui, si a legilor
acestora.Multumesc celor care ma privesc cu simpatie sau dragoste si ii asigur de totala mea
indiferenta sau mila pe cei care ma percep eronat datorita betesugurilor lor sufletesti chinuite
de rautate, invidie, judecati gratuite sau in cautare de spectatori ai propriei maretii .
Adam si Eva au fost izgoniti din Rai ,datorita faptului ca, mancand din Pomul cunoasterii
binelui si raului aflat de Rau, caci Binele il stiau si traiau deja in el.Cu Raul in suflet si
minte , de mii de ani se straduiesc sa se distruga unii pe altii si propria planeta creeind
razboaie,siretlicuri financiare ,dezastre pentru ca in final sa moara fiecare ....singur.
Fiecare fiinta are mai multe rosturi ale ei in lumea oamenilor pe care e datoare sa si le
afle,pentru a putea avansa la un nivel superior de fiintare.
Dar cei mai multi devin sclavii corpurilor fizice sau desertaciunilor propriilor egouri ,ratandusi vietile si fiind nevoiti sa ia totul de la inceput in alta viata.
Unii il cauta pe Dumnezeu in maretele si perfectele lui manifestari , altii cauta genti Vuiton
,bani ,sex sau putere.
Ce si cat gaseste fiecare si cum , astea sunt mistere si doar cine cauta sa le descifreze gaseste
cate un raspuns ,in functie de cat se straduie si merita.
There are moments in life where you do inventory of achievements and shortcomings physical
and spiritual life and that of life lessons. You settle the balance successes and mistakes and
analyze your correct and incorrect options and their consequences, as objective.
You want to capitalize on what you understand of how things work and understand what you
can not understand at the time. You try to understand what you owe and what you owe destiny
.In to yourself about me, my life's purpose is to acquire wisdom mind living a decent life. I
thank God every moment for what it has given me, it gives me and I will give and ask him to
guide me on my way of understanding the world search people and his world, and their laws. I
thank those who are sympathetic to me or love, and those who mistakenly perceive me,
tormented soul because of their disease malice, envy, free trial or searching for spectators of
their own greatness, assure them of my total indifference or compassion.
Adam and Eve were expelled from Eden, because by eating from the tree of knowledge of
good and evil have learned ........ Bad, because the better they already lived in it. They Malice
in heart and mind, for thousands of years are trying to destroy each other and the planet own
making, drawing wars, financial tricks disasters that finally die every .... single.
Each being has several joints of her world owes to the people that they know and to be able to
advance to a higher level of being.
But most people become slaves of their physical bodies or vanity own egos, they jeopardize
the lives and being forced to take everything from the beginning in another life.
Some seek God in his perfect and large events, others looking Vuiton handbags, money, sex or
What and how each finds and how these are mysteries to decipher just who seeks finds each
answer, depending on how strives and deserve.
Badea Virginia , Bucuresti

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