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Dora Lee

estinul Albei

copyright Editura Amethyst 2007

Dora Lee - Destinul Albei

ndeva ntr-un port la Marea Neagr, tria un tnr bancher cu soia sa. Se
cstoriser din dragoste i aveau o via frumoas mpreun.Un singur
lucru le umbrea fericirea: nu aveau copii. Au mers pe la medici, terapeui,
preoi, clugri i chiar la vrjitori dar nici unul nu a putut s le dea o soluie. Toi
le spuneau s aib rbdare...

Timpul trecea fr evenimente deosebite. ntr-o zi
telefonul sun la biroul bancherului anunnd c soiei sale
i se fcuse ru i c fusese dus la spital. Brbatul plec
imediat ntr-acolo, ateptndu-se la tot ce era mai ru.
Dar cnd ajunse, medicii i asistentele l ntmpinar
cu felicitri i l anunar c va fi ttic. n sfrit minunea se ntmplase...

Peste nou luni, soia bancherului nscu o
feti. Bucuria celor doi nu cunoscu margini cnd
auzir scncetul copilului. Simeau deja ct de mult o
iubesc i doreau s-i ofere tot ce aveau ei mai bun.

Acum trebuiau s se gndeasc la un nume i la
botezul micuei. Aleser pentru ea numele Alba(Zori) i i
organizar un botez ca-n poveti: cu invitai de seam, cu
flori, cu muzic, veselie i multe daruri. La un moment dat,
n timpul petrecerii, cineva i-a amintit de un vechi obicei
de a prezice destinul unui nou-nscut: i se aducea o tav
cu diferite obiecte i bebeluul i alegea propria soart.
Imediat a fost adus o tav poleit cu aur pe care invitaii
au pus diverse obiecte. Alba a ales o trus de machiaj, un
diamant, o lamp, o cheie, o bijuterie de aur, un or, o
bro-fluture i un arpe negru din plastic.

Invitaii se nghesuiau care mai de care s-i dea
cu prerea ce semnificaie au obiectele alese: frumusee,
inocen, nelepciune, cunoatere, bogie, miestrie...
dar cnd au ajuns la fluture i la arpe, s-a lsat tcerea.
Plutea n aer o presimire a unui pericol dar nimeni nu
ndrznea s spun nimic. Doar o doamn mai n vrst
a avut curajul s rup tcerea:

-S nu v fie fric! arpele are o dubl
semnificaie: moarte dar i renatere. Nu uitai c ea
a ales i fluturele care este simbolul transformrii,
al renvierii. Aceast feti va avea un moment de
cumpn n viaa dar l va depi cu succes pentru c

Dora Lee - Albas Destiny

omewhere in a harbour on the Black Sea, there lived a banker and his wife.
They had married for love and they had a beautiful life together. There
was only one thing that blurred their happiness: they didnt have any children. They had been to doctors, therapists, priests, monks and even to witches but
none of them could give them a solution. All of them told them to
be patient
Time was passing by and nothing special happened.
One day, there was a phone call at the bankers office announcing that his wife was sick and that she
had been taken to the hospital. He left for the hospital
immediately, expecting the worst. But when he got
there, the doctors and the nurses welcomed him with
congratulations, telling him that he would be a father soon. Finally the miracle had happened...
Within nine months, the bankers wife gave birth to a
girl. Both of them felt an endless joy when they heard
the babys whimper. They had already felt how much
they loved her and they wanted to offer her the best they
Now they had to think about a name and about the
baptism of the little girl. They had chosen the name
Alba(Dawn) and they had organized a fairy-tale baptism ceremony : with important guests, flowers, music and a lot of presents. At a certain moment, during the ceremony, somebody remembered an old
custom of foretelling the destiny of a new born: She
was brought a tray with different objects and the
baby chose her own destiny. A tray polished with
gold was brought right away and the guests put different objects on it. Alba chose make-up, a diamond,
a lamp, a key, golden jewellery, an apron, a buttefly
broach and a black plastic snake.
The guests were clamouring to give their opinion about
the significance of the chosen objects: beauty, innocence, wisdom, knowledge, wealth, skill.. but when
they got to the butterfly and the snake, there was silence. A sense of danger was floating in the air, but
nobody dared say anyhing. Only an old woman dared
to break the silence:

Dora Lee - Destinul Albei

i dorete s triasc.

Anii au trecut i aceast ntmplare a fost dat uitrii. Fetia cretea i viaa
era foarte generoas cu ea, druindu-i absolut tot ce-i dorea. Cnd mplini 18 ani,
primi cadou de la prini o excursie n strintate. Era prima ei
ieire din ar i se gndea s profite la maximum. Plec n
Austria mpreun cu un grup de prieteni. Acolo petrecu
o sptmn minunat cutreiernd munii i practicnd
sporturi de iarn. Era pur i simplu fascinat de peisajele
slbatice, de albul strlucitor al zpezii i era uimit s
descopere mereu lucruri noi. Era att de fericit cum nu
mai fusese niciodat pn atunci mai ales c inima ei cunoscuse pentru prima dat fiorul dragostei. El, pe nume
Sonno, era fiul cabanierului: un tnr de vrsta ei, nalt,
brunet, cu ochi albatri, vistor, pasionat de lectur i
la fel de ndrgostit de natur ca i ea. Petreceau ore ntregi mpreun, pierznd urma timpului, absorbii doar
unul de cellalt. i jurau iubire venic i se gndeau ce
frumos ar fi s poat rmne mpreun pentru tot restul

ntr-o dup mas, Alba se aventur singur
pe prtia de ski.Vroia s guste libertatea deplin i de
aceea merse mai departe dect de obicei. La un moment
dat, simi c pierde controlul asupra micrilor.Vru s
se opreasc dar nu putu. Braele i picioarele nu-i mai
ddeau ascultare. Se uit n jur i-i ddu seama c ieise
de pe prtie. Nu se mai vedea nici un semn de marcaj
Doamne, se gndi ea, unde o s m opresc? Dar nici
nu avu timp s-i termine fraza, c se ciocni de un ciot
de copac i ateriz n zpad cu tot cu schiuri. ncerc s se
ridice dar observ c era rnit. Ambele picioare i sngerau.
i scoase schiurile, i rupse fularul n fii ca s-i bandajeze
rnile. Att putea s fac deocamdat. Singur nu se putea ntoarce, trebuia s atepte ajutor. ntunericul se lsa i ncepu
s ning....

La caban era mare agitaie: toat lumea ntreba de Alba i
ea nu era de gsit nicieri. Civa prieteni merser s-o caute n camer dar
ieir speriai. Pe patul ei vzur un arpe mare, negru, ncolcit de perne....Mai
trziu aflar de la cabanier c fusese vzut pe prtia de ski. Era noapte acum i nu
puteau face nimic. Se hotrr s atepte pn a doua zi. Petrecur o noapte alb

Dora Lee - Albas Destiny

Dont be afraid! The snake has a double meaning: death and rebirth. Dont
forget that she also chose the butterfly which is the symbol of transformation, of
rebirth. This girl will have a trying time in her life but she will overcome it because
she really wants to live.
The years passed and this happening was soon forgotten. The little girl was
growing up and life was very generous with her, giving her absolutely everything she wanted. When she was 18, she received a trip abroad as a
gift from her parents. It was her first foreign travel and she was planning to take full advantage of it. She went to Austria with a group
of friends. There she spent a wonderful week, strolling in the
mountains and practising winter sports. She was simply
fascinated by the wild landscapes and the shiny white of
the snow and she was amazed always to be discovering new things. She was happier than she had ever
been before, especially that her heart had known the
thrill of love for the first time. He, Sonno by name, was
the chalet keepers son: a young man of her age, tall,
dark haired, blue eyed, fond of reading and as much
in love with nature as she was. They spent hours together, losing track of time, engrossed in each other.
They swore eternal love to each other and they were
thinking how beautiful it would be to be able to stay
together for the rest of their lives.
One afternoon, Alba ventured out on the ski slope,
alone. She wanted to taste complete freedom and so she
went further than usual. At a certain moment she felt
she lost control over her movements. She wanted to
stop but she couldnt. Her arms and legs didnt obey
her anymore. She looked around and realized that she
had left the slope. She couldnt see any marking sign:
God, she thought, where am I going to stop? But barely had she spoken the words that she collided with a tree
knob and she landed in the snow together with the skis. She
tried to stand up but she noticed she was hurt. Both of her legs
were bleeding. She took off her skis and she tore up her scarf to
swathe her wounds. It was the only thing she could do for the moment. She
couldnt go back on her own, she would have to wait for help. Dark was falling
and it was beginning to snow.
At the chalet there was a big fuss: everybody was asking about Alba and why she

Dora Lee - Destinul Albei

ateptnd veti. Tcerea, ns, fu deosebit de apstoare.

n zori plecar s-o caute. naintar cu greu prin zpad pentru c n noaptea precedent ninsese mult i prtia nu fusese curat nc.Dup cinci-ase ore
de mers, cineva zri vrfurile unor schiuri ieind de sub zpad. S-au oprit, au dat
zpada la o parte i dedesubt au gsit-o pe Alba, ngheat. Au dus-o urgent la spital. Alba era nc n via dar era n stare de com. Medicii nu puteau deocamdat
s intervin. Prinii fetei au fost anunai i au sosit n cteva ore. Ei i-au exprimat dorina ca Alba s fie transportat n ara natal pentru ca acolo s i se acorde
cele mai bune ngrijiri medicale.

Elicopterul spitalului a plecat cu Alba i cu o echip de medici spre oraul
port la Marea Neagr, lsnd n urm prieteni triti i un iubit cu inima frnt.
Sonno abia cum aflase despre accident. Toat lumea i
ascunsese adevrul pentru c nimeni nu vedea cu
ochi buni relaia lor. Acum era att de trist c n-a
putut fi lng ea n acele momente i se ntreba
dac o s-o mai vad vreodat....

Trecur cteva luni i Sonno nu putea so uite pe Alba. Se gndea mereu la ea i o visa
nefericit, prizonier ntr-un loc ciudat. Parc
ea l striga pe nume i l ruga s-o salveze. ntr-o
dimineaa se hotr s plece dup ea. Le spuse
prinilor c se duce s-i caute iubirea. Se ruga
s-o mai gseasc n via.

Cnd ajunse la clinica unde era internat
Alba, paznicii nu-i ddur voie s intre. Sttu dou
zile i dou nopi la poart, fr s mnnce sau
s bea. Cnd vzur atta struin, paznicilor li
se nmuie inima i-l lsar nuntru. Sonno deschise ua salonului i o vzu pe Alba, ntins pe
un pat. Era la fel de frumoas i prea c doarme.
Se apropie de pat i ngenunche. i lu mna i
ncepu s-i vorbeasc. Alba se mic. Sonno nu
mai putu s reziste, se ridic i o srut pe buze.
n acel moment Alba deschise ochii i spuse:

-n sfrit ai venit! De cnd te atept!

Sonno rmase fr cuvinte. O strngea n
brae, printre lacrimi i nu-i venea s-i cread

Vetile despre revenirea fetei au circulat cu

Dora Lee - Albas Destiny

couldnt be found anywhere. A few friends went to look for her in the room but
they left, frightened. On her bed, they had seen a big black snake, coiled around the
cushions Later they found out from the challet keeper that she had been seen on
the ski slope. It was dark now and they couldnt do anything. They decided to wait
until the next day. They spent a sleepless night waiting for news, but the silence
was overwhelming.

At dawn, they left to look for her. They were advancing through the snow
with difficulty, because during the previous night it had snowed a lot and the
slope hadnt been cleared yet. After five or six hours of walking, somebody saw
the points of some skis sticking out of the snow. They stopped, they removed
the snow and underneath they found Alba, frozen. They urgently took her to the
hospital. Alba was still alive but she was in a coma. The
doctors couldnt intercede for the moment. The girls
parents had been told and they came in a few hours.
They expressed the wish that Alba should be taken
to their native country, where the proper medical
care could be available for her.

The hospital helicopter left with Alba and a
team of doctors for the city harbour on the Black
Sea, leaving behind sad friends and a broken hearted
lover. Sonno had just then found out about the accident. Everybody hid the truth from him as nobody
approved of their relationship. Then, he was so sad
that he couldnt be with her in those moments and
he was wondering if he would ever see her again
A few months passed and Sonno couldnt forget
Alba. He was always thinking of her, he was dreaming of her, unhappy, prisoner in a weird place. She
seemed to call his name and ask him to save her.
One morning, he decided to go after her. He told
his parents that he was going to look for his love.
He was praying to find her still alive.

When he got to the clinic where Alba was interned, the guardians didnt let him in. He stayed
two days and two nights at the gate, without eating
or drinking. The guardians softened by seeing so
much perseverance and allowed him to go in. Sonno
opened the door and saw Alba lying on the bed. She
was as beautiful as before and she seemed to be sleeping.

Dora Lee - Destinul Albei

repeziciune.Prieteni i cunotine veneau s vad minunea cu ochii lor i toi erau

uimii de iubirea ce i-o purtau cei doi.

Peste cteva zile, Sonno a cerut-o pe Alba n cstorie i prinii ei l-au acceptat cu mare bucurie pe salvatorul fiicei lor. Au avut o nunt de vis i apoi au
pit mpreun pe crarea fericirii..

Dora Lee - Albas Destiny

He came close to the bed and knelt. He took her hand and began to speak to her.
Alba moved. Sonno couldnt help himself, he stood up and kissed her on the lips.
At that moment Alba opened her eyes and said:

Finally, youve come! I have been waiting for you for such a long time!
Sonno was speechless. He was holding her, crying for joy and he couldnt believe
his eyes.

The news of the girls recovery travelled fast. Friends and acquaintances
came to see the miracle for themselves and everybody was amazed by the love the
two of them had for each other.

Within a few days, Sonno asked Albas parents for the hand of their daughter and they accepted the saviour of their daughter with great joy. They had a
dream like wedding and then they stepped out, together on the path of happiness.


Bac la englez - Liliana Huzdup

Lets Learn English Correctly - Liliana Huzdup

English Is Fun - Vol I - Liliana Huzdup + CD audio - voce Richard Proctor

Jurnalul regsirii - Dharma Green

Insula Paradisului / The Isle Of Paradise - Dora Lee

Micua Extraterestr / Little Alien - Dora Lee

Frumoasa se ndrgostete / Beauty Falls In Love / Dora Lee

The Green Planet Stories - Dora Lee - voce: Richard Proctor

ABC-ul biologiei - Ion & Leonida Huzdup

Astrologie practic - Estella Bloom

Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naionale a Romniei
Destinul Albei = Albas Destiny / Dora Lee. - Cluj-Napoca : Amethyst, 2007
ISBN 978-973-87895-5-5
copyright Editura Amethyst 2007
Str. Alexandru Vlahu Bloc Lam B, sc 1 , ap 1
Cluj Napoca 400310
Tel: 0364 404215 0744 670733
Copert i tehnoredactare: Editura Amethyst
Ilustraii: Adina Bogtean

English Is Fun Vol II + CD audio - Liliana Huzdup

O colind de Crciun - Charles Dickens
S ne tratm cu remedii naturale

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